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An Unexpected Thing

An Unexpected Thing

Prathyusha Eluri


Sequel of the book 'His Personal Seductress' I strongly recommend to read the book before reading this one What will happen when a small girl was influenced to hate her parents? what will those parents do to bring their daughter back? what happens when 'an unexpected thing' happens to them?

Chapter 1 The Twist in their life

"You killed daddy for him" Amelia accused Ashley making both Ashley and Arnold shock. Arnold moved closer towards Amelia, kneeled in front of her

"baby who said like that?" he asked to expect an answer from her but in return he got a glare from Amelia and she took a gun which was beside her

"You both killed my daddy, now I will kill you" she spoke which made Ashley rooted to her place. She moved closer to Amelia

"Baby who told you all this?" Ashley asked which made Amelia look at her

"Daddy told me" she spoke, Arnold held Ashley hand gesturing her to stop her words

"Baby what else did daddy told you?" he asked even though it hurt him that his daughter is saying someone else daddy, but he knew that he must bring her back to her original so that she can understand that he is her father.

"He also told me that you both will try to prove dad as culprit and that I shouldn't believe you people" she spoke where her words made both shocked.

"He left us, but he did a big damage to our lives Arnold now how can we convince her?" Ashley asked Arnold with a worried voice which made Arnold look at her with the same look

"Even I am not in a position to think but let us get out from here first" Arnold spoke making her nod her head. Ashley stood on her feet whereas Arnold is still kneeling in front of Amelia.

"Baby will you come with me and be with me in my house so that I cam teach you guitar daily" he spoke to her with a calm tone and smile on his face. Amelia thought for a second and nodded her head in yes.

"But" Amelia spoke giving a pause which made Arnold tensed

"She will not be with us" Amelia spoke pointing at Ashley making her ceased in her spot. Arnold looked at Ashley to see tears in her eyes but then he again looked at Amelia

"Baby she will be with us, but I promise you she won't even come near you" Arnold spoke making Amelia look at him

"I will come but the day she comes near me I will go away" Amelia spoke, and Arnold was shocked because she is just four-year-old but her words were like rockets. He was shocked also because how can that mad person turns an innocent child like this, he turned the angel Amelia into a monster who hate her own mother and trust the person she shouldn't.

"Ok baby come let's go" Arnold picked her up in his arms and held Ashley hand with another hand dragging her with him. Ashley was the one who was most affected because till morning, Amelia is the girl who couldn't be without her mother but now by evening she is the one who hates her mother to core.

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