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Book review | The Father Of My Twins

2024-01-01 00:00:00 Moboreader.com 80

Book review | The Father Of My Twins

Enter the tumultuous world of love, betrayal, and hidden truths in Tina Nwuba's compelling novel, "The Father Of My Twins." The opening scene immerses readers in the shattered marriage of a woman haunted by unrequited love and a husband's deceptive facade, setting the stage for a journey of self-discovery and resilience.

For years, our protagonist endured a marriage tainted by emotional distance and a chilling revelation of her husband's ulterior motives. The poignant moment when her husband's callous words reverberate through their home, revealing his true intentions of using her for inheritance, marks a turning point in her understanding of the deception woven into their relationship.

As she grapples with the heartbreak of discovering her husband's infidelity with another woman, whom he unabashedly parades as his true love, she is forced to confront the stark reality of her status as a mere second choice in his life. Despite her admiration for the man she married, she stands face to face with the painful truth of his disregard for her feelings and aspirations.

With the arrival of a fateful night shrouded in tension and reckoning, the dynamics between husband and wife undergo a profound shift. Empowered by a newfound resolve, she seizes control of her destiny, confronting her handsome yet intoxicated husband with a determination that signals her refusal to be treated as a mere pawn in his game of deceit.

As dawn breaks, a symbolic "DIVORCE AGREEMENT" looms over their shared space, signaling the irrevocable end of a once-deceptive union. With a final act of defiance, she asserts her agency and independence, leaving behind a legacy of strength and courage as she embarks on a journey towards self-rediscovery and liberation from the shackles of a loveless marriage.

Love  On The Fast Track

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Part 1: The Father Of My Twins story line

Part 2: The main characters of The Father Of My Twins

Part 3: The most popular chapters of The Father Of My Twins

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“The Father Of My Twins”

Part 1: The Father Of My Twins story line

The Father Of My Twins story line

Her marriage has been unsuccessful since that day she got married to him. One sided love, and his unknown hatred towards her. "I'd rather sleep in the guest room than with you". His threatening voice echoed inside the room before he left. She finally understood the reality, married to him for a whole five years, only to discover now that he only used her to claim his inheritance. She was so heartbroken when she caught her own husband and his Mistress on a date that he has never taken her to, not even once. Anyways, who was she to call her his Mistress?. She should have understood that the Lady was his only Love of his Life, on the other hand, she was just an urgent second choice because his family didn't support his marriage with a lowly class. But now he actually became the Boss that he was, he didn't care about any bullshit from his family. "I guess, I won't regret what I'm about to do, I'm tired". Night falls, her drunken Handsome Husband she had admired all those years was finally at her own mercy. "There's no backing down this time around!. I won't always be treated like some pushover!". When the morning time arrived, a document "DIVORCE AGREEMENT" could be seen at the top of the bed. "Where is she?!". "E…. Em…. Your wife already left Boss".

Part 2: The main characters of The Father Of My Twins

The main characters of The Father Of My Twins

Male Character:

The husband emerges as a figure shrouded in complexity, embodying contradictions of power and deceit. His unknown animosity towards his wife is unveiled through curt remarks and dismissive behavior that hint at underlying resentment. Seemingly driven by a sense of entitlement, he reveals a callous streak by using their marriage as a means to secure his inheritance, disregarding the emotional consequences for his wife.

Despite his outward facade of authority, his clandestine affair with another woman exposes a deeper layer of betrayal and duplicity. While he presents his mistress as the love of his life, relegating his wife to a status of insignificance, his actions reveal a man torn between familial expectations and personal desires. With newfound assertiveness following his ascent to a position of power, he sheds his former constraints, embodying a sense of liberation from past influences.

The main characters of The Father Of My Twins

Female Character:

The wife epitomizes resilience and emotional turmoil in the face of a failed marriage built on lies and manipulation. Through years of enduring unrequited love and emotional neglect, she grapples with the harsh reality of being used as a pawn in her husband's quest for wealth and status. Her heartbreak deepens upon discovering his infidelity, highlighting her status as a secondary figure in his life.

