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A. O. Anjay


Fashion meets romance in this compelling drama! Meet Amelia Kurt, a young lady who dreams of being a well known fashion designer. Then there's Ryan Oswald, the billionaire CEO who is going to make it all happen. The two meet under unfavorable circumstances. Can they ride it out or are they not meant to be?

Chapter 1 Attempted robbery

Author's P. O. V

The sun peeped into the room of a young lady and shown directly on her face. Feeling the light on her face she turned to the other side so as to get more sleep. But it wasn't long before the alarm by her bedside rang. Raising a sleeping hand up, she slammed the alarm off before nuzzling to sleep again. But who was she deceiving? If she got to work late the money would be deducted from her pay which was even little than chicken change.

Half groaning, she rose up from her bed and rubbed her eyes. They were dark circles around it and it was obvious she hadn't gotten any sleep. She looked unkempt, well very unkempt but that was going to change however once she got to the bathroom. She picked up her phone to check the time. She only had 30 minutes to prepare for work. She had best get started. She stood up from her bed and proceeded to the bathroom, the only bathroom in the apartment she shared with her best friend Mabel. She was going to be out any moment and she needed to be ready. She entered the bathroom and applied toothpaste to her brush and began brushing her teeth. Once she was done, she cleaned her mouth and said to herself what she always told herself every morning and has now become an habit. " you can do this Amy, you can make yourself and your mum proud. You just need to hold on to that dream and never let go, no matter how hard it gets. You can stitch the torn pieces of your life" she muttered staring at the mirror.

Meet Amelia Kurt, the girl whose only dream is to become a well known fashion designer and is holding on to it as hard as she can.




Note:: I'll be writing in the characters P. O. V now. It's my first time and I hope I did it well.





Amelia's P. O. V

After brushing my teeth and subsequently taking my bath, I got out of the bathroom to prepare for work. I didn't have any special clothes to wear today so I just got into a T shirt and a faded jeans. Applying some lip gloss and powder on my face to hide my dark circles, I looked ready. I got out of my room and met Mabel at the door of her room, with a brush and towel with her. She yawned. "good morning " I greeted with a smile.

"good morning Amelia" she answered. Stretching herself to her full height, she groaned. "oh my gosh, I'm so tired. I didn't sleep properly last night " I smiled at her remark. I'm guessing she meant she didn't have her beauty sleep. " well it's obvious to the person who didn't sleep at all" I put in. Mabel glanced at him as if remembering something clapped her hands. " yeah... When did you get in last night"

"2.30 am" I replied, " and I used half of the time to finish my pending designs." mabel shook her head.

"you need to stop working yourself to death Amy , when will you have time for yourself? Look at you ... You like someone who got punished for stealing something in the market." walking closer to me, she held my hand. "if you need anything, I'll be here to help. I'm your best friend ". I smiled " I know, but I have things to take care of and they are not your responsibility. "

Mabel scoffed " as if you're not my responsibility "

" I have to go now. Madame Truffaut will kill me if I come one minute late" I said as I wore my already tight shoes.

" won't you at least have breakfast " Mabel yelled

"i don't have time for that. Don't worry I'll survive " Mabel pouted. you need to eat something... Put something in that empty tummy of yours"

I gave her a quick hug. " I'll buy food on my way to work, don't worry " I said trying to get her off my case. "as if you have any money " she muttered grudgingly. I smiled. It was a sad one. She was right, I didn't have any money except for a few pennies here and there. Most of the money I made last week was used to pay my dad's debt. Note that I said my dad's debt. That evil man deliberately owed a lot of people money so when he left us we would have a hard time surviving. That's why am hoping this week would be different.

I sighed and looked at my best friend. It's obvious she didn't mean any harm with what she said, but she isn't Amelia Kurt. She had enough to take care of herself but not another person, especially someone like me. "i said I'll be fine Mabel, don't you worry "

"OK. If you say so. But wait" Mabel went to into her room. When she came out, she was with an envelope. I knew what was in it, but I didn't want to collect it.

Mabel looked at me with those questioning eyes of hers and placed the envelope on my palm. "you're not refusing this. Keep it till when you think it's necessary. It's a gift." She said. I gave her a hug. One minute she was complaining, the next she was helping me out. And that's why I love her.

Pulling away from the hug, I smiled at her

"thank you..... Very much" I said.

"its no biggie. Now take your ass to work before madam Truffaut arrests you" she said and slapped me playfully in the butt. I chuckled before going to the door.

