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Infinite Deep Love

Infinite Deep Love

Ying Luo


Maggie's tea-making skills at the nightclub were unmatched. She was loved by so many guests for her incredible talents. She was like a lotus blooming in the mud. She had become a local treasure that couldn't be knocked off her pedestal. However, the more untouchable this white lotus was, the more men wanted a taste of her. She attracted almost anyone, including Seamus’s father. Seamus never expected his father to marry a simple tea lady! He wanted to find out for himself, what was so special. A simple taste of this enchantress was enough. Her sweetness was addictive, and he had no choice but to take her in as his secret lover.

Chapter 1 Attractive Appearance

The Golden Diamond Club was the most famous night club of T City, and an endless stream of people visited it every night. Literally thousands of them would flock here for their idea of fun, and business was always booming. These visitors were mostly heirs of rich and powerful families, but there were some ordinary people with meager wages too. However, this difference in status didn't affect the communication between those people, because they all came here for one simple reason: they were lonely.

But wait! That was just one of the reason, and not the primary one. The real reason the Golden Diamond Club was so popular was that customers here had their pick of options. They could either find a lady to accompany them for the night. Or, they could also find a tea lady. These 'tea ladies' would offer their skills for flattering the customer, but not their bodies, which was what some people, if not all of them, wanted.

One such tea lady was Maggie Jiang!

In her private room,

two men were sitting opposite her right now. One was a middle-aged man, and the other was a young man. They looked somewhat similar and presumably, they were related through patriarchal blood.

After a while, the middle-aged man picked up the tea cup in front of him and smelled it. He nodded with satisfaction before taking a sip, as if the fragrance was to his liking. Then, he put down his cup on the table and looked admiringly at Maggie Jiang. "Miss Jiang, your tea making skills are getting better and better every day. Every day, I think about your tea and how I would get to drink it in the evening, and it makes my day!"

His eyes betrayed his real emotions though. Perhaps it was because of the dim light in the room, but Maggie Jiang did not notice the lust in his eyes.

His son, Seamus Shi, heard his words and his eyes turned cold with a suppressed anger.

It seemed to him that his father really liked this tea-making woman!

He knew well how much this old man wanted her. Was his father really going to marry a woman just for the tea she made?!

Was this woman even qualified enough to be a member of their family?


Maggie Jiang's long black hair fell down her shoulders. Her dark eyes could be seen shining in the glow of the incandescent lighting, which made her look even more charming. In addition, she was wearing a low-key but elegant work uniform, which accented her graceful figure and made it more attractive.

To be honest, Mr. Shi had never met a woman as talented and self-respecting as Maggie Jiang in any of the nightclubs or recreational centers he had visited before. She was like a lotus blooming in the mud, and with her was attached a sense of superiority that could not be trifled with.

And the more untouchable this white lotus was, the more he wanted to taste her!

"I'm flattered, Mr. Shi. I do hope you like my tea."

"Of course I do. In fact, I like your tea the most of all teas. By the way, I haven't introduced my son to you yet. Meet Seamus Shi." He pointed to his son.

Maggie Jiang nodded at the young man in front of her. Seeing that the tea in his cup was almost finished, she quickly stood up and added some more.

After a few more rounds of tea, the middle-aged man's mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked up the call and then got up after a few "hmms" and "okays". "Seamus, I have something urgent I need to deal with. If you don't have anything to do at the moment, you can stay here and enjoy some more of this delicious tea. She is very good at her craft!"


"Then I must leave now."

The middle-aged man then looked at Maggie Jiang. "I'll see you next time, Ms. Jiang."

"Yes, Mr. Shi." She nodded and got up.

The door closed behind him and only Maggie Jiang and Seamus Shi were left in the room.

At this very moment, Seamus's eyes were focused on the woman sitting opposite to him, but he was not saying anything at all. Like two laser pointers, his eyes stayed put on Maggie, as if he wanted to see through her mind.

This woman was indeed very beautiful. However...

People working in these kind of places and occupation were not decent people. Most of them just wanted to get their hands on the money in their customers' pockets!

He was quite familiar with the name Maggie Jiang, because his father had mentioned it several times. He had always said that she was really good at making tea and had also told him she was an innocent and self-respecting woman. She only sold her skills and did not sleep with her customers. Seamus had seen the strong admiration in his father's eyes!

He knew that there was a chance his father might have fallen in love with this woman!

But no way!

He could not allow his father to marry a tramp. In his eyes, except for his mother, no one was qualified enough to be his father's partner!

He wasn't here for the tea. He had agreed to accompany his father today to see if this woman's tea really was that good. And he wanted to judge her character too.

After observing her for so long, he still had no idea whether she was keeping her chastity or not. He was sure of one thing though! She really made excellent tea!

"Mr. Shi, don't you want to drink tea anymore?" Maggie broke the silence in the room and her soft voice reverberated everywhere.

Seamus didn't answer, but his eyes were still fixed on her face. Was she good enough?

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