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A Forgotten Love

A Forgotten Love

Janis Ross


What would you do if you woke up one day and forgotten the person you loved? Can love find it's way back the second time around?

Chapter 1 Prologue


Elias and Riley have grown up together, and had always been the best of friends. They were bound to fall in love, and their parents couldn't have been happier. They were the kind of couple that romance novels were written about. That forever kind of love that will one day lead to marriage.

They had a perfect life. More in love than they ever thought they could be. They knew one day they would marry. Until one night everything was taken away from them. They took everything for granted thinking they had all the time in the world. They had forever but sadly forever didn't last as long as they thought.

A drunk driver slammed into Riley's side of the car. She hit her head hard causing her to be put in a coma due to brain swelling. Elias thought he was going to lose the only girl he has ever loved. He was so broken up about it and wouldn't leave her side.

He got the news she had awaken and ran up to the hospital to see her. He ran into her room and grabbed her hand. She looked scared and pushed him away. What do you do when the woman you love doesn't even remember who you are?

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