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He takes my breath away 2

Chapter 3 How did this happen...

Word Count: 3261    |    Released on: 14/03/2021



The realtor sent me three possible houses for me to look out and take virtual tours. I looked at them, but none of them felt right. None of them looked like a home to me. They we

ded to fix things before I could finally feel at peace. I know what I needed to do. I needed to go home. I needed to take back control o

said, but I did already forgive her. I missed her, and I wanted her to be in my child's life. I just needed to know that I could trust her first. Because if I cou

act with him. I needed to know if we had a future outside of us being parents to this baby. Because he doesn't need to be with m

I do need him in my life. I love that man with every part of my being. I just needed to know he's going to be here through everything. I'm grown

ed me and gave me strength. I packed up my stuff then checked out of the hotel. If I didn't leave now I would just find some reason not to go back home. I most likely would never go

s going to live, but I always could stay in another hotel until I found a place. It was getting old living out of a suitc

just wanted to be home. I should have never left. No one should ever be alone while pregnant. I had so many people that lov

to my parents and try healing what has been broken. I needed my mother more then I have ever before. I don't want them to miss out on being a part of

I shouldn't have been driving when I was tried and all up into my feelings trying to figure everything out before I got home. Maybe I was wrong thinking I c

to spin out and ended up right in oncoming traffic that didn't see me in time to break. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. I felt as if I was just making things worse by doing nothing, but

was going to die. My baby wasn't even going to be given a chance to live. No one even knew where I was. I was going to die here all alone because I was a fool and left everyone I loved b

m in it only to know have it all come to an end. That's karma for you I guess. I should be in his bed right now laying in his arms planning out future and making

ow we never would get the chance to. Now what would they say? They were losing a daughter and a grandchild all in one. Our last word

t get to go to my movie premiere and celebrate all the hard work paying off. I owed her so much for always believing in

self. Once the car finally stopped rolling I ended up being upside down in my car. There wasn't a part of me that didn't hurt at the moment, but I was still alive and that was

new there had to be others hurt and someone by now had to have called for help. I just needed to stay strong until someone

. I feared the worst was starting to happen. I needed someone to find me. I began to Pray because at the moment that was all I could do. I felt as if I couldn't h

ere to help your not al

came rushing down. They tried the doors but none of them would open. I could tell I was going to pass out soon. The pain was just getting to be t

n't lose my baby." I screamed b

re going to have to cut

they finally got the door open. They put a neck collar on me to stabilize me then put a back board behind me before carefully cutting my

rius would come, and everything would be fine. I would never let Darius go again. No more running away for me. I needed to start facing issues head on instead of gett

l when he wiped the blood from my eyes. I kept trying to talk but nothing seemed to be coming out. I was drained and in so much pain. I needed to sleep but not until someone knew I was pre

ng to tell me tha

ried as the put the doppler on my stomach and tried to hear the baby's heartbeat. He told the driver to step on it and get me to the ho


ways so welcoming. Now I just needed my girl to be here. I hope she fit into my family as well as her sister did. I had no doubt that my ma wouldn't love her

hing. We were all really worried. She just needed to be home. We all loved her and just didn't want her to hav

. I didn't care how much money it cost I just wanted it done. I found a guy that can

e's not picking up her phone and we are all worried about her. I just needed to see for myself that she was okay

t every time she has called Stacia she answered until now. I told her that maybe she was on her way back and that's why s

dn't tell us exactly where she was at. He gave us the address of where she had last used her phone, so we al

We were in for a long night. I had nothing but time to think and that was dangerous. My mind was running wild

pinged at. At least she was thinking clearly. Maybe we could get it narrowed down to which hotel she was ou

ear. Someone had to know where she was. Serenity suggested that maybe she should start calling hospitals but Tigra put a stop to

somewhere all alone. I felt like we couldn't get to where she could possibly be fast enough

ident. I looked at it and this feeling of fear came over me. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling in the pit

it and scared that she really didn't say anything. Serenity and I got out of the vehicle and I told

this feeling. Something was wrong with Stacia. This overwhelming feeling came over me

d that even mean? Was she here in this hospital or not. She said she gave them Tigra's number to call if s

t wrong. Stacia called her sister every day and now no one has heard from her. It didn't make any sen

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