Despite her initial admiration for her husband's charm and allure, she finds herself at a crossroads, no longer willing to tolerate mistreatment and betrayal. Fueled by a newfound strength, she confronts him with a steely resolve, signaling her refusal to be marginalized or dismissed any longer. The sight of the "DIVORCE AGREEMENT" serves as a poignant symbol of her emancipation from a loveless union, marking the beginning of her journey towards self-empowerment and liberation from the shackles of a toxic relationship.

Part 3: The most popular chapters of The Father Of My Twins

The Father Of My Twins Chapter 1 Divorce

Seven years ago….

Inside the grand bedroom, a small figure was asleep on the bed, it wasn't long before her eyes swung open. She stared blankly at the environment, even though she has spent five years of her life here, it still feels extremely awkward to her. In a Mansion where she was unwanted, and the servants even looked down upon her…. Indeed she was the unwanted wife of the Mansion, she finally realised why she was married into the Mansion in the first place. The man she has always loved and admired secretly all these years, he never even looked her up in the eyes, not even once. Never have she thought that she was never going to consummate her marriage after the wedding night, this event caused most people to think she was barren and useless!. Even her in-laws now hated her because of this, but what should she do?. Would she dare tell them the truth?. Even though she did, are they going to believe anything coming out of her mouth?. Tsk. They all hated her now, and the most laughable part, the average poor Lady they rejected for their son, now they accept her, but now she was the push over. How was I foolish enough to fall for this trap?. She thought.

The Father Of My Twins Chapter 2 The Airport

"Boss, everything is ready". A man in his early thirties approached him, he was dressed in Black well ironed suit and pants. The Boss that he referred to only slightly nodded his head in acknowledgement before majestically coming down from the plane through the stairs. Just then, five Black expensive cars arrived at where he was to welcome him. Lucian as always, wore a straight expressionless face, he was Majestic and Charming as always, even after all those years.

He made his way to one of the cars, after which the cars began and drove off. Just then, another plane arrived at the airport, with steadiness, the plane finally touched the floor as its tires made sounds as it came in contact with the ExpressWay.

"Finally…. I would say". Indeed there's no place like home!. She thought as she sniffed the fresh air of the City. She could already feel familiar with the City, she wouldn't lie, but as soon as she came down from the plane, different emotions and memories replayed inside her head. But she was extremely sure not to make that cause her to be weak!. She's a brand new Anya after that day of her divorce, why would she even be bothered?. It's not as if she has anything to do with any single one of them, she just hopes during her stay here, that she doesn't cross paths with anyone familiar with her, even though that happened, she will just ignore them.

She stared at Zach and Zeke, thank goodness that they both look like her a lot, except for their eyes that are identical to his. But who cares or gives a damn?. It's not as if it's only him that has the right to have this eye colour.

The Father Of My Twins Chapter 3 Caught A Glimpse Of Her Face

The principal was stunned because of the two young boys…. They seemed to be smart just like a Young adult. But indeed, they gave him tons of trouble with their smart questions. For Zeke: "…. Mister, don't you think it'll be distracting for the kids to learn with the TV in place?". Zeke wasn't satisfied seeing how childish the classroom was, and not only that…. What's more annoying is the Tv set. It's not as if he exactly hated the idea of a TV in the classroom, but the fact that the cartoon the TV displayed was so childish to him. To him, it was meant for a 6 months old kid.

"Thanks a lot for your assistance…. We'll take our leave now!". Anya hurriedly took both Zach and Zeke with her. Her little pumpkins seem to give her a tough time today, she didn't even have the opportunity to compose a single sentence without Zach and Zeke interrupting her. But fortunately for her, the registration went well…. That was enough for her.

"Babies…. How about going to school from tomorrow?. You know, it's for the best".

"Why do I feel that you're trying to get rid of us?". Zeke's question stunned her. How the hell would she want to get rid of her babies that she suffered hardship just to give birth to them?. Never in a million years would she let that happen!.

"Who told you that?. Hmph. You're becoming a brat, and that's making me sad".

Zach's little hand pet Anya before he glared at Zeke.

The Father Of My Twins Chapter 4 Boss, We Found Her!

