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Danger in the Shadows

Chapter 3 Demetrius

Word Count: 1280    |    Released on: 06/07/2021

es and hoped that sleep would take over once again, after a few minutes I became frustrated and decided to take a shower. I guess I’ll just grab some coffee and head to the library before school. A

to school at 9 why

go to the library before school toda

re driving. And don’

un fully shiny at this point and I could already feel the heat beating on my ski

efore. I mean of course the library back in Virginia was small, very small. It had 6 book shelves of books and two computers. Not very many people went in there. I was one of the few, and

as passed but I ended up collecting about 15 books before I went to go sit at the table closes to me. I grabbed a book from my pile and flipped through the first page. I seen movement to the right of me and I looked to the side to see someone stan

ind if I

sat across from me at the

me. I flipped the book over and read the titl

ion back to my book. I could feel his eyes watchin

with something

his bag and started writing. I stared at him for a moment, when I noticed

oked up at him confused. “ just in

old him and looked

ioned pushing my book down, bringing my

I mostly just r

him shocked. At school? I haven’t seen him

’t seen y

ed down and continued writing in his notebook. I didn’t look away, I took this time to really look at him. He had dark brown hair that he had cut short, very short around the sides, and a little long on the top that he pushed to the side it looked like. I

embarrament. All of a sudden my phone alarm went off letting me know that it was 8:30. I gathere

et to school”

ards the door. It was a matter of seconds before he caught up to me. With him standing next to me I realize how tall he wa

e looking down. At this point we had it to

hand and let the door close behind him and grabbed the

ings you

ed and he held my gaze, not saying anything, not moving. I could feel my heart beat pick up and I swear it sounded like it was banging in my ears. All of a sudden Demetrius stepped closer and looked like he was leaning down. I didn’t feel like I had control over my body, i just stared at him

d and walked away. I just stared in the direction that he walke

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