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Danger in the Shadows

Chapter 4 Ignorance is bliss

Word Count: 652    |    Released on: 06/07/2021

why would he want to kiss me. This guy looked like a walking model, and well I’m just Jessica. A book worm. I frowned on the inside and convinced myself I was just imaging things. I’ve read to m

at would it of felt like to have his lips on mine? How would it of felt feeling his strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer? I chuckled and shook my head trying to

. Love is a fairytale, and fairytales only happen in writing. I mean my parents got a divorce after 25 years. And they are absolutely miserable. They hate each other despite the act they put in front of Nathan and I. If that’s love, no thank you. That’s not for me. I’ll gladly stick to my books. I’d rather go through

ked up my pace. I vowed to do what I needed to do to make myself happy here in California for the sake of my mom and Demetrius was not that answer. That was going to end in a disaster. No matter what I had to do, I could not let these feelings prosper. I could not let myself imagine what it would be like to kissed by him, to feel his arms wrapped around me. To be engulfed in his scent. No no no I had to st

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