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Behind Their World

Behind Their World

Ella Stunner


Kidnapping the brother of Leonard Morris was never the intention of Cathia. Scratch that, it sure was her intention. But Leonard will make her regret it, little did she know. Meet Cathia Myles! A fierce girl with the power of Omnikinesis, who is a killer to be. But her life will be changed, the night she will make the darkness of Leonard Morris thump out. And the blunder will follow around her, when she will have to work with him. Leonard Morris doesn’t need an introduction, or maybe he does. Because he is super different from how Cathia knows him. Being made an orphan, from being the heir of a business that was supervised by the President, Leo had to face a lot at a young age. But little did he know, that the girl he was about to kill, will become his light one day. In a week, from being reckless and ruthless to lively and lovely, they, including some others, have to come together to fight the eclipse, the probable apocalypse. But did they know that their togetherness was what indeed invited the apocalypse? And will they really get through and succeed, when someone among them is against their aim of saving the world from a total apocalypse? Follow a journey of love and hatred, romance and fun, friendship and jealousy, suspense and action, mystery and thriller, Leo and Cathia, Darren and Evelyn, Lionel and Caitlin, and you and me.

Chapter 1 Prologue

It wasn't like any other day. It wasn't the day when a hero could save the world. It was the day when it all started, the day when the atmosphere of Earth got disrupted by that portal for the first time!

A blood moon night changed the destiny of many human beings. And the changers weren't from Earth.

It all started in a well-developed city of Canada that bustled with people, technology, and class. But that night, it seemed dead. The streets were empty, the roads deserted. The whole city seemed abandoned by the humans.

The silence was tensing every muscle. It was that deathly. Suddenly, as the clock struck midnight, the dogs started howling, making the only sound that pierced through the quietness.

Empty streets... Locked doors... The barking of dogs, and of course... The blood moon...

Their howls turned into monstrous roars as the split occurred, and those creatures opened the portal to enter Earth. The cries of the dogs were so loud that they could be heard over the whole city.

And just as they were howling, another scream pierced their lonely cries and the non-existent silence.

A woman's scream.

Then another one screamed.

One more!

There were three of them screaming.

They were pregnant. This was not the time. But their time was decided by the creatures on the other side of the portal, ready to cross it and enter Earth.

That portal was a gateway to Earth, to communicate apparently, but humanity's destruction was their true purpose.

And they did. They crossed it.

At least... They tried...

Everything was set in motion. Everything was going smoothly for those creatures, but...

The moment they crossed the portal and tried entering Earth's atmosphere, they turned into ashes, and their powers left their bodies. Their powers were a being itself, choosing the three of those women out of the million other pregnant ones.

Those powers went inside every woman and killed them in the process of getting out of their bodies, and that was too much to take for the ones who were already going through the pain of labor. Consequently, a mass kill befell, whose reason stayed hidden from humanity for a long time, killing every woman the powers didn't like.

So, delivering the powerful babies, the three of those chosen women couldn't survive the shock given to them by the powers either. They died!

They gave birth to two boys and a girl.

Miraculously, the babies of those three women absorbed the powers, though they were very little to even see.

It was fate, or it was the moon's decision, the three children didn't know. They never came to know it.

So, time went by.

The seasons changed.

Hours spent.

And the kids were raised.

The girl grew up under her father's wing until she discovered her powers, and losing control over them, accidentally hurt him. She didn't want to live with him anymore. She didn't want to hurt him again. And reluctantly, her father sent her away from himself at her very own request.

The boys, on the other side...

Well, because one's father had died before his birth and the other's refused to accept him, they came to an orphanage. Meeting souls who had the same problems as their's and knowing each other's secrets, they came closer with time.

They grew up and ran away, hiding from the horrible world that didn't accept them. Their friendship expanded as they discovered the girl who had all the powers, who hurt her father and, the one who wanted peace in the world where she didn't seem to belong.

They raised each other. They helped each other. They felt a sense of belonging in each other's presence.

They supported each other to settle down in their lives. But little did they know that 'settling down' in their own lives would apart them. And eventually, they moved to different places in different cities.

The connection between them started becoming weaker. Nevertheless, the love was always there.

Living their lives, they found their soulmates in different circumstances. But what they weren't aware of was the future that had more in store for them than they knew.

Their names were,




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