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Submission: Love Born With A Desire

Submission: Love Born With A Desire



On her wedding day, her fiance became a vegetable. Everyone blamed her, pushing her into a corner, but a mysterious stranger threw her a lifeline. However, he offered her help only on the condition that she married him. He was the most powerful man in the city, while she was a shunned woman who had almost been sent to jail. He didn't just want her submission, but also her heart.

Chapter 1 A Car Accident

"Gold dammit! She is hemorrhaging!"

The emergency room was in a mess.

"We have to do the C-section right now!"

"But the anesthetic hasn't taken effect yet!"

Nicole Qiao was awakened by a sharp pain in her abdomen. She struggled to open her eyes for a second. When she finally lifted her heavy eyelids, the first thing she saw was her legs. They were laying spread-eagle high above her.

An ice-cold dread suddenly seized her heart. Someone was about to cut her lower body with a scalpel.

Her vision was blurred. She could only make out a nurse carrying away a bloody baby.

"It was dead on arrival."

The sight of the baby being carelessly thrown into a glass container filled with formalin liquid horrified her. The blood dyed the water red and she could faintly see the baby's face.


"Wake up! Wake up!"

The make-up artist gently shook Nicole by the shoulder. "It's the first time I've ever seen a bride who could fall asleep at a moment like this!"

Nicole woke up in a cold sweat. The light above her head was blinding. She raised her hand to cover her eyes.

'Why do I keep having the same dream of what happened three years ago?'

Every time Nicole thought of it, her heart ached.

Three years ago, she had given birth to a stillborn baby.

Then, her nightmares had begun.

A swarm of people were busying themselves in the dressing room.

Still slightly heaving, Nicole checked the time on her phone. It was already half past eight, but Thomas Mo hadn't arrived yet.

He was late to his own wedding. What could possibly be his excuse?

What happened on the way?

Nicole dialed Thomas' number, but no one answered.

The wedding had been postponed for half an hour already.

Everyone was waiting and whispering anxiously amongst themselves.

"Why hasn't it started yet?"

"I heard that the bridegroom hasn't arrived yet."

At this moment, the door opened with a loud bang. Two policemen in uniforms came barging in.

"Who is the fiancee of Thomas Mo?"

"I am," answered Nicole. She lifted the hem of her dress and took a tentative step forward.

She was a rare beauty with delicate features and fair, unblemished skin. Her figure, wrapped in the wedding dress, immediately caught the eye of everyone in the hall.

The policeman showed her their work permit. "We are policemen from the XT Road Branch. Your fiance was in a car accident."

The wedding was in an uproar. What dreadful news!

Nicole rushed to the hospital without taking the time to change out of her dress. Fear was suffocating her.

The door of the operating room was closed. In the corridor, a policewoman in uniform was talking with a woman who was crying bitterly.

"I don't know. It was the truck that hit us..."

The woman was also injured. Her forehead was covered with gauze, and she had a painful looking scratch on her elbow.

"Peggy Su?"

The woman hadn't expected to hear her name. She quickly turned around and looked at Nicole with red and swollen eyes.

It was Nicole's bridesmaid. She was Thomas' childhood friend and had been with him at the time of the accident.

A hint of panic flashed in Peggy's eyes. She rushed up to Nicole and shook her violently by the shoulders. "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

Bridget, Thomas' mother, grabbed Peggy Su's arm and asked her, "What's happened?"

Peggy began to tear up again. "Mrs. Mo, Thomas was in the car with me. When we almost reached the hotel, Thomas received a phone call from Nicole. She said that she had forgotten to take the pearl brooch and asked Thomas to fetch it for her. When Thomas turned around to fetch the brooch, we had a car accident!"

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