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Miss Your Kiss And Sweetness

Miss Your Kiss And Sweetness

Zhao Da


Shirley lost her heart to the man she could never have. She knew it was a mistake but she had decided to stick to it till the end. He was like a deep quagmire and she was sinking fast with no way out. Even though she knew there was a bottomless abyss beneath her feet, she was willing to go all out and abandon everything for his sake. The man was none other than her uncle. Edmund also adored her. She assumed that she would be able to forget about him now that she left, but it was not going to be so easy to get over this forbidden love. Will Shirley continue pining endlessly for Edmund or will she move on?

Chapter 1 Prelude

'I fell in love with the person I shouldn't have. It was a kind of forbidden love. I knew it was a mistake, but it was a mistake I couldn't rectify even if I tried. He was like a deep sea. I knew plunging into it meant death, but I was willing to stake everything, including my life, ' thought Shirley Ning.

It was 8 a.m. in the morning. Outside, the weather was glorious, the whole landscape bathing in the warm glow of the rising sun. But the lady sleeping in Room 3104, Green Bud Apartment, USA, was oblivious to anything. With the quilt covering her face, she was sleeping peacefully.

"Shirley, when are you going to get up? You are going to be late for work!" This was the third time Hannah Gu had roared like a lion. But her screams fell on deaf ears. With her hands covering her ears, Shirley Ning continued to sleep.

Furious, Hannah Gu decided she had to do something. If Shirley Ning still insisted on sleeping, she had no choice but to drag her out of bed and bring her to the table. Determined to put her thoughts into action, she made her way towards Shirley's bedroom.

Suddenly, she came to a halt. Shirley Ning had finally woken up. Her tousled hair and sleepy eyes made her look like a mess. Without saying anything, she sat on the chair.

Hannah Gu was used to seeing her like this. Yet she couldn't but give her a disdainful glance. She picked up a piece of bread and added jam to it. While handing it over to Shirley, she asked, "Are you a pig? You sure act like one!"

Shirley Ning brushed away the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes. Taking the bread, she smiled at the lovely woman in front of her and explained, "I stayed up till 3 a.m. working. My creative juices flow during those hours."

Hannah Gu glanced at her coldly and said, "Okay, whatever. You have always been good at making excuses." She then picked up the newspaper on the table and began to read it. The news on the front page caught her by surprise. Seeing this, Shirley Ning asked, "What's wrong? You look shocked." Putting the paper down, Hannah Gu explained, "I thought your newspaper only engaged in financial affairs. I didn't know it covered the entertainment area. Turns out it even covers domestic news!"

Shirley Ning sipped her milk and ate a piece of her bread. Smiling, she explained, "Well, in that case, you don't know anything. Let me tell you, most of the shareholders of our newspaper are Chinese. We got quite a lot of people, indulging in a variety of different fields."

"This is interesting," Hannah Gu said and once again took the newspaper in her hands. The article she came across was quite interesting. Pointing at the photo on the front page, she commented, "The CEO of this company is a handsome hunk. If he was a star, I bet he would have lots of fans, myself included. It is a pity I am reading about his marriage!"

"Come on, hand me the paper. Let me see who is the man who has made a stone-cold person like you drool." Hearing Hannah Gu's comment, Shirley Ning, who had never bothered to read the entertainment gossip, became curious. She smiled playfully and grabbed the newspaper.

The man in the photo was clad in a black suit. From his deep-set eyes to sharp nose, everything reeked of power. Even from a photo, one could tell what kind of a person he was. He was indifferent and intimidating. However, there was another photo of him with a girl. In this shot, he was gazing at the petite beauty who stood next to him. His eyes were brimming with affection.

Shirley Ning was too occupied with the photos that she didn't bother reading the headline. It said, "The CEO of Triumph Group, Mr. Edmund Su, is going to tie the knot with his fiancee. After three years of engagement, Vivian Sheng's wish is finally being granted."

Shirley Ning's gaze remained glued to the newspaper. In the blink of an eye, all the sleepiness was swept away. Instead, an insatiable fire burnt in her heart, leaving her listless and empty. The sudden blow made it hard for her to breathe.

Putting down the newspaper, she pretended to smile. She couldn't let her friend see her sorrow. "He is indeed a very handsome man," she agreed.

"It's nearly impossible to find a man who is handsome, rich and affectionate. This woman is quite lucky since she got it all," Hannah Gu said, oblivious of the pain her words would inflict on Shirley Ning. She folded the newspaper and walked towards the sofa. Slouching on it, she murmured, "I can put it under the leg of the table to make it steady."

Lowering her head, Shirley Ning continued to eat her food. The second she saw the newspaper, she had lost her appetite.

Hannah Gu grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. "Do you still remember the number of the channel in which I watched the talk show two days ago?"

"I think it is number 35. Give it a try," Shirley Ning said indifferently. With some difficulty, she had managed to finish her breakfast. She got up to get a tissue.

Hannah Gu, on the other hand, was frowning. It turned Channel 35 wasn't the one she was looking for. "Look, Shirley! This is not the one I want. This one is showing the news we just read on the newspaper."

Hearing that, Shirley Ning paused what she was doing. Her gaze shifted to the TV. Her disguise vanished in seconds. She couldn't pretend anymore. Seeing the scene on TV, wet hot tears filled up her eyes.

Her true emotions were on display now. She tried to wipe them away, but to no avail.

"Don't you think he looks even more handsome in the video?" Hannah Gu asked, struck by his looks. Since Shirley Ning didn't respond immediately, she turned her head and looked at her. In an instant, she understood something was wrong. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"Shirley, what's the matter with you?" Hannah Gu noticed that Shirley's eyes were on the screen. It was obvious the scene on the TV had something to do with her mood. Getting up, Hannah Gu went near Shirley Ning and poked her in the arm. "Do you know him?" she asked.

Once Shirley Ning regained her senses, she nodded her head. In a low voice, she answered, "Yeah, this is my uncle."

More tears were waiting to flow. But blinking her eyes, she controlled them.

Hannah Gu knew Shirley Ning was a strong woman. And from the look of it, she was in pain right now. 'Why does she look so miserable?' she wondered.

"Shirley, be good!"

"Shirley, if you create more mischief, I will tell your mother your monthly examination result."

"Shirley, you are a girl!"

"Shirley, come here."

"Shirley, I will always be with you on your birthdays."

"I will always be with you. Don't be afraid. Don't panic. I'm here by your side."

"Shirley, let's go."


Voices from the past rang in her ears, making her pain even more unbearable. Hannah Gu reached out and held Shirley Ning's hand. "Shirley, are you okay?"

'Yeah, I'm okay. In fact, I have to be okay. It's not like I have a choice. I thought I could get you out of my mind once I left. But I forgot that you are still my uncle.'

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