"Eh…. You two?….". Anya was finding Zach and Zeke really weird to her. After paying for what they suggested, now they want her to drive them back to the hotel?. This is not what she intended to happen when she brought them here in the first place, her plan was to spend the whole day with them because from tomorrow, she'd be a lot more busy with work. With her Boss running on her tail every second, she'll have to work really hard to design the best dress ever created!.

"Hey babies, whatever you may be thinking in your little heads, but this is definitely not the time to go back…. We're all going to have fun until night falls!". Anya was surprisingly strong because she was able to carry up both Zeke and Zach in her arms. "Come on, there's a park I love, but too bad I didn't have the opportunity back then to go. But now… I think I should". She giggled as she said.

"I should do this for you…. You seem to be really happy, Mommy". Zeke thought. Since his mommy wants to spend her day today having fun, he would make that happen for her. "Mommy, you better not back out because we're going to enter the most epic ride ever over there".

"Of course Zeke…. Your Mommy over here is tough!".

He sighed deeply before saying. "If only you were this tough back then". He muttered to himself.

"Did you say something Zeke?". She asked because she didn't quite hear him well.

The Father Of My Twins Chapter 5 Brother?

"Wow!!!.... Mommy, this is so amazing!". Zach said out excitedly as the ride finally stopped. This is their 17th ride in this park. Anya was super energetic to give up today, so she stuck around and played every ride and game she could find.

"That's right Zach…. Mommy can always take you here if you want". She assured him and he smiled while nodding his head before directing the ice cream that he held in his mouth.

"Mommy, can we go home now?. I can't be exhausted because of school tomorrow". Zeke said out loud. When his mommy first brought them to this park and he somehow supported her idea, he never expected this to last this long. She has almost entered all the whole rides but she wasn't yet satisfied. The time now was 5pm, and he planned to return home earlier than this so he could begin with his plan with Zach. But Zach also disappointed him a little, he was so lost that he gave in to the rides forgetting about the deal that they made.

"You're right…. I almost forgot about school. How about we make a deal young man, if you let mommy enjoy a new ride one more time, I promise you won't go to school tomorrow. How about that?". She suggested.

"Sure mommy. You can enjoy as many rides as you want, I won't bug you again". Zeke immediately said. "This will be easier to plan if we don't go to school tomorrow". He thought happily.

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“The Father Of My Twins”

If you like Billionaire romance novels, I recommend 10 books similar to "The Father Of My Twins".

1. Poor Billionaire Wife: Who Is The Real Boss?

author: Lloyd Perold

Poor Billionaire Wife: Who Is The Real Boss?

Poor Billionaire Wife: Who Is The Real Boss?

Everyone was shocked to the bones when the news of Rupert Benton's engagement broke out. It was surprising because the lucky girl was said to be a plain Jane, who grew up in the countryside and had nothing to her name. One evening, she showed up at a banquet, stunning everyone present. "Wow, she's so beautiful!" All the men drooled, and the women got so jealous. What they didn't know was that this so-called country girl was actually an heiress to a billion-dollar empire. It wasn't long before her secrets came to light one after the other. The elites couldn't stop talking about her. "Holy smokes! So, her father is the richest man in the world?" "She's also that excellent, but mysterious designer who many people adore! Who would have guessed?" Nonetheless, people thought that Rupert didn't love her. But they were in for another surprise. Rupert released a statement, silencing all the naysayers. "I'm very much in love with my beautiful fiancee. We will be getting married soon." Two questions were on everyone's minds: "Why did she hide her identity? And why was Rupert in love with her all of a sudden?"

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Chapter 1 The Benton Family

A woman in a white T-shirt and jeans walked out of the train station in Douburgh with a suitcase.

Her delicate face turned slightly red as the sun hit her.  She tucked wisps of curly hair behind her ears.  Under her arched eyebrows were a pair of bright and pretty eyes, a slim nose, and cherry lips.  She looked so beautiful even though she had no make-up on.

"Hello!  You are Annabel Hewitt, right?  I'm the driver sent by the Benton family."

Annabel nodded and followed the driver into the car casually.  She was already worn out.

On the way, the driver stole glances at the woman, whose eyes were closed as she rested in the back seat.

This woman was Rupert Benton's fiancee.