" Amelia!?" Mabel called. I turned to face her.


She smiled before raising her hands and punching the air. "fighting"

I chuckled. " fighting, I love you "

"love you too"

I walked out the door, and started walking down the street to the bus stop. Madam Truffaut store was quite far, but it was a 10 minute ride if I took the bus. The bus arrived when I got there and I got in and took my seat by the window. Staring out of the window, I thought about my life and the progress I've made so far.

I'm Amelia Kurt also known as Amy., the only child of my mom. I don't have a dad because he left us. I hate him so much. He was always abusing my mum and made sure she couldn't walk before leaving us. If he didn't want the marriage he should had just divorced her. I'm twenty four years old. And I all I want to be is a fashion designer. It's a dream I have held on for so long and each passing day I pray it doesn't slip away from me. In a few moments I arrived at the street where madam Truffaut store was located. She owned a boutique and she sells clothing materials in bulk for people who are interested in buying. She was one of the people my dad owed money and in exchange for pay I work for twelve hours. I arrived at the door at the store and met her already standing waiting for me. She had a huge frown on her face which didn't make her any prettier, I checked my time great.... I was two minutes late.

"good morning Mrs Truffaut " I greeted sweetly.

"and what is good about the morning? Huh? You're late" she yelled. I cringed. "im sorry ma'am the bus arrived late" I explained

She gave a loud hiss before walking in, I followed in the dressmaking room I saw loads of materials and a sewing machine. I marvelled at the material, they were pretty. I looked at Mrs Truffaut. She looked at me and scoffed. " you will be making gowns from the material you see here. You are making 50 gowns. I need to deliver it this evening to Mrs Smith. Make sure you use your best designs and be fast about it " she ranted.

" yes ma'am. What about the percentage of pay" I asked, keeping my voice a bit low. She glared at me for a while before replying " 70–30". I sighed, it was so little for the work I was about to do.

Mrs Truffaut must have noticed my expression because she snickered. "thats the percentage, take it or leave it. You should have told your dad not to borrow so much from me. Looks like you will be here for a long time " she taunted before finally leaving the room. I felt something sting my eyes but I didn't want to cry, in my state there wasn't even time to cry. Mrs Truffaut enjoying bullying me because of my condition. She seems to forget it's only temporary and one day I will leave all of this. I can't wait for the day she would begin to buy my dresses, I can't wait to see the expression on her face when she knows I've finally made it.

OK enough day dreaming, time to get to work. Opening up the measurement book, I opened my bag and brought out my design book. I opened to one of my evening dresses collection and picked one design I would use. I then turned on my phone and plugged my earphones to listen to some music while working. 50 dresses coming right up.




It was evening by the time I was done with all of the dresses. My body was completely sore and my stomach groaned loudly reminding me that have not eaten. Feeling a little dizzy. I walked up to Mrs Truffaut office and knocked. She beckoned for me to come in. I walked in and met her counting money.

" good evening ma'am, I'm done with the dresses " I announced. She gave me a side long look before continuing counting her money.

"ok" she finally said. " you may leave". I stared a bit at her when she said that. Seeing that I didn't move, she looked at me with those evil eyes before throwing a dollar bill at me. I picked it up and saw it was a 50 dollar bill. It was really little, but it would serve me breakfast –lunch–dinner all together. I greeted her goodnight and got out of the store. Walking down the store to a fast food restaurant, I ordered myself an hamburger and soda, it wasn't healthy but it was what I could afford until I got home to eat proper food prepared by Mabel. I didn't have any money to board a bus back home, so I just skipped along.

Walking in the late night and all the night flashing and songs playing filled me with a sense of happiness and I couldn't wait to get home to some designs. My life's miserable and I know it but as long as am alive am going to make living worth it.

Getting to the dangerous part in town, I began walking very fast. Dangerous people littered around here and I didn't want to get noticed. But it seemed this night had other plans for me as a group of boys began following me. I began walking really fast but they double crossed me and trapped me. I gulped. They looked really dangerous and I didn't want to upset them.

" we don't want any trouble miss, we just want your money" one of them spoke

Seriously!? That was the only money on me and now I have to give it to them? I groaned internally. Why am I so unlucky.

" I'm sorry, but I really don't have any money" I said and began walking but they stopped me. "your money or we won't make leaving here easy for you" the person spoke earlier spoke again.

Oh God! Why me?

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