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I Am Sold As The Crown Prince Marionette

I Am Sold As The Crown Prince Marionette



In her previous life, Everon Monique was just a simple girl living her life as a carefree teenager. She's contented to live her normal and lonesome life on her own. Not until a very sudden accident triggered her. She died at the age of 18 and was reincarnated as the baby girl of a grand Duke! And she never expect to be conscious about her past life. As she grew and relieving her new life, she witnessed how strange her new world is. In her new world, man is more powerful and more puissant and well more treated than them. Girls are being sold as slaves at the age of 18 to every noble man and will feel the brutalize life she could never imagined before. And when she turned 18, the time she's always been terrified of came. She was sold to become the Crown Prince Marionette. Will she ever survived at the hands of her diabolic master?

Chapter 1 My Tragic Faith

"Waiter!" Another costumer raised her hand to catch my attention.

"Yes!" I run through her table carrying a black pen and a small notes. "What's your order, Ma'am?"

"Give me another piece of strawberry cake and a float please." The strictness through her eyes is very relevant. I could already tell that once I made a single mistake, she'll sue me to death.

How did I know? It's because I've encountered many costumers like her before.

As I was to exit she called me again together with her cold voice. "Oh... And please don't call me Ma'am. I'm still young. Call me Miss."

"Y-yes... Miss." I bowed my head apologetically. Told 'ya.

"Go now. Don't waste my time." She rolled her eyes and started talking with her bunch of friends again. Whew. Who would want to waste your time, anyway.

I pursed my lips an sighed heavily before placing her order in the food area.

"Hey... are you alright, Evie?" Asked Clinton who's in charge of the upcoming orders.

I let out a small smile and chuckled a bit. "Yes. I'm fine. Why did you ask?"

"You look so weary. Did someone bother you again?" His eyes squinted worriedly.

"No... I'm just a bit tired for today."

"Yeah. You're working nonstop since morning. You should rest for awhile."

I giggled. "I can't do that. I don't want my bonus to fade that easily."

"Oh, damn that bonus." He rolled his eyes before making his way to the kitchen.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes before serving the orders to the costumers. Just like what Clinton said, I am working my ass since morning, nonstop. Being a waiter in a high end restaurant is very tiring especially when you have a demanding boss that always nag every hour. You can't rest because it's not part of your payment. No time is intended for resting so you should pick your butt up and work! That's the motto to get some better money.

How I wish to lived in another world, living like a princess away from this stupid reality.

"Are you heading home now?" Asked Clinton when I was doffing my waitperson dress.

"Yeah. Sort off."

"Walk alone, again?" He grimaced.

"I don't have any money to grab a taxi so better walk myself than leave a cash behind."

"Ah... How I wish to have my own car to drive you home my own," he shooked his head. I chuckled a little before taking my bag.

"See you tomorrow, Clinton."

"Yeah. Safe home, okay?"

"I will!"

I walked my way to the back exit of the restaurant where the dirty and smelly dumpster will meet you first. I sighed and started walking between this smelly street, holding my breath until I reach the lane where you can see the vehicles running around the city.

Staff like me wearing a simple T-shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of old sneakers doesn't suit walking on the grand exit of the restaurant. It will just make the costumers turned their back, seeing a trash like me walking grandly into its red carpet. Well, that's what my boss said. Those words keeps digging through my ears a couple of times now, so I got used to it.

"Hey sweet." A girl called a man with her flirty voice made me dizzy.

It's past 9pm so it's sure that those whores are now coming out from their caves. Calling some old man wanting some pleasure and pay them back for their service.

Ah, how I wish that Clinton is walking with me today at this late night hour. Damn that creeyp boss making him always work overtime?!

Clinton Hernandez is my one and only friend made from heaven. We've met at the restaurant too. That time, I am still a part timer at the restaurant, he approach me with his kind and self made generosity. As I was living my 18th life here in this mess up world, he became my first companion. He became my savior and a well trusted friend. For almost one year that we've been together, he never do anything to make me upset. He's the friend that I always wish for from the very start and I'm happy that God gave him to me.

Even if I don't have any family to hold on, he gave me a friend to lean on in times of needs. And for me... that's all enough to continue my living in this world full of misery.

"You wanna fight, ha?! You dipsh*t bastard?!" I heard a loud scream nearby. And I could already tell... A gang fight is starting. I pursed my lips and decided to walk my way into the other root back home. I will go a long way but I don't have any other way to go home safely.

I took a deep sighed and bent my head down for them to avoid noticing me. Every night this is how dangerous my life is. There's no night I keep praying for myself to get safer. For me to avoid any accident on my way home. This life is so tiresome, but I don't have any choice. I need to live and stand on my own.

After walking for about 45 minutes I felt so relieved when I heard the bark of my dog Hawlie in front of our apartment. I laughed when he run his way to me and lick my hand excitedly.

"Oh boy. You miss mommy so much. Do 'ya?"

We went inside on my old apartment. My apartment is all enough for one person. I've been living here for about two years and this is the only place that my grandma left for me to stay. It's a bit old but having a roof to stay when raining and snowing is all enough for me. I don't need any extravagant. "I'm home now, Hawlie." I chuckled.

I placed my bag on the sofa and walk inside my little kitchen. "What do you want to eat today, huh?" I scanned the ref and see only a pack of noodles and a piece of carrots.

"Oh, I guess I need to buy some new food for us to eat tonight." I rubbed his head and pick up my jacket. "Guard the house Hawlie while Mommy will buy us some food." I laughed when he barked as if he could understand my words.