Rupert Benton was the most eligible bachelor in the city.  At just twenty-one years old, he was already the CEO of Benton Group.  He was way ahead of his peers.  He was a vigorous, resourceful and no-nonsense person, causing many in the business world to be afraid of him.

His grandfather, Bruce Benton, took it upon himself to find a wife for him.  And he picked Annabel, a girl from the countryside.

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2. My Lofty Daddy

author: O. COOPER

My Lofty Daddy

My Lofty Daddy

Because her best friend suffered an accident, she married him as a substitute. However, he thought it was her vicious trick. As a result, the three-year marriage gave her nothing but suffering and pain. He even felt disgusted when he touched her. His hatred against her broke out when he learned the news that she got pregnant. The day she gave birth to the baby, she was abandoned in the inferno. Rising like a phoenix from the ashes, she came back with her daughter after five years. The last thing she had expected was that her new boss was him, the man she had loved for ten years.

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Chapter 1 Whose Bastard Is It

It was a deep, tranquil night.

In the living room of the Lu family house, Selina An sat quietly on the sofa and looked out the window from time to time.

She was tightly holding a pregnancy test report in her hand.  She kept reading it over and over to make sure that she was not imagining the results.  She was pregnant.

She was with Ezra Lu's child.

She felt both happy and scared.  She could not be more thrilled to have this baby.  But at the same time, she could not help worrying about Ezra's reaction.  He might not be expecting this delightful surprise.

She was lost in her various fancies and conjectures when she heard the sound of a car pulling over outside.  She sprung from the sofa and excitedly walked to the front door to greet her husband.  The moment he walked in, she smiled and told him, "I'm pregnant, Ezra."

As soon as she finished her words, he narrowed his eyes at her and slowly approached her.

'What is he doing? ' she thought.

Before she could think of an answer, Ezra's hand was already clamped over her neck.  He shoved her against the wall and stared at her with enraged eyes.

She trembled as she struggled to loosen his grip on her throat.  "Ezra..." she gasped.  "I'm pregnant with your child."

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3. Heartbreak Brings Mr. Right

author: Mathe Hackett

Heartbreak Brings Mr. Right

Heartbreak Brings Mr. Right

Lindsey's fiancé was the devil's first son. Not only did he lie to her but he also slept with her stepmother, conspired to take away her family fortune, and then set her up to have sex with a total stranger. To get her lick back, Lindsey decided to find a man to disrupt her engagement party and humiliate the cheating bastard. Never did she imagine that she would bump into a strikingly handsome stranger who was all that she was currently looking for. At the engagement party, he boldly declared that she was his woman. Lindsey thought he was just a broke man who wanted to leech off her. But once they began their fake relationship, she realized that good luck kept coming her way. She thought they would part ways after the engagement party, but this man kept to her side. "We gotta stick together, Lindsey. Remember, I'm now your fiancé. " "Domenic, you're with me because of my money, aren't you?" Lindsey asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Domenic was taken aback by that accusation. How could he, the heir of the Walsh family and CEO of Vitality Group, be with her for money? He controlled more than half of the city's economy. Money wasn't a problem for him! The two got closer and closer. One day, Lindsey finally realized that Domenic was actually the stranger she had slept with months ago. Would this realization change things between them? For the better or worse?

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Chapter 1 Are You Handsome

"Hey, be gentle— You might wake her up..."

In a room in Harmony Hotel, Lindsey Stewart was lying in bed with a splitting headache, and her body felt as though she was on fire.  The simple task of just opening her eyes felt like such a challenge, and when she finally managed to crack her eyes open a fraction, the scene before her nearly broke her!

Her boyfriend, Chayce Burton, was holding a woman against the bay window—and the woman was none other than her stepmother, Kendra Stewart!

"Don't worry.  She's out cold.  The drug I used was strong enough for a wild animal," Chayce said to Kendra without so much as glancing at Lindsey on the bed.

The next moment, Chayce hoisted Kendra up by her thin waist and penetrated her again and again rapidly, which caused the latter to let out loud, pleasured moans.

Lindsey gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, trying hard to clear her mind.  It was Kendra who had introduced Chayce to her, so never in her wildest dreams would she have expected that her stepmother would sleep with her boyfriend behind her back!

