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Danger in the Shadows

Danger in the Shadows



There some memories you can’t erase no matter how hard you try. Like the smell of his skin, the taste of his lips. Even though my life will never be the same, I can’t shake this feeling, this love that I have for him

Chapter 1 Junior year

First day of school, first day of my “new life” at least that is what my mom told me when we moved here. “Jessica just think of all the new things you can do, just think of all the changes you can make” like I wanted to make any changes. I’m not what you call a “popular girl” I don’t do cheer, or drama club any thing of that sorts. Instead I read, and I read and I read. Reading is an escape from the real world, escape from the chaos of my life.

My parents got a divorce last year, and in result of the divorce my mom thought it would be best to pack everything and move across the country, literally and to California of all places. Crazy, chaotic California. My brother stayed with my dad over in Virginia since he is in college and he didn’t want to bother transferring. Not that I can blame him. We are from a small town, a population of 267 people to be exact. Well 268 now, Becky had her daughter 4 weeks ago.

Anyhow, today is my first day as a junior at Munson high school, a school of roughly 3700 people. I parked my car in the first parking space I seen, rushing I grabbed my book bag and yanked it from the seat, forgetting that I didn’t close it and spilled all my contents in the parking lot. Great just what I needed today. I heard a couple people chuckle, but I didn’t look up to see who it was, it’s not like little laughs isn’t something I’m not use to. All of a sudden someone kneeled next to me grabbing my notebook. Reaching for it I looked up at the person that was holding it and I was speechless. I felt like I couldn’t move. You know those moments in cheesy romance movies where you read about how they feel like time has stopped?

Well that’s how I was feeling right now, I felt my mouth drop open when I made eye contact with the greenest eyes I have ever seen, with a very very small hint of yellow to them. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe. All I could do was just sit there and gawk. The guy smirked at me and looked away breaking eye contact, breaking my daze with a snap.

“You know the bell doesn’t ring for another 10 minutes right?” He said

“ excuse me?” I said flustered, trying to keep my voice calm.

“well it seems you are in bit of a rush. Just letting you know you still have time”

I quickly grabbed my notebook and my class schedule and shoved them in my bag. Standing up I tried to close the bag and I realize the zipper was stuck. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. I cleared my throat “ thanks for the heads up. Just don’t want to be late” I told him. Careful not to look him in the eyes. I am embarrassed enough as it is. I heard him chuckle and took a step forward. He looked over his shoulder with a smirk “ see you around” and he walked off. I was just standing there dumbfounded staring into his back as he walked away. Taking a deep breath I grabbed my keys from my seat, locked my car and proceeded to walk to the school. I am going to hate it here.

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