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My Emotionless Girl

My Emotionless Girl



She is Shadow, a mysterious girl, no one knows who really she is, she just always appear in one place, or anywhere, that sometimes scare her all friends, She always make a poker face that scares anyone, and she always wore black in any occassions, and any day, Every person who look at her can say She's emotionless, numb, and snob, But behind that face, those words, and judgements. Shadow, is a woman who always think of everyone else's sake, she don't care of her's she always sacrifice, for anyone or everyone, and no one knows that she suffers, she always been punished by Her Step-Mom, and her step-Dad, both of her parents died, They got killed, and she couldn't do anything about it, she is powerless that time, even now, her wealth is not enough, and the only way she can get her parent's wealth that left, is to get married and give a heir, If she doesn't get married, she couldn't get the wealth that she needed to defeat her step parents, she's sure they would do anything to get the wealth that supposed to be hers, But, one day, this guy comes up, and make her world gone crazy, Her cold and frozen heart, slowly melting, She know that she is falling for this man, but past wouldn't set her free, she caged her heart and stayed aways from mens. But this time, it looks like she forgot to put lock on that cage. What will Happen Next?

Chapter 1 Prologue


(Light's POV)

I was walking to my friend wife's office when this girl caught my two beautiful eyes, and my hot sexy body suddenly got stiffened as she throw her hair on the air, while she walks past through me,

"Wow," I murmured on somewhere, she looks so hot, and sexy, on her black jacket, but, isn't it too hot here to wear Jackets on this climate?

I walked and follow the girl, but, she suddenly gone? She walks too fast? That she can go that far? I took glanced at the CEO's office, where should I go first? Should I follow her and pick that girl up? Or should I have a meeting with Mrs. Heartcole and her friend? (I don't know who's that friend who is going to be one of our business partner,)

"Fvck that Lacuna! Business first!" I half whispered and half shout, yes I know I'm handsome, and it is easy, to pick that girl,

I turned around then walk through that big door, which is CEO's office, before I come in, I knocked the door 3x,

I hope they already here, I hate waiting, I hate it, it always make me bored,

"Mr. Lacuna Sir, they are waiting for you" the secretary told me, so that I opened the door and come in, as I step inside, I saw Mrs. Heartcole sitting in a chair in front of office table, and she's talking to one person there,

I can't see her face, but her back, looks so familiar, maybe, I saw that woman on business parties or what so ever I don't fvcking care where, I hate meetings, I walked through them, but something inside me that feels so exited and kinda nervous, this is weird, I always walked with full confidence, how come I'm feeling nervous now?

I felt my body shaking, and my lips trembling as I greeted them

"G-good A-afternoon, Ladies" he pulled his neck tie cause he felt so suffocated,

"Hey, Mr. Lacuna, Take a sit"

Our eyes met, she's the girl on the jacket!, Well Well Well, I thought she already left, but I'm wrong, she's here, in front of me, and I think she's my new business partner,

Her eyes, were brown same as her hair, her skin is white, so beautiful, her red lips, she look so beautiful, but, what's with that face? I can't see anything? My forehead cringed as I look deep into her eyes,

Instead of looking away, she stayed up and looks at me like nothing, and Hell! Can't she see how gorgeous I am?

I took a seat without cutting our eye contacts, fvck! 'Look Away Girl!' fvck it! Look away!!

I couldn't do anything but to be the first one look fvcking away,

"Looks like you both know each other Ms.Shadow and Mr. Light, aren't you guys?"

So, she's Shadow? That is so, cool name, but she's a girl, how come?

"Aren't you guys?"

"Stop It Aria, I don't know him" Shadow said, and that is weird, I don't know if she's mad or Irritated? She just... Said that?

"Oh, honeybee,did you just get pissed off? Haha, anyways, Here's the contract, just sign it, and we'll start that project, okay guys, sign it okay?" she gave us the contract of our next project to do, we'll build another condominiums, and, we'll be business partners from this day, we just need to sign this contract to make the project legal,

"Done" I look at her with stunned look, I haven't even started reading this contract, but she already signed it what's with her?

I quickly signed the contract and didn't bother to read it,

"I have to go, Aria, bye"...

(Shadow's POV)

I immediately walk out on my Friend Aria's office, I caught off guard, this is the first time I let someone stare at me, without punching him, this is not me anymore!

I saw him too on Aria's Wedding, and It feels the same, he made my heart beats fast! Carzily fast!

Now, I'm afraid, I'm getting afraid, I need to stay away from mens, they will only hurt me, and they'll only play my mind and my feelings, I can't take that much pain,

My phone rings, then I answered it,

I read the caller's I'd, and it's my step mom, I'm sure, she'll punish me again, I let go Sun and Sol, they are twins who always prisoned on they room, they are my lovingly cousins, Sun is Boy and Sol is Girl, they are younger than me, 19 years old both, they are too young to be punished, that's why I always took the punishments,

A several Cuts and some bruises, from whipper, and small knifes, I can take that punishments, but my cousins can't, they can't take it, and even smallest knife in the world, I wouldn't let to touch my Cousin's skin,

My Friends, And my other so called family, I'll protect them, I will,

I answered the phone and I only heard is the Yell of my Step Mom, "YOU KNOW WHAT DID YOU DO!? YOU LET THEM GO!!" She Yelled at the phone, j turned off the speaker then just listen to her they only want my money that's why they kept me,

"You'll be punished for this SHADOW!!"

They are so powerful, they have so many trusted peoples, they have their own military, what can I say? They are heir of my grandfather (he's a duke), after my parent's died,

Yes, you heard it right, I'm a fvcking princess that supposed to be duchess in this age, but without my parent's wealth, I can't, I can't beat them, I too weak in this time.

"So do i," I just answered her in rudely way,

I walk directly to my Car, and I'm pretty sure that some of their men's are tracking me right now, so, maybe I should wait them.

I ended the call then call my cousins, after the three rings, they answered,

"Cousin!!, Help US----- DAMN! Sol! FVCK YOU!! LET HER GO!!"

The nervousness ate my whole body, as I heard the scream of Sol and Sun, Fvck!! Damn! I need to save them!!, I tracked the location of the phone, and rushed over there, I need to save my cousins, fvck it!

"Wait for me Sol and Sun" I ended the call, and focus on the plan, damn that, i'm sure that my step mother did this! She'll pay for this damn it!

After 5 minutes, the GPS brought me to this place, an abandoned building, it seems so old, and no one is here fvck! I'm late!

I clenched my fist on anger, I breathe heavily, as my knees losed strength, what's happening to me?

I felt something on my neck, an injection,

Shit I can't move! I fell on the ground and everything went black.

(Shadow's POV)

I woke up in unfamiliar room, but it looks nice and clean, I feel so dizzy, I squeezed my eyes, and massage my Head, I feel really dizzy, what happened? Where am I?

I felt someone walking so I immediately run towards back of the door, and waited for someone to enter, I remember it all now, I've been tricked by my Step mother! They already took Sun and Sol, and left the phone, they knew I'll come so that they waited me to came.

The door opened and I snatched his hands, and kicked him on his chest and put his arms on his back, I stepped on his back to make sure he can't fight back,

He screamed in pain, but suddenly, my heart beats fast, I don't know why,

"Ms. Shadow! Argh! Fvck!----It's me! Light!"

L-light?, Is he one of my Step Mom's mens?

"You kidnapped me?" I asked him shriveling in pain, I held his arm tighter and look directly on his eyes, I'm loosing my focus, it's like I'm covered by thousand of electric volts as he stood up then hugged me.

"I didn't, please believe me"

End of prologue

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