Tonight, Chayce had invited her to dinner.  She passed out after drinking a glass of wine he had given her.

It turned out that this whole night was an elaborate trap orchestrated by this shameless couple!

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4. Dangerous: Don't Mess With The Domineering Boss

author: I. MALCOM

Dangerous: Don't Mess With The Domineering Boss

Dangerous: Don't Mess With The Domineering Boss

She fell into her sister's trap and had a one night stand that left her pregnant. Four years later, when she returned with her kid, a charming but bossy gentleman entered her life. From the moment she laid eyes on him, she found him familiar, but couldn't figure out why until she saw her son stand next to that man...

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Chapter 1 The Eighth Month Of Her Pregnancy


Wendy Finch was smacked in the face.  Her skin tingled with pain and her head buzzed.

She staggered a few steps back, one hand instinctively covering her bulging belly while the other one held her swollen cheek.

"Wendy, you heartless bitch!  How dare you do this to Eris?!  You've always been against us ever since my daughter and I became part of this family.  To think that you would resort to hurting Eris with a knife...  If anything bad happens to my daughter, I will never forgive you, Wendy Finch!"

Cacia Brown turned away then and walked to the living room.

She crouched to the floor and held her bleeding daughter.

"It's not my fault!  I didn't do anything!"  Wendy clutched at Brian Oliver's sleeve as though it were her last lifeline.  "Brian, trust me, please!  I really didn't do it!"

"Didn't you?"  Brian asked, shaking her off and glaring at her with burning eyes.  "There was nobody else in here besides the two of you!  Are you saying that Eris hurt herself on purpose?"

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5. Goodbye, My Love

author: Axel Bob

Goodbye, My Love

Goodbye, My Love

Loraine was a dutiful wife to Marco since they got married three years ago. However, he treated her like trash. Nothing she did softened his heart. One day, Loraine got fed up with it all. She asked him for a divorce and left him to enjoy with his mistress. The elites looked at her like she was deranged. "Are you out of your mind? Why are you so willing to divorce him?" "It's because I need to return home to get a billion-dollar fortune. Besides, I don't love him anymore," Loraine replied with a smile. They all laughed at her. Some believed that the divorce affected her mentally. It wasn't until the next day that they realized she wasn't fibbing. A woman was suddenly declared the world's youngest female billionaire. It turned out to be Loraine! Marco was shocked to the bone. When he met his ex-wife again, she was a changed person. A group of handsome young men surrounded her. She was smiling at them all. The sight made Marco's heart ache severely. Putting his pride aside, he tried to win her back. "Hello, love. I see that you are a billionaire now. You shouldn't be with suckers who just want your money. How about you come back to me? I'm a billionaire too. Together, we can build a strong empire. What do you say?" Loraine squinted at her ex-husband with her lips curled in disgust.

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Chapter 1 Surprise

In the dark of the night, Loraine Bryant walked nervously to a room, straightening her silk nightgown with sweaty palms.

This was the first time she'd worn such a revealing nightgown, and she wasn't wearing any underwear, either.

There was a cool breeze, and the sensation of it brushing past her skin made her tremble.

Loraine spurred herself on.

There was nothing to be afraid of, she reminded herself.

The man in the room was her husband, Marco Bryant, and they had been married for three years.  A nightgown like this was made for times like this.

Patting her face and taking deep, calming breaths, Loraine knocked on the door.

A man appeared, tall and strong-looking.  His eyes were unfriendly and his lips were slightly pursed.  He was as handsome as a god from an ancient Greek oil painting.

"It's late.  What's up?"

His voice was ice cold.  It was like looking at a stranger.

Loraine almost lost all the courage she had worked so hard to gather.

"Marco, do you remember what day it is?"

Marco frowned.  "Get to the point."

The expectation in Loraine's eyes became disappointment.  Forcing a smile, she said, "It's our third wedding anniversary.  You've seemed so busy lately.  But it doesn't matter;  I prepared a surprise for you!"

