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JILTED is the story of a set of twins who hated themselves from childhood. Their father had to separate them early in life so as to save the life of the weaker twin, Haira. Years later, Haira return home to her family and biggest enemy, Hanna her twin sister. Bigger trouble arrise between sisters when Ambrose (Hanna's groom) jilted her on her wedding day. Not able to stand the shock she got from her lover, she lost her mind and ended up in a psychiatrist home. After one year, she got well again but was welcome by another shocker, Her twin sister was going to wed her run away groom. She couldn't stop the union even though she wish she could. She vowed never to let her twin enjoy her home, she set out to take her EX back by all cost. JILTED is packed with romance, love, betrayal, s3x, greed and reality. Start reading now.......

Chapter 1 My girlfriend is a twin

*POV means point of view*


Ambrose POV


I shook her left leg, I just woke up after a long night rest.

"Uhmmm" She groaned from sleep coiling and folding like a new born.

"It's morning, wake up" I said, shaking her legs again.

"I am not ready to wake up please, let me sleep now"

She wrapped the bedsheet round her waist while murmuring some words I couldn't comprehend.

"Am sure the meeting have been postponed" I said aloud.

She told me about the meeting she would be having this morning, I wonder why she feels so peaceful sleeping till late in the morning. She ought to be out of bed as early as 6am.

"What meeting?" She asked from sleep. "Oh my God!" She suddenly jump out of bed, seems she had suddenly remember her appointment. I watch her speed out of bed and head for the bathroom.

"Bring my dress" Her voice echoed from the bathroom, I could clearly hear the heavy splash of water from the shower.

"Okay" I responded. I searched the bag she brought last night and took the only gown in it to her.

In few minutes she was out all dressed and ready for work. She picked up her bag in a hurry and headed for the door.

"Your car key" I called out.

"Bring it to the house, I will use a motorcycle" She yelled slamming the door behind her.

"Ohhh, no!"

I don't want to go to her house, the way her Mom questions me was getting too much. Though, Hanna was actually worse than her Mom.

"Rhmmmmmn" My Tommy was telling me something, I was damn hungry.

"What do we eat now?" I asked holding my tummy.

My kitchen was empty, I don't know how to cook and she doesn't too. I did the few cleaning I could do in the house then I rush out for breakfast at a close by restaurant.

My phone beeped while I was having breakfast at the restaurant. It was a close friend calling, he's a Yoruba by tribe and bears the name Adefikayo Thomas. Close friends call him Fiks for short.

"Hey Ambrose" Fiks called out from his end.

"Am good" I responded grinding the grains in my mouth.

"I saw your girl on a bike few minutes ago, what happened?"

I smiled, my girlfriend was from a wealthy family, Her Dad was a millionaire and very famous. She answers the name Ima Hanna. Hanna was a spoilt brat, Her father owns fleet of cars, you would easily argue that she has never boarded a public bus in her entire life.

"You know her now, she over slept and she was suppose to go for a business meeting at 7am so she used a bike for faster transportation"

"Ohhhh, how about you two?" He asked probably chuckling underneath. He's always interested in discussing my relationship issues.

"I dont know yet, she doesn't look like she would make a good wife" I said whuffling.

"Common, you can't be too sure, she's intelligent"

"Rude, lousy, bossy and a little spice of waywardness included" I quickly added, he think he knows my girlfriend more than myself? He's all wrong.

"Seriously? Anyways, you know better. I can't wait to dance at your wedding you know"

"Have you gotten yourself a woman yet?" I asked intentionally, most times I just pop this question when I want us to end a discussion that doesn't favour me. I know he hate the question with passion, he's not a marriage fan and he's not thinking of marriage anytime soon.

"Ok bro, we would talk later" He quickly ended the call on me.

"Idiot!" I said giggling.


Later in the afternoon, I rush down to Hanna's place, I prayed silently to meet the absence of her mother, that woman ehn, she's a virago.

Immediately I step into the sitting room, I sighted Hanna sitting on a single sitter couch, she fixed her gaze on the TV as she enjoy the music videos on Hip TV.

"You are back" I said as I walk towards her couch.

"Hi" She greeted unusually.

I looked at her, Her "Hi" took me by surprise. She would never greet me in such manner, infact she just attack me with whatever discussion she chose to talk about rather than saying an hi to me.

"Han, are you okay? You look dull, you lost your contract or what?" I frowned seeing how gentle she suddenly became, she sat there smiling at me, I fell into the opposite couch and look at her deeply, she's way too beautiful this afternoon.

"Alcohol or natural fruit?"

My eyes bulged at her question. I chuckled. She's offering me a drink for real? I can't remember the last time she served me a cup of water.

"Hanna, you want to offer me a drink? Waw, my baby is changed, Natural fruit drink please"

I watch with excitement as she dashed out of the room to get me a glass of juice.

She return with a chilled cartoon orange juice and a glass cup all placed on a Stainless tray.

"You changed your hair style?" I observed, I haven't been able to take my eyes off her, she's smashing beautiful this afternoon. I can't explain this sudden change though.

