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Devil's forced love

Devil's forced love



Bella jame's I suspicious was someone is following me. As I turn around somehard sharp objects hit my head and I lose my conscious.... I'm head was paining.... fuck...What happen to me.where I'm, so many unanswered questions was roaming in my mind. My eye lids become heavy to open to lookout my surrounding. Fighting with my inner soul and wriggle to open my eyes. When I open my eyes darkness consumed without a light of sign. I couldn't shout or move anymore. It seemed that a man was walking towards me. He approached me with irresistible feelings. Grappling myself to escape from him but my body become numb and ended in a failed. I could only watch him walk up to me. He has an attractive man with cold face,show how arrogant and egoistic person he is. The perfect body lines are reminiscent Of the exquisite sculptures of ancient Greek god.whose eyes are ocean blue color, muscular build body, sharp nose, borderline eyebrows,long and thick eyelashes.he has foreign and American accent by looks. Admiring and adoring the Greek God. I could felt the power in him, as he was born to rule and manipulator personality. He bented down and lifted my face with his long fingers, and forced me to look into his eyes. I quickly searched the face in my mind to recollect my memory that I have seemed the person which was standing right in front of me. Oh no...... Can't be him..... The person who is standing right in front of me can't be Gabriel Alexander one of the top 5 trillion bachelor in the world. Bella is thinking "Why is sneered on me?" "I'm till a virgin for God sake". "how is quarrelled about his baby that he think conceived three years ago which is next to impossible!" I don't have a boyfriend in my whole life. "Please God Save me from Mr. Gabriel Alexander who is looking like a demon!"

Chapter 1 Introduction

In bedroom of empire caslte is all about taste and elegance. The neutral background accompanied by monochromatic additives, such as dark beige drapery curtains and a light beige ottoman bench with square patterns on the surfaces.Bella was unconscious in master bedroom. By looking at the surrounding anyone can tell that it’s a master bedroom decor on the elegant nightstands with storage drawers. Furthermore, the royalty is complemented by a large tufted headboard with halogen lights embracing the king-sized bed to grant the owners a touch of royal intimacy.

Bella vision was blur and she is feeling very hot under a Continental duvets.she was mumbled where she is,the vision was not cleared. In majestic king throne original silver chair a man was looking like a predator for her prey having his red wine.

Slowly she open her eyes twinkling twice to see were she surrounding . She was a man looking at her unfortunately she view was not cleared who is the one. Her throat was dry and graoned in pain.

"Who are you?"

"Why is here so hot?"

"Can you turn the AC Of ?"

The Person walked towards Bella and kept the red wine glass in nightstand. He was Inch away from her. Woman,if you don't wake up . I would have risen the temperature to 88 Degrees to steam you alive he said to Bella.

Bella was feeling dizzy and listened to person what he has said to her.


"Steam what?"

"She was contemplative is there any Air-condition which be adjusted to 88 Degrees in the world?"

In astonished Bella open her eyes to see the person. She felt like someone is hammering the head,pain she is feeling is unpredictable. She screamed ahhh..ahhh

"The man was standing in front of her.she was thinking in her mind,what....what handsome man guy.

He was 6'2 feet tall,toned chest, muscular physical feature,Blue eyes like ocean, darker thick brown colour hair, sharp jawline,straight pointed nose, by the way of his looks he has foreign and American accent.His voice was like masculine sounding voices,way too deep. Bella look at his Cupid's bow lips which is tempting her.

She is discerned person who is kinda looking familiar to her.she was till in her world thinking in her mind.she has seen him somewhere.

Bella was inattentive about her area that she was in her lingerie with pair of grey color bra and estonished dark grey lace color thong with, she was covering with the help of quilt.

"Who..... who the hell are you?" In stuttered voice

"What do you want?"

She is slowly Moving back to headboard and fully covering her body with the quilt

The man remove the gun from his waist pointing at bella.she was aghasted why he is pointing gun on her...what is going on

..who is he....what he wants from me..so many questions are roaming in her mind.

Man asked her "woman,where is my baby which you have given birth?"

Bella was stunned what she was taking about... what baby he is asking...why do I have a baby?.... I'm still a virgin how some I given birth to his baby, when I only seen in first time.. you want to shout on him how can he say that he has his baby.

The handsome man was observing her facial expression to reveal the truth from her mouth,after a pause I said 3 years ago you have conceived my baby. Bella was shivering shake her head to say this all is false that she is still virgin.

The handsome man pointed the gun on her chest. He was getting out of the control.He is not a patient person.He control is anger and asked her one more time "where is my baby?"

Bella stuttering "what.... What your baby?"

She pensive in her mind. "I never have any boyfriend in my life,how can I give birth to a baby?"

Bella think for sometime and said hey..... "Are you confused?".... Firstly I don't know who you are and last I haven't conceived. I think you have mistaken me with someone else.

Bella James ,age 23 years old and third-rate cartoonist artist living in the City. Should I retell every detail of your study experience, your social relationship or your family background.

Bella was stunned "what he said isn't wrong",but .....sir i really don't know you.

The man was angry with her remarkable answer and loaded the gun pointed on her head. Don't play fool with me. give the baby you hiding from me.Bella was so scared that she has closed her eyes and crying in silent.

He vexed with her.He was annoyed with her act of drama, forcefully pull her hair to look into her eyes.Bella was crying and tears in her eyes of flowing like ocean.she courage hard self to give back answer that I haven't conceived yet! "Can you check first?"

Believe me I am saying the truth the man said to her. You said you haven't conceived, but how did you get the scar on your stomach.

That was left having my appendix removed and no one will have a Caesarean birth in there she said to him in venomous tone.

The man came closer to her and say in her ear."so it was a natural labour?".... Then I need to check whether you are telling me the truth or not.

Bella was shivering which the person is so closed to her. She asked him "how....how to check?" In stuttering voice. Even if you want to check you don't need to be so close to me.

He twist her arm and putting to her head with strong grip. Bella was wriggled try to move back from him,but there is no used the man in infort of her was very strong. His lips smirk and come closer to her lips. I'm husky voice she told her.."you call this close?" Bella James the negative distance between a man and a women called "close!

Don't talk nonsense please sir!

Author Note:

Hii guys

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