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The Ultimate Dating Diary

Chapter 2 A Note on Teenage Relationships

Word Count: 569    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

e beginning a relationship. Because, once you get into a relatio

onships are usually too shallow, based on physical attraction, with too many expectations and minimum responsibility, often ending u

use one day you will start resenting the person if he doesn"t reach your expectations, even after sacrificing so much. And another reason is, if he breaks up with you, you will have nothing left, because y

d who will keep you from making irresponsible decisions, because your judgmen

ent by one person, while the other person doesn"t take it too seriously, which is quite unheal

you ruin your life by being in a wrong relationship. This book will

ght ingredients, but sometimes you fail and it

time you will be armed with some good techniques th

a lasting relationship and even they w

en you go out on a first date with someone whom you

e does everything you ask of him, whereas you will be attracted head over heels towards a "bad guy", who is not even interested in commitment or inv

tions of a healthy relationship. By the end of this book, you will have the basic id


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