"You look good" She complimented with a big smile and I noticed deep dimples, God, she had dimples all the while? I never noticed.

"Where did the dimples come from over night?" I asked serving myself a glass of orange juice from it cartoon.

She giggled reflecting a white set of teeth.

"I must say, you look really beautiful this afternoon, how come I never noticed the dimples?" I complimented while trying to get the fact behind the dimples. I noticed a lot though, Her nose ring is absent too, maybe she encountered the Holy Spirit after leaving my home few hours ago.

The door clank, I turned my head towards it.

"What?" I sprang out of my seat, I was confused now, Standing before me were two identical women, Who's who?

"Hanna, are you a ghost?" I stared at both of them almost at the same time. I could say the person at the door was Hanna because she had the dress she wore from my home on her, the same hairstyle and her nose ring was also present.

They bursted out laughing at once, I felt really embarrassed.

"We are twins, I am Haira. Nice meeting you" The lady I have talking to all along introduce herself.

"Oh my God, She never told me" I exclaimed at their resemblance, I opened my arms and hugged my girlfriend's twin sister.

Hanna POV

Seeing them hug, I imagined something ugly. I quickly drag Haira away from my boyfriend and took her towards the door. I don't know why she showed up all of a sudden, I thought she would remain in the state for the rest of her life. The last time I saw her was about seventeen years ago, right now she looks so beautiful, she would beat me to it in a pageantry.

"Hope you aren't planning anything stupid uhhhhh?" I frowned, we have had issues like this in the past over her boyfriend and myself.

"We only hugged" She protested.

"You aren't allowed to have any type of relationship with your sister's fiancee" I warned strictly giving her a "I would kill you" look.

"Ok. I know what you think, I wouldn't pay you back" She grinned devilishly. I don't trust her, I once dated her boyfriend and she might be thinking of paying me back now.

"Intelligent idiot, I will send you back to the states if you try mess here" I warned. I love Ambrose and I would break her neck if she dare crush on him.

"You talk like you have the power to send me back for real, you aren't in control" She fired at me.

I pushed my head backward, she now has the gut to talk to me anyhow? Before she left for the state, she wouldn't dare look in my eyes.

"Why did you return home now? You would cause havoc. You look like me and I hate it!" I said hoping that she would just pack her things and leave.

"I don't look like you, I am prettier. You stole part of my beauty and I wasn't stingy with it, I am back home for good. Go to hell if it stings" She said sticking her tongue out. I felt stung.

She left me and my boyfriend to ourselves, she gave Ambrose something to stare at by shaking her shitty ass as she walk off.

I watch her walk away, I vibrated where I stood. God knows, I hate competitions. That girl beauty was causing me heartache. We might look alike but she was prettier, oh the dimples, Her curvy shape, Her sweet voice, she can get any man at the snap of her fingers.

"Why are you still standing at the door?" Ambrose asked, He poured himself another glass of drink and gulped.

I hissed at him as I walk towards him.

"Join me in the room" I yelled at him, throwing my bag at his face.

"Yes ma" He responded getting out of the couch to stretch.

Ambrose POV

I followed closely like a loyal dog, I have been doing this for a year now. I thought I was thanking God for changing her few minutes ago, so it wasn't really her, the other lady was actually her sister. How I wish Hanna would just wake up one morning and change completely, she's just driving me crazy with her poor character. She attacks me with "I am just me, I can't change me" I try to correct her misconducts.

"You didn't tell me you have a twin sister" I said immediately we step into the room.

"First, you woke me late, now you won't ask me how my day went?" She yelled sitting at thehe edge of the bed, She bent over and got her heels off.

"Ok, sorry! How was your day darling?" I quickly ask before she get upset and start breaking things as usual.

"Fourty minutes late and a load of embarrassment" She complained, giving a big frown.

"Embarrassment?" I asked.

She ignored my question, I inhaled, maybe she's still upset with me.

"A bitch got the deal before me" She shouted, I could sense anger in her tone.

"Sorry" I drop on the family sized bed as I stared at the ceiling above my head.

"Is that all you have to say?" She gave me a big frown, I coughed slightly, what else am I suppose to say?

When she didn't get a response, she went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"I can only console you, someone better got it" I shouted on top of my voice so that she can hear me clearly since their was a heavy pour from the bathroom shower.

"I was born the best, no one can be too good except me" She defended poking her head out through the bathroom wooden door.

"I said better, haven't you heard of better than the best? That's exactly the kind of person that got the contract"

"Fraud, how I wish I knew who it was, I am sure it's some sort of low life. Now Dad would think I am useless"

"Ain't you?" I have finish saying this before i started to giggle. I hope she didn't hear me say that.

"What?" She ran out of the bathroom with a towel around her waist, water drizzling down her body.

"I mean you aren't, you did your best" I said bursting out laughing almost at once. She heard what I said already, changing it would have no effect on what I really think and said.

"Fool" She swung her left leg bathroom slippers at me.

I dodged it and kept laughing even though I knew it was upsetting her.

"I am hungry" She complained.

