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He is an ape

Twenty one years old Cherry was forced into marrying a middle age millionaire (Fred) who has an ugly face due to fire burns. She reluctantly wedded him with the intentions of eloping with his money afterwards. On the eve of her wedding, a seven days traditional rite was imposed on her. After the rites, she could no longer have any personal relationship with any other man aside her husband. This completely ruin her entire plan of eloping. She began to make life miserable for her husband untill he left home. Shortly, she discovered that she was the wife of the gods and she has been chosen for Fred. She could do nothing without him because of the spiritual bond between them. Now, she has to find her husband at all cost. How did she become the wife of the gods? Why did her husband's first three wives die mysteriously? Would Fred ever come back home to her?

Chapter 1 Forced Marriage

He is an ape

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Episode 1

🌱🌱Cherry's POV🌱🌱

I am getting married, no. I am married. Fred Smith paid my bride price already and all that was left is a white wedding.

I wanted to cry but I knew I was on my own. There was no two ways about it, I would have to marry an ape, Ewwwh.

I am Cherry Hills, about to be Cherry Smith. I am twenty-one years old.

My parents said I was reserved for Fred since I was eight years of age. He's rich, generous and jovial but he is older and ugly. Fred is fourty-five and I was told he lost all of his wives shortly after marrying them. He has been to the altar thrice and all the women are dead without even having babies for him. I don't know how they did it but my parent were going to give out their only daughter to an ape. Maybe the money or the fame or whatever but damm, if I eventually get to marry this man, I was going to cheat on him until he sends me packing.

"Cherry, open this door my friend" my father's voice echoed, he knocked the door vigorously and threatened to break it down if I don't unbolt it.

They said I was getting married today but I don't want to believe this. I am not even done in the University and they want to get me married already?

"Kpaaaaa" the door same crashing. My father masculine body stood in the space, some people stood behind him, mostly women.

"That's the bride, get her dressed" He said before stepping aside so that the middle age women would come in.

The women were about six, I knew two as our family member and the rest look totally fremd.

I didn't struggle because I was too weak to. I allowed them dresse me in my expensive wedding gown. On a normal ground, a bride should be excited to have such an elaborate wedding. Fred is a multi millionaire and because he's getting married the fourth time, I was celebrated.

I was told I would go through traditional rites to keep me out of evil and to protect me from the serial death killing his wives. I was not just happy, he's twenty-four years older and very ugly. An ape is cuter than he was.

There was no time for courting, I only saw him twice in our home and I never knew he was planning a conspiracy with my parents. He gave me huge sum of money on both occasions, surprisingly, my Mom didn't drag the money with me like she use to when other people gifted me money.

It just dawn on me, the reason for the monthly virginity test was to make sure Fred took my virginity. My mom took me to the clinic every month and get me tested, she constantly warn me to stay off sex until I get married.

I held back the tears threatening to pour. The group of women got me dressed, then took me out of my father house asking me to wave my father's house good bye. There was a lot I never knew, I cried more when I discovered I would have to sleep in a hut for the first seven days of my marriage.

At the church, we made our vows. I didn't want to look at him because he upsets me with his ugly face. We finally held each other hands and walked out of the church as the choristers sang the hymn.

Gloria was present, she hugged me tight at the reception and wished me the best. Gloria is my friend, she stood by me and tried changing my parent's mind but it never worked. My father banned her from visiting me and I was under home arrest for complete three months. I knew I had to comply at least for now. In my own mind, I would elope with his money when the time comes. The reception went on and on, it was obvious I wasn't happy, I just decided to hold my peace and play along.

Around 4pm in the evening, I was asked to get into a car and the driver took me far far away from town. I knew where he was going anyways, the venue of the spiritual rituals and rites.

When the car came to an halt in front of the hut, women in white wrapper spray salt on the floor and asked me to step on it shoeless. This was weird and crazy. The crowd look like an entire community, it seems everyone has been waiting for Cherry the billionaire's wife. I did as I was told.

I was made to kneel in front of a dirty idol and say some prayers on behalf of my husband. I ate kolanuts with the elderly men and I was told to look at my environment very well and take whatever I wanted to take, an old woman whom I assume to be the oldest priestess said to me "Once you step in, you wouldn't see the sun for seven days. Even if this hut is burning, you mustn't step out"

Really? So if this hut was really burning, I can't run away because of some stupid rites? Mtcheeew.

