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I Love You, Pak HRD

I Love You, Pak HRD

Classic Penny


Nadia's purpose in going to the office was actually just looking for a job to make ends meet, who is now alone after the death of her father. However, there was one thing that bothered him a little in the office. Rendra the HRD, who is fifteen years above Nadia, always pays attention to her. At first, Nadia felt normal. But as time went on, Rendra's attention became more and more visible until in the end, Rendra expressed his feelings for Nadia. Nadia is certainly confused. At the age of just turning 20, she must be treated to love from a 35 year old man. Age difference? not a problem for Nadia. But the problem is, Nadia doubts. Is she the only one in Rendra's heart or was there a woman that Rendra had married before? And when Rendra swore that Nadia would be the first woman he would marry, Nadia agreed to be the man's lifelong companion. However, domestic life is not always sweet. Nadia has to accept the sad reality when her marriage to Rendra is one year old. A reality that forced Nadia to choose to stay or leave the man.

Chapter 1 Part 1

"Get a job, Nad. It's okay to grieve, but it doesn't go on forever. It's the same if you don't accept the destiny of God who took your father. By working, at least you don't think about the deceased too much."

The magic sentence from Agung, my school friend was what made me rise from suspended animation. My world just collapsed after being left by Papa, one month ago.

Eating, just being reminded. My activities at home are only filled with crying and crying, I remember Papa every day. And unfortunately, Papa is an only child. So I don't have anyone I can call Uncle, Aunt or whoever it is. Grandpa on Papa's side It's been a long time since I've been around and…and my Mama, passed away five years ago. Just like Papa, my Mama is an isolated woman.

Oooh, what a terrible life my life seems to be destined to be alone.

I who used to live with Papa, suddenly darkened my world when I heard the news that Papa died in a single accident.

But, let it be. Maybe this is destiny from the Almighty. Now I will try to rise.

And here I am now, in front of a growing property company. Three days ago I submitted a job application with a position as an Admin in this office. And Alhamdulillah, today I was called. Hopefully I pass the selection.

Thanks to Agung who has informed me of this vacancy.

I entered. Arriving in front of one of the special room for employee recruitment, it seemed, I saw that there were