The weather is getting cold. I guess, winter is waving for it's intrance this year.

"Ah! The nearby stores are closed already." I mumbled. I don't have any choice. I'm starving. I need to buy some food at 7/11 and that's too far from here. Damn poverty it is.

I sighed and started walking my journey to 7/11. While walking, I count my penny and smiled. "I guess this is enough for me to buy some sushi for both of us Hawlie. It's good enough for tonight and for tomorrow morning."

When I arrived at the store, I pick up all the food we need and pay for them. I went back to my place happily as I saw Hawlie barking and running my way again.

"We got some food and it's your favorite!" He jumped happily. We went inside the apartment and eat our food for the night. After that, I took my night bath before going to bed.

"Tommorow is a tough day again so be a good boy Hawlie."

I let myself fall off to sleep beside my beloved dog in bed. Hawlie is the only family that stayed beside me up until now. Just like Clinton, this friend of mine is the only thing that make me want to strive for the living.

I woke up around four o'clock in the morning without Hawlie on bed. I stretched my body and move out to look for my best bud. I smiled as I saw him sleeping peacefully in front of our door. I guess he guard the house whole night as he used to.

I prepare myself to go to work and prepare a food for Hawlie for the afternoon. Whenever I think about him being alone here makes me feel so bad. My little buddy is always alone... just like me.

Well, I guess this is the life God gave to me. All I need to do is to treasure it and accept it. I'm sure there will be a very beautiful surprised coming it's way. Patience is a virtue for me, and I'm hardly holding on to it.

My Mom and Dad died in an accident five years ago. I am just a thirteen years old child back then. Since that time, I was left with my grandmama. She dressed me, she take care of me and she treat me like her only precious granddaughter, she became my guardian angel and I never thought for that to end up so fast. She died 2 two years ago because of cancer, leaving me behind all alone, without no one.

At the young age I already felt the strong agony of being lonely. And I never expect for me to still live this far. I'm still eighteen, but I felt like I'm already a sixty year old lady striving for living. But when I met Clinton and Hawlie, my hopes grew wider everyday. It feels like, I'm starting to build my shattered self again. I found hope with them. My darkest days started to light a single spark and it made me feel so strong to strive back myself. I want to find my purpose, that's why I'm still doing my best despite of this awful hardships everyday. This is for my new self after all. And I'm happy to slowly witness my own light and pretension.

"Bye Hawlie! Be a good boy okay?" I wave my hand to my dog who's acting so suspicious since morning. He's barking and whimpering. It's making me feel so bad living him alone at this state. This is the second time he's crying. The first one is when I first met him on the street having a big scar on his leg and now... what's wrong with him?

I arched my brow and walked towards him. I patted his head and smiled when he stop. He's trying to reach my hand too.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He barked again and bite my shirt. I gasped when I thought about something.

"You don't want me to go?" I asked. He barked at me. It seems like a yes to me. I sighed and let out a small smile.

"I need to work, Hawlie. We can't have food if I won't work- Hawlie! Stop messing my shirt!" I stood up when he didn't stop. "Hawlie... Mommy will be home so wait for me okay? I will never leave you. I'll be back same time as always. Be good, Hawlie." I smiled patting his head. He started whimpering again.

I'll be late to work if I won't go now. My boss will surely scold me to death. I sighed sadly while trying to say goodbye to my friend. While walking on the Street, my shoulders feels so heavy. I wonder why Hawlie is crying like that? Is he ill? Should I stop by in a vet to ask for Hawlie's situation? Ah... I think I should. I'm worried about him.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I started to dressing up for serving. Like yesterday, I was still working without taking a rest. I don't won't to end up being humiliated by my boss again for not working properly.

"Did you eat?" Asked Clinton. We're on our thirty minutes break for lunch time.


"Then, let's eat together. My treat!"

My ears flop as I hear Clinton's magical words. "I won't reject the offer!"

He laughed. "Come on!"

We went out to the restaurant and decided to eat in the small stoles nearby. The food in the restaurant are too expensive! I can't even afford a single slice of their sandwich. It's just stating how unfair the world is for someone as poor as me.

"Hey! Wait!" Clinton stopped me. I hummed and stand beside him. He pointed his finger on the other side of the road. "Is that... Hawlie?" He asked.

My body started to react and became so attentive. I squinted my eyes to look for Hawlie and I almost loss my weight when I saw him barking towards us. Although it's so noisy because of the vehicles, I can still hear him from afar.

I smile wide and scream his name. "Hawlie!"

Why is he here anyway? But before I could do anything my smile faded when I saw a young little girl running her way in the middle of the street! My eyes widened when I saw a fast moving truck towards her.

My heart thumped fast. I gasped and hurriedly run through her way.

"Evie!" Clinton screamed.

I heard the scream of some people too as I grab the childs arm. I pushed her through the other side. As I was about to run to avoid the impact, the truck was already an inches away from me, leaving me in shocked.

That's when I knew... I was already lying on the street, soaking from my own blood. Can't move a single thing. I suddenly saw a light that came out from nowhere. It's calling and absorbing me in. What is that?

Is this what death looks and feels like? It's so... welcoming.

Every second, my eyes gets so blurry. I can only see little dots and hear some cries and barkings. It's... It's from my friends! But whenever I tried to move, an excruciating pain will hold me up 'till I loss my breath.

Should I die like this? Can't I say goodbye to my friends first before leaving? My body is slowly giving up. I heard Clinton's crying voice again, begging for me to hold on.

I smiled for the last time. Well if this is the end... I will gladly accept this tragic fate, without any regrets.

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