I look in her direction, she wiped herself in front of the dressing mirror, I waited for her to get the towel off her body but she didn't. She went back to the bathroom and came out all dressed.

"Let me join you in the kitchen" I said in a low tone, I know she couldn't cook, I was just looking for her trouble.

"Ambrose, you know I can't cook" She hissed, probably peeved.

"When will you learn? Please be ashamed to say this" I yell at her sitting upright. She would tell anyone that cares to listen that she can't cook and would never learn how to. She think cooking is just a skill anyone can acquire but definitely not her.

"Cooking ability doesn't define me, I am still a woman right?" She asked. She came to stand in front of me.

"Yeah, empty woman" I said hissing as I stood on my feet, not upset anyways, I am use to her irresponsible way of life.

"You said?" She asked, scrunched brows, hands akimbo.

"I said, pretty woman" I said what she wanted to hear, I don't want another episode of trouble this afternoon.

"Good, let's get something to eat" She smiled pulling my left cheek.

She walk in front of me and I followed as we went downstairs to get food in a nearby restaurant.

"I know you will make me proud" I heard Hanna's father voice echoed, I climb down the stairs holding Hanna, I know for sure my mother in law to be was at home since Hanna's father was around.

"Oh God, you didn't tell me your Dad is home" I whispered into Hanna's ears. She gave me a harsh look in response.

"Don't you want to see him?" She asked staring in my eyes.

"Not that.......... uhmmm" I swallowed whatever I had to say, I know how much she loves her Mom, She would strangle me right there if I told her I was trying to avoid her Mom.

The family had settled down to lunch, Bobby the only son and last child of the family was busy rolling his garri into balls. He's one playful guy that likes me a lot, he's twenty-one and in his first year in school, we all look forward to having a lawyer in our midst once he graduates.

As we both approach the family, Chief Ima noticed me, he greeted me from afar with genuine smiles.

"It been a while" He said. I slid my hand off Hanna's and hurriedly walk up to the dinning room so I could prostrate in front of him.

"Been busy sir" I sincerely said going flat on my chest.

"And when are you marrying our daughter? she's not a ball that you can play around, I am sure you know this" Hanna's Mom quickly attacked, She's the reason I hate coming around the house, She keep asking me when I would marry Hanna as if marriage was something that can be rushed into. Have she asked her daughter if she's ready for marriage? If she don't know, Hanna is the reason we aren't married, I am busy trying to mold her into a responsible woman before taking her home to my Parents.

"Mom, let them breath, he's going to do the needful when the time is right" Haira tried to caution.

Hanna rolled her eyes, She fired at her twin sister without hesitation. I have known Hanna for a while now, she's very nasty.

"Will you shut up? was she talking to you? Where's your man? No boyfriend, nothing!" Hanna attacked. I sigh. Like mother, like daughter.

"That was harsh Hanna" Their father cautioned, the money making man himself, Chief Ima.

Hanna and the remaining kids don't have to work if they don't want to, Chief Ima made a lot of money already.

"I am sorry Daddy" She apologized twisting her lips. Her father was the only person she listens to once in a while. The rest of us just talk and brag, she don't care, she would do that which she intend doing.

"Apologize to your twin sister instead" Chief Ima ordered. I saw my girlfriend's face, she's boiling.

"What?!" She shouted folding her arms under her breast. Hanna would never say sorry, She believe She's always right.

"You heard him" Bobby said sticking out his tongue mockingly.

I don't know what it's between her and Bobby but Bobby never likes her.

"Sorry" She apologized shabbily.

"It's fine" Haira replied smiling and flaunting her very deep dimples.



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Chapter 1 My girlfriend is a twin



Chapter 2 Haira can't be the CEO



Chapter 3 Hanna wants to stay with Ambrose forever



Chapter 4 Violent Hanna



Chapter 5 Hanna is a lesbian



Chapter 6 Red handed



Chapter 7 The death of a father



Chapter 8 Tempted



Chapter 9 Manipulated



Chapter 10 Jerry again



Chapter 11 Still loving Hanna



Chapter 12 Would you marry me



Chapter 13 Wedding Bells



Chapter 14 JILTED



Chapter 15 In love with Haira



Chapter 16 Yes, I'd marry you



Chapter 17 Hanna is normal again



Chapter 18 The wedding



Chapter 19 Rape and Suspect



Chapter 20 Newness



Chapter 21 First Sex



Chapter 22 Get Contraceptives



Chapter 23 I don't joke with my



Chapter 24 Marriage and Masturbation



Chapter 25 Saved by Fiks



Chapter 26 You're an whore



Chapter 27 Haira is glad she married Ambrose



Chapter 28 Embarrassed at a mall



Chapter 29 Game Time



Chapter 30 I should be pregnant



Chapter 31 Cheating too



Chapter 32 Looking for Ambrose



Chapter 33 How did you find us



Chapter 34 Little temptress



Chapter 35 Friends Forever



Chapter 36 Beaten to a pulp



Chapter 37 Sorry for everything



Chapter 38 I love you



Chapter 39 Till Death Do Us Apart



Chapter 40 The Stalker