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6. Substitute Wife, Destined Lover

author: Kelly Hareven

Substitute Wife, Destined Lover

Substitute Wife, Destined Lover

"I'm in desperate need of money to pay Grandmother's medical fee. I will marry Charles instead of Yvonne as soon as I get the money." When her sister Yvonne ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to pretend to be Yvonne and marry Charles. Her only wish was to get a divorce after a year. Charles is rich and powerful. His name had been linked to innumerable ladies. He had different girlfriends for every day of a year. Neither of them had expected that they would fall in love with each other.

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Chapter 1 Fine!  I'll Marry Him!!

Yvonne Ortiz fled from her wedding!  As described by the media, this was to be the wedding of the century.  However, now it might just become a joke!

Autumn Myers looked at herself in the mirror.  She heavily stamped on the wedding dress lying flat on the floor and thought to herself, 'Why?  Why do I have to clear up the mess created by Yvonne?'

"Go on!  If you are still furious, there are ten more dresses that you can stamp on!"  Wendy Myers, Autumn' mother, gave her a stern look.

Autumn's heart sank.  She stood still and took a deep breath before she began speaking, "I'm in desperate need of money to pay Grandmother's medical fee.  I'll marry Charles Taylor instead of Yvonne as soon as I get the money."

With a wry smile on face, Wendy shoved out her cell phone from her pocket, called her secretary and said, "Dillon, call the Hospital Administrator."

After hanging up the phone, Wendy went to see Autumn.  Wendy was irked to see her in a bland wedding dress.  She walked up to Autumn with a pair of scissors in hand.

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7. Fall For You After Divorce

author: Shabi's pen

Craving For You After Divorce

Craving For You After Divorce

Briana Schneider believed she could win Maxim Yoder’s love. Yet, after three years of marriage, all she got were photos of Maxim in bed with another woman-Kiley Schneider, who happened to be Briana’s twin sister. At that point, Briana chose to let go of her quest for Maxim’s affection and moved forward. It seemed like the right decision for both of them. However, when she handed the divorce papers to Maxim, he angrily tore them apart and cornered her against the wall. “We’re not getting a divorce unless I die.” Briana was completely unfazed by Maxim’s wrath. “You can only have either Kiley or me. It’s your decision.” Eventually, Maxim opted for Kiley. Yet, after losing Briana for good, Maxim realized that he was truly in love with her…

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Chapter 1 Unveiling Deceit

Briana was picking a gift for their three-year anniversary when she received Kiley’s text.

Briana was bombarded by more than a dozen photos.  Once she processed what she saw, her face drained of color in an instant.

While the photos varied, Maxim and Kiley appeared in each and every one of them.

In the pictures, they were seen hugging, kissing… What remained consistent was the affectionate gaze Maxim directed toward Kiley in those images.

Despite spending three years by Maxim’s side, he had never regarded Briana with the same look.

“Does this look familiar to you?”

Briana felt a headache starting to emerge and instinctively massaged her temple.  The house in the pictures did seem recognizable.  However, before Briana could draw a conclusion, she received another message from Kiley.

“This is the house you are supposed to live in after you married Maxim.  Don’t you recognize it?

“Oops… I almost forgot.  Maxim never allowed you to enter it after your wedding night.  Do you know why?

“Because Maxim had decorated this house for me.  If Norma didn’t butt in on your wedding day, you would never have the chance to enter this house.”

Every word was a stab to Briana’s heart.  Briana’s hand started trembling subconsciously as she read the text.

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8. Billionaire's Gift


Billionaire's Gift

Billionaire's Gift

Mandy is young, beautiful, and rich. She has the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend. But one night, her whole world turns upside down--she catches her boyfriend, Daniel having an affair; she goes to bar where she gets drugged and loses her virginity to Nathan, a man who forces her to have a one-night stand with him; and her father gets arrested by the police. Then, she has no choice but to agree to be Nathan’s mistress for a month so that he would protect her and her family in return. But unexpectedly, Mandy falls in love with him and even agrees to be his girlfriend. However, another girl who likes Nathan is jealous and tries every means to separate them. Can Nathan and Mandy get through this? Don’t wait any more and start reading Billionaire's Gift!

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Chapter 1 I've Had Enough Of You

On July 14th, Chinese Valentine's Day

Set against the background of the night sky, the street lamps and neon signs all blended into a blur, lighting up the whole city.

It was drizzling.  A thin woman in a white dress walked swiftly on the quiet street, carrying an umbrella over her head.

A faint smile flashed across Mandy Zhou's face.  She looked at the cake in her right hand and smiled in relief.

Today was the third anniversary of her relationship with her boyfriend, Daniel Zhao.  Daniel was the first boyfriend she'd ever had, and she loved him a lot.  They had always celebrated their anniversary together, but today, Daniel was too busy with work to spend time with Mandy.  Undeterred by this, Mandy had spent the whole afternoon making a cake at home so that she could surprise Daniel with it.

At Elegance Residential Quarters

Mandy Zhou opened the door and flicked on the light switch.  The familiar scene of Daniel's living room came into view.  She gingerly set the cake down on the coffee table in an attempt to preserve her hard work until Daniel got to see it.

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9. Teacher's Girl

author: aflyingwhale


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Chapter 1 1.  Happy Birthday


“Happy birthday, bitch!  Welcome to the club!”

I could hear Tiffany’s voice all the way from the living room.  Within moments, the front door flew open and my two best friends came barging in.

“Happy birthday Emma!”  Carrie cheered loudly, she was holding a small red velvet cupcake with a single candle on top.

“Make a wish!”  Tiffany ordered and I complied.

I closed my eyes and made my little wish.

“Tonight will be my special night,” I said in my head.

When I opened my eyes and blew the candle, my two best friends clapped and roared happily.

“Aren’t you guys being a little loud?  It’s only 10 AM in the morning,” I said as I covered one ear my hand.  Thankfully my parents are both at work already, otherwise they’d say something too.

“And aren’t you being a little too underdressed?  It’s 10 AM!  We gotta go, there’s much to do before tonight,” Tiffany replied.

She had a point.  She was referring to the fact that we’d be driving down to Oxford to visit my boyfriend Zach at Emory today, and I was still sitting on my couch in my PJs.

For my birthday today, I told my parents that I didn’t want a party, I’d much rather get a car instead.  So, yesterday my dad brought home this gorgeous blue 2010 Ford Mustang convertible as my birthday present.

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10. The Storm Within

author: esperancap

The Storm Within

The Storm Within

The Storm Within is a poetic memoir that delves into the tumultuous relationship between the narrator and her husband. Chronicling the dualities of love and hate, attraction and repulsion, the book explores the complexities of their bond. As the relationship deteriorates into episodes of explosive conflict, the narrator contemplates leaving, but feelings of love complicate the situation. A tragic accident becomes the catalyst for change, leading to forgiveness and acceptance. The narrator starts therapy to heal old wounds affecting the relationship, leading to a transformative journey of emotional breakthroughs. With compassion and openness, the relationship evolves, and the narrator finds peace with the past and hope for the future. The Storm Within is a lyrical tale that captures the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love.

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Chapter 1 First Sight

It was a sweltering summer night, the air thick and heavy in the way that only late July seems to manage.  The party was in full swing when I first saw him across the crowded room, our eyes catching in a way that made my heart stumble in my chest.

There was something gentle in his gaze, a quiet stillness that drew me near like a moth to a flame.  I felt tethered by an invisible string pulling me towards this stranger, reeling me in to get lost in pools of hazel flecked with gold.  Around us, the party raged on, but at that moment, it was as if we were the only two people there, the noise and heat of bodies falling away into nothing.

When he smiled, it was with the slow spread of dawn breaking over the horizon.  Open, honest.  I wanted to bask in its warmth and never leave that first glimpse of sunlight.  Our hands found each other, fingers entwining like ivy, and it was then that I knew - this was no chance encounter but an inevitability, a meeting written amongst the stars.  This man was meant to be mine as I was meant for him, two halves becoming whole.  In that instant, our souls recognized each other, and the rest of the world fell silent.  I had not expected to fall so swiftly, not after the bruises left by previous relationships.  Love, at first sight, seemed a notion better suited to fairytales, not real life with its jagged edges and imperfect people.  And yet there was an undeniable rightness to this man's smile, a soothing balm to old wounds.

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