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Lone Wolf: Claiming a Youngblood

Lone Wolf: Claiming a Youngblood

Rosemarie J. Alvarez


Iris Youngblood is the youngest daughter of the pack leader of the Youngblood Pack as an alpha. Her mother was killed while going to get her fiver year old daughter medication for an ear infection. Iris's father blamed her for her mother's death that caused him to go cold hearted. Her oldest brother and sister was able to place Iris into the hands of humans to keep her safe from her father's abuse that she had received for five years. Eight years after being placed with humans, she met Logan Blue who was a Lone Wolf. A werewolf that was orphan that was raised by wolves rather than werewolves. He was a drifter that found jobs in places he settled for short time until he met Iris when he realized that she was his mate when he became a her gym teacher in her last year of high school. While trying to keep Iris safe from her father's hand, her brother was able to free those that kept in her father's prison as well as the prison of Steven Carter of who Iris's father promised her too at a young age. The prisoners found their way to Easton where Iris and Logan was placed into a pack of their own of refugees from the Youngblood Pack and Blue Moon Pack that was kept prisoned for little to no wrong doing. Will Logan step up as Alpha and Iris as his Luna as they figure out how to protect their new founded pack?


Iris Youngblood was the youngest of the Youngblood alpha family in the Youngblood Pack. Her father was one of the ruthless leaders that packs have seen. Ever since her mother died to the hands of the Blue Moon Pack from what her father have stated.

Her father, Daniel was six feet with dirty blonde hair that matched Iris. His blue eyes was ice cold and gotten colder over the years. Iris was only five when her mother was found dead.

Daniel had blamed Iris the reason why one of the Blue Moon Pack was able to get their claws into to her.

Iris mother went to get medicine for Iris when she was ambushed. Iris developed an ear infection that caused fevers that made her mother run to get something to help her daughter. If it weren’t for Iris and her damn ear infection, Mariah would be still alive, her father kept repeating in his head.

His frustration of the lost of his mate turned him bitter and cold hearted. He ruled with a strict fist and it pushed into his home.

“Iris, I need to get you away from him.” Her oldest brother held her close to him after one of her father’s outburst.

He was a younger version of their father as for Iris and Jessica they was a smaller version of their mother. Except for Iris’s eyes. Her matched the deep sea of blue.

She shook her head to him with her small voice, “I can’t leave you and Jessica behind.”

His fingers went to her curls of her dirty blonde hair after her sister placed curls into her hair. Justin moved her locks behind her ear.

He looked into her ocean deep blues as tears fell, “Iris, he only attacks you when he becomes like this. He blames you for mom and it is not your fault.”

She tilted her head away from him as she sighed, “If I leave then he will start on you or Jessica.” He cupped his big fingers around her small narrow jaw, “I am getting you out of here. Maybe with one of the humans can protect you.”

She snorted at him, “And what, go to school with the humans and have a human life. I will turn at sixteen.”

Iris was a bright ten years old that has been at her father mercy for the past five years. Her brother’s finger went over the red fingerprints on her cheeks, “Please, Iris. One day someone will get tired of father’s wrath and you are our hope.”

Justin, her brother picked her notebook that she was scribbling in as he took a deep breath. He held it up as it showed one of her drawings of herself much older in the arms of a strong alpha.

She doesn’t know where she saw him.

She would zone out when she would draw.

One of the reasons why her father believes that Iris is at fault of her mother’s death. She drew her mother’s death a week before it happened. She couldn’t see who the killer was.

That didn’t stop Iris trying to tap into it to find out. Place this abuse of her father behind her. At least that is what she hope for. The family hid the drawing that Iris drew as it could show the future.

Later that night, Justin and Jessica who are twins stood outside as Iris made her way out into the fall breeze. “Come on, Iris. Before father wakes.” Jessica sniffled as she wrapped her arms around her little sister. Justin and Jessica was ten years old than Iris.

Justin and Jessica’s mates waited in a SUV that was miles down the street just in case of watchers of the night. Iris never understood why her father placed watchers for only her.

The three of them walked as Jessica and Justin kept an eye on their surroundings. Justin stopped in his tracks as his hand went to his blonde hair, “Iris, when I tell you to run, Run.”

The black in Iris’s blues widened as she nodded, “Then what?” He shook his head as he turned to her. He placed his hands on her arms, “Iris, Marc and Brenda will get you to a family that will treat you right. Don’t come back here. Not until it is time for you to take over the pack.”

Iris searched her brother’s eyes as he snarled, “Run. Iris.” She shook her head as he growled louder, “Run, now.” Iris backed away as she whispered, “Love you.”

She ran down the road as she spotted the SUV when Marc stood outside keeping the door open, “Come on, Quick.” Iris quickly jumped in then looked behind her as she watched Jessica and Justin split up to get the watchers to chase after them. She couldn’t help to feel that something bad was going to happen if they got caught. She prayed that they wouldn’t.

Iris looked out the window as she sniffled, “Do you think Justin and Jessica will be okay?” Brenda sighed as she moved her mirror to Iris face, “They will be okay, Iris. We promise you.”

Why after five years of abuse that they now wanted to get her out of there?

Iris looked up into the mirror as Marc pulled over on the road as he groaned. They been talking about getting Iris out for years, but they waited until now.

“Iris, listen. I know you are worry about Jessica and Justin. You can’t go back there. If you do then your father is going to give you to Mr. Carter.” Her eyes widened.

How could her father want to give her to Mr. Carter?

He could be her grandfather.

He was sliver back wolf that would have abuse her worse than her father ever did.

Iris knew that Carter had a soft spot for her, in a creepy way. He was in his fifties and she was only ten.

Why would he want such a young mate?

She was an alpha, but still.

Why would her father do that to her?

Now, it was making sense to Iris why there was wolves watching of her twenty-four seven. It was to make sure that Iris stayed put for Carter. She felt sick at the feeling.

About three hours later, Marc pulled up to a house as he sighed, “I am sorry we had to take you away from Jessica and Justin. Trust us. This is for the best.” Iris looked up at Marc and Brenda as tears fell from her face.

She walked up to the house as a woman that stood tall with red hair and green eyes with a man that was older with sliver hair and brown eyes walked out of the house. The woman walked over to Iris as she sighed, “Iris, I am Daisy, and this is my husband Derek.”

Iris took a big sigh as they allowed her into the house. She didn’t want to be there but what choice did she have.

The fall leaves flew behind Iris as she walked into the house as Marc and Brenda stood outside. Derek grabbed her things as he thanked the two. Daisy walked up a set of stairs. The house wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either. It wasn’t like the big house that she was used to where her father was the alpha.

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