I was taken in by a fair priestess and I was asked to remove my gown. she gave me a white wrapper to tie around my body.

"Sit only on this until your husband comes for you" She said pointing to a mortarl wrapped in yellow clothings. Seriously I was in for it, so much rules. The mortal is the only place I can sit while waiting for a rich ape in a hut ornated with fetish but beautiful drawings.

I waited with millions of thoughts running across my mind.

Eventually, He came.

We were made to sit on the bare floor with our legs folded. They gave us cooked meats in a traditional pot and asked us to eat.

"Hi" Fred initiated a conversation.

"Just eat oo, at least you have gotten what you wanted" I yell at him licking my fingers. This women cook good soup.

"Hope you know the meaning of the meat you are swallowing? The day another man touches you, you die" He told me giving me a "You are mine" look. I crawled backward and shook my head.

"This can't be true, why should I be enslaved by you?" I barked feeling used and stupid. I should have asked before eating it.

"Were you planning on cheating on me?" He asked dipping another meat in his mouth and munching.

"Cherry, I would take good care of you, I too can't have another woman aside you so don't be scared" He said, I inhaled feeling relieved. At least he too can't cheat.

A priestess dashed in and gave us water in a calabash, it was as bitter as hell and we were told to take not more than three sips. When we've had our maximum sips each, the remnants of the water was used to wash our hands. Afterwards, Fred was told to lead the way.

"Lead the way, to where?" I asked no one in particular as I was made to follow him behind. A curtain was shifted and we landed in a dark room. There was no window or bulb, only a beam of light shining from an old lantern.

"Fred" I called out feeling scared. I couldn't see the room clearly.

"Don't be scared, I am here" His voice responded in the dark.

He made me sit on his laps.

"Why is it so dark? the women didn't come in? what are we doing here?" I threw questions at him trying to adjust my eyes to fit into the dark.

"This is the scared room, it's meant for only couples, newly wedded. Be mindful of what you say here because it might come to pass" he said.

I felt his hand walking through my thighs, I quickly jumped up.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to escape the room with the aid of my hands.

I would not let him take my virginity, I wasn't even ready.

"Cherry, that's why we are here and we have limited time. come here and remember to pray for your safety, don't say anything negative here" He pulled me into him and pushed my back unto something that feels wooden.

"It wouldn't hurt if you cooperate" He said parting my legs in the dark. Before I could say "Jack", he was inside me already, it hurts and I cried like a baby. I heard sounds from drums and people laughing outside. What's funny here? Fred was grinding me with no mercy and they were busy laughing? why should I lose my virginity to an ape?

When he was done, he loosened my wrapper leaving me stark naked.

How was he able to do this things in the dark? He seems to be familiar with everything around.

"Thank you for this special wedding gift" He said as I cried loud and louder.

He called a strange name and a woman came in with a red wrapper, she wore it around me and lead me out pampering me. I was made to sit on the mortal I had sat earlier. Fred stood in front of me and stretched the white linen clothe.

"She's a virgin" He announced showing the blood stain on my clothe to them. Only three women were in the main room with us and they jubilated. One of them took the clothe and dashed outside the Hut. Soon, I heard real excitement and jubilation songs.

"Thank you" Fred apperciated, he stole a peck before he left the Hut.

When he left, people came in dropping leaves in front of me, whatever that meant, I don't know. The elderly women touched my toe and I was told it's a kind of blessings to me and them, whatever! Who cares?

************ ************

I slept sitting down on the mortal, I was told to prepare for day two rituals as I have successfully passed the first round. The priestess gave me strict warnings not to allow any other man eyes behold my nakedness as the man would go blind instantly if he saw me naked intentionally. Everyone left including the priestess, I was told to be strong that I was clean and the gods wouldn't let evil befall me. Left alone in a strange dark room, I doze off at intervals and woke up again when my ears behold strange noise.

That was how I passed the night, in a strange cold land with no relatives or friends. There was no bed or mat, the only place I was allowed to sit was on the mortal.





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