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The Story of Us: Spencer & Meadow

The Story of Us: Spencer & Meadow

Rosemarie J. Alvarez


Spencer and Meadow tells their love story to their four children after their daughter announced that she getting married. Meadow was supposed to be just a one night stand when she showed up with Spencer's sister in Boston pregnant during the COVID-19 lockdown. Spencer at the time wasn't looking for love or interested in the one. He didn't realize that his mind made it up for him when he discovered the pregnancy when Meadow started to show symptoms. They explain to their four children about their love and hardship of their lives.

Chapter 1 Our Story

Chapter One

Spencer’s Point of View

I sat on the porch as I looked over the ocean waters when my four children that are now grown came out to great me. “Hi, Dad.” My oldest son stated to me.

I looked up at him and smirked, “Hey, kids.” They all sat down in front of me when my only daughter smirked at me, “I got news.”

I chuckled as I tilted my head, “Oh, and what news is that dear?”

She held up her ring, “Marco, asked me to marry him!” I smirked at her as my eyes glimmered, “That is great news.” My oldest rolled his eyes, he is really a chip of the old man that sat in front from him. I leaned forward towards him, “What is it, son?”

He sighed, “I don’t see why marriage is all this big thing and all. I want nothing to do with it.” I nodded at him as I smirked, “You know what. I use to think just like you.” He chuckled as he shook his head, “Are you serious? You and mom has always been in love.”

I shook my head as I sat back, “Oh but it took a lot of work to get here, today. In fact, you was the reason why she came into my life when I thought she was just a one – nightstand.”

The twins gasped, “Dad.”

My beautiful wife came around the corner with a tray of iced tea, “He isn’t laying.” She sat down next to me as her hand went to mine. Man, I love this woman. My oldest shook his head, “Seriously dad.” I nodded my head, “We never told you kids about how we met?”

They all shook their heads. I looked at my wife as her blue eyes lit up, “Well, it is about time you hear it.”

I took a deep breath when I looked at my oldest, “I was about your age when I first met your mother.” His eyes widened, “Really?” I nodded, “I was twenty-eight and your mom just turned twenty-one.”

I closed my eyes as I started my story, “It was almost two months before the shut down from the COVID-19 pandemic. I went to Vegas for Uncle Tom’s bachelor party.”

“Did you hear what is happening over in China, right now?” Tom said to me as we walked through the airport. I tilted my head as we made it to bag check out, “Is it about the COVID?” He nodded, “Dude, it is going to hit here.” I snorted, “There no way.”

I noticed a young woman that was standing next to me. She was tiny compare to me. She was only five one with brown hair that flowed down her back.

She was the most beautiful woman I have seen but at the time I was so wrapped up in my own head that it didn’t even registered in my head. I noticed that she was dressed very well, too well. Designer clothes well.

Tom nudged my arm, “Dude, your bag.” I shook my head, “Shit.” I went to grab my bag when small hands grabbed the handle and lifted it when I snarled, “That my bag.”

She nodded at me as she smirked at me, “I noticed you was zoned out looking at me and I didn’t want to see your bag go the sea of luggage.” I snarled back at her, “I wasn’t staring at you.” She shrugged her shoulders when she handed me my bag then leaned to grab another bag, “My mistake. Mr. Attitude”

She walked away as my mouth dropped as Tom chuckled at me, “I like her.” I playfully smacked his arm, “Man, you are about to marry my sister.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I may be marrying your sister, but I am not dead, man. She was hot.”

I watched her hugged her friends as Tom patted my back, “Spencer, you need a good woman in your life. I bet she could be it.” I snorted as we walked out of the airport, “Not a chance in hell. I got too much going on at the office plus, are you forgetting that I am not the marrying type and she definitely not my type.”

Tom laughed as we got into the car, “Sure whatever you say.” It wasn’t a lie; I was trying to merge two companies and get a contract with one the biggest investors that I could dream of. The only problem I had with them is that they wanted someone that was about family. I was about family, my mother, my father, my two sisters and my brother. I was the oldest of the four.

I was not ready nor was I ever ready to get marry. That blue eye woman was not my type. She was a nobody to me. I had a billion-dollar company that I established right after college.

My daughter looked at me, “Wait, I though you two met at a party.” I held up my hand, “Getting there, darling. It was a club by the way.” They all nodded then sat back as I continue.

“Your uncle teased me the entire day.”

We got settled into the hotel room when Tom mocked me, “Too bad you didn’t get her number or her name.” I tilted my head to him, “Who?” He chuckled as I looked out the window with my glass of whiskey, “You know, the girl from the airport.” I rolled my eyes as I placed my glass down, “Let’s go hit the casino then the club for your bachelor party.”

Meadow’s Point of View

“My mistake. Mr. Attitude” I stated to the most gorgeous man I saw. He was about six feet and built like a football player. His eyes of honey gave me an angry look as his eyes got darker. His facial features was strong with his stub of his five o’clock shadow that was dark and matched the thick hair on his head.

I noticed his buddy nudge him as his buddy pointed out the man’s bag. I grabbed it up for him before it got lost in the sea of luggage. He may have looked like a god by his attitude needed an adjustment. He didn’t even thank me.

“I thanked you.” My husband snorted. I shook my head, “No, love you didn’t.” He tilted his head back, “That right I mentally did it.” I chuckled as I went back to the story.

I walked towards the exit when I heard Stacy’s voice, “Meadow Stone!” I turned around as I squealed, “Stacy!” She smirked as she hugged me, “Happy 21st Birthday!” I nodded as I noticed the man and his buddy walked by and exited out of the airport, “Thank you, love.”

We walked towards the exit, “How long are you staying in Vegas?” I shrugged my shoulders, “I here on my own for a month then my dad will be meeting me out here. I guess, he wants to talk about my future. He making me stay out here.”

My father is the owner of Stone’s Enterprise that was struggling. He said that he may have found a solution, but it involved me. I can’t imagine why; he knows that I am not going into the family business. I was going to become a music teacher.

Stacy and I got to the hotel, “Maybe we can get you to lose that virginity card.” I rolled my eyes at her, “If you say so.”

“Mom was a virgin?” one our twin asked me and my husband. I chuckled, “I was.” Our oldest made a stink face, “Dad.” He shrugged his shoulders, “What? I am man. Couldn’t help it.” The four children laughed as I went on.

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