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The Ultimate Dating Diary

The Ultimate Dating Diary

A. Royden D'souza


PART 1: Dating 1)How to turn yourself into the one. 2)How to impress him on the first date. 3)20 things you should never do on a date. 4)A few Things to remember while dating. 5)A few safety tips that you must follow on your first date. 6)How to avoid the friend zone. PART 2: relationship 1)A few tips for building a happy and lasting relationship. 2)Some things that should not happen in a relationship. 3)A few reasons why your relationship might be failing. 4)How to repair a relationship/ how to get him back. PART 3: breakups 1)The etiquette of breaking up. 2)How to get over a heartbreak. PART 4: online dating 1)A few tips on online dating. 2)A few tips on detecting a fake profile. 3)How to keep safe on facebook. PART 5 bonus material 1)Diet. 2)Workouts. 3)Basic self defense.

Chapter 1 DATING

Dating can be defined as a social activity, where you socialize with your potential life partner to assess their compatibility.

It is not the final goal. It is a means to an end. It might lead to something good, or it might not, but surely you will have gained some useful insight and knowledge.

Whenever you go out on a date, have hopes but not expectations. It is not like your prince charming is gonna pop out of thin air. It will take some time and effort.

We often mistake love for something as shallow as physical attraction, but that is not love. Love is something that develops over time, when both people in a relationship are ready to sacrifice everything for the other, without expecting anything in return. It"s giving without taking. It doesn"t develop over a month or a year. It happens when two people don"t give up on each other, no matter what, supporting one another through all the obstacles in life.


The ONE Rule

I heard this in one of the seminars by a relationship expert. Every girl should remember this rule.

"No matter how great he may seem to you, and no matter how successful or charming he is, you must only evaluate him based on what he does for you, and how much he invests in you ".


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