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Between two CEO

Between two CEO



Julia was anxious, it was almost time for her to slip out to the gaming house, she wasn't afraid not one bit but she would hate for her to be caught. What a scandal it would cause for her family that the eldest daughter of the Cavendish was nothing but a vile woman not to be associated with, not that it bothers her what the ton has to say about her but she is worried that should she be caught her sister Camila might lose her chances of making a suitable match with a Duke or an earl.

Chapter 1 1

Julia was anxious, it was almost time for her to slip out to the gaming house, she wasn't afraid not one bit but she would hate for her to be caught. What a scandal it would cause for her family that the eldest daughter of the Cavendish was nothing but a vile woman not to be associated with, not that it bothers her what the ton has to say about her but she is worried that should she be caught her sister Camila might lose her chances of making a suitable match with a Duke or an earl.

for the fact that her mother Ophelia Cavendish would soon be holding a ball in honour of her sister for her coming out and she would hate to be the one to cause such uproar in the ball should her pastime be found out. Apart from her sister and her friend who covers for her nobody knows what she has been up to for the past three months, having grown tired of the company of other women of her acquaintance who talks nothing but the dresses of the latest fashion, and making a match with a reputable young man. Having already donned her breeches she tucked her wild mass of unruly red hair in a somewhat large hat and surveyed herself in the mirror, she looked every bit a young lad. she took her coat with her and slipped out of the house through her window. She has a rope to which she uses to accomplish this task each time she wishes to venture out of the house to the gaming house In the three months that she frequented the gaming house, the angels, she has become quite popular either because of her luck in her winning or mainly because she has a knack for it she didn't know. Right now she was playing with Cole weatherly the earl of Devonshire. Normally she wouldn't be playing with a Lord but it has become a common thing for the fact that since she started frequenting the angels she has always been going home with winnings and it has become a common knowledge for the young men to try and outsmart her or win back the money they had lost previously.Sebastian sat down sipping his drink, he had not wanted to come but his childhood friend had demanded it of him, damn, where the hell is Cole weatherly? he had only but seen the man when he first arrived but apart from that brief meeting he had not been chanced to see him. Damn you cole he cursed under his breath that is no way to treat a friend who has been gone for three years. Three years ago he had left London for Paris to stay with his father's cousin life In London had been tiring for him what with the numerous balls and eager mama looking to find their daughters a match. He had quite earned his reputation in Paris as an incorrigible rake in the space of three years he had not wanted to come back but his father had met with untimely death, the sole responsibility of the estate and even the guardianship of his sister fell onto him. Even if he didn't want to come back before, he had every reason to now that there were more pressing matters. He gulped down the last of his drink and dismissed the courtesan by his side he had to find his friend, the bastard didn't even care to keep him company. It wasn't had to spot cole with his back to him he could tell that it was him. However he was surprised to see him playing, he was not the type to be playing rather he was the type to sit close by and watch others play, but what even surprised him more was the lad he was playing with, there was something familiar about him. He studied the lad closely one might think him young, very young with boyish looks. He wore a very oversized coat you couldn't even make out the clothes he wore underneath. Delicate hands he noted, a hand that should not be associated with a man. A man's hand should be calloused, rough. His eyes quickly darted to his neck, slim and delicate then to his face and when it collided with his eyes he swore, he will be damned if he did not know who this is. If he is to think himself correct this is actually his sister's friend Julia Cavendish. If he had had more than two glass of drink he would have thought himself foxed.Bloody tarnation what is she doing here, does she understand the implications of what she is doing, the kind of scandal this would cause no doubt his sister would inherit her own fair share from this, his quiet little sister, he was filled with vexation for her person, he wanted to go over there and cause bodily harm to her but that will only attract unnecessary attention to himself. The little chit doesn't think properly what with making herself comfortable in a place meant for gentlemen, it is frowned upon by society she could ruin her reputation as well as his sister's own just by associating with her. He was angry with her, he wanted nothing but to haul her over his shoulders excuse himself from the angels and be done with it. But what excuse does he have to do this, he can't possibly haul a young lad over his shoulders and leave he has to explain himself and that he doesn't want to do. He drowned another cup of brandy in one go as he came to the conclusion that he will wait till she was done.

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