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He takes my breath away 2

He takes my breath away 2

Janis Ross


Darius shocked the world when he walked away from Hollywood and asked Stacia to marry him in book one. Now their back in He takes my breath away two with all new hurdle's and surprises. Stacia saw the press conference and with the help of her sister Tigra she realizes she needs Darius in her life. That she does love him and want a future with him. She decides to finally come back home only she doesn't make it that far. Can an accident and memory loss be the end of these two? It seems like they have come so far only to be pushed back. They have gone through hell just to finally realize just how much they needed each other. What they have is a once in a lifetime kind of epic love story. They say true love conquers all but can these two get past everything and finally have the happily ever after we all want them to?

Chapter 1 Prologue


The Past

"Hey, everyone, thank you for coming here today. I called you all here, so I could set a few things straight. I have seen all the rumors and I am disgusted. You have taken this amazing woman that is so sweet and talented and made her feel like nothing. Well I am here to set you all straight. Stacia didn't use me for anything. She got that role because she has true talent. She has this amazing sweetness to her and such a huge heart. In fact, that is why I love her so much."

I heard everyone gasp. I was known as a player. A man that doesn't have a heart or feelings. I was done playing a role for everyone else. It was time I stepped up. It was time I showed everyone who I truly am. A man my mama would be proud of. A man Stacia would love. A man my future child would be honored to have as it's father. Not this joke Hollywood has me out to be.

"Stacia and I are together. Well I guess I should say we were until everything got so messed up. See I screwed up. I called her things and done some stupid shit for my career. I have always put that first above everything and everyone. I lost the only woman I have ever loved because of this. That's why I am here today telling all of you that I am walking away from Hollywood. I have thought about this all night and I decided I needed a break. I want to see my family that I have pushed to the side for far too long. I want to find out who I am. I have pretended to be someone else for so long I lost myself along the way. I want to be the kind of man that everyone will be proud of, and no Stacia has nothing to do with this decision it was all my idea so don't even think of dragging her into this. As a matter of fact, I am asking everyone to please just leave her alone."

I could barely hear myself everyone was talking so loudly and firing question after question at me. It's not every day a star quits when he's on top. I called my ma and talked to her about everything. She told me she would support me in anything I did. I just needed to be out of the spotlight. I was burnt out and exhausted. Maybe one day I would return but for now all I could think about was getting my girl back. That was my only priority.

I needed her to see I wasn't the guy Dena made me out to be. The player the press made it sound like I was. Or the asshole that she first met. What we had was real. I just don't know how to get her to listen. I was scared I lost her for good. I need her in my life.

The voices all died down and I realized they were waiting for me to say more. I had been up here just looking off into my own little world. Stacia has that effect on me. I said everything I was going to say, but I still didn't feel like it was enough. I felt like somehow, I was just making everything worse. I didn't mention the baby because I didn't want the world to know just yet. I wanted that to be kept between us and our families for as long as possible.

I just hoped that with me telling everyone I was taking a break that it would take the focus off of Stacia. I was worried that she still hasn't called but I knew she wouldn't. I needed to find her. That's what I should be doing instead of being here with the press. She needed me just as much as I needed her even if she couldn't see that yet. I looked out at everyone and realized what I wanted to say. This was a huge step but one I wanted to make.

"Okay I have one more thing I am going to say before I will let you all go. Many of you don't know but Stacia and I met on a commercial where I was a total ass to her. This beautiful sassy woman put me in my place really quick. She calls me on my shit. I fell in love with her so fiercely that I didn't expect it. Now I am here in front of all of you and everyone watching to say this to my girl. Stacia I love you so much. You're my world baby. You are my home. Baby girl would you be my wife."


Just when I thought I would be raising this baby on my own Darius goes and does something completely crazy. He got up in front of the press and told them he was done with acting. He asked me to marry him in front of the whole world. He truly poured his heart out.

I do truly love Darius. I was just hurt by everything I was told. After I thought about I didn't believe everything that his manager was saying. Darius was a jerk when we first met but he had grown up so much. He had changed

I just needed to get away from it all, so I could think. I needed to figure out exactly what I wanted and what would be the best for this baby. I wanted my child to have a mother and a father but was that enough for us to be together?

I don't want him to feel like he has to be with me for him to be a father. I wasn't going to keep him from his child. Having a child together doesn't mean you have to get married. When I get married I want it to only happen once and to be for the right reasons.

I just wish I knew where his heart was at. Did he ask me because he truly loves me and wants to spend his life with me? I guess I can never really know for sure. I just need to be true to myself and for once follow my heart.

After talking to my sister, I decided I need to follow my heart and go back home and get my man. Only thing is I didn't exactly make it home. Once again Darius and I are tested. Can we survive an accident and memory loss? Is the world trying to tell us something? It seems as if something is keeping us apart. Should I listen to the signs and just end things between us once and for all, or should we defy all the odds and finally become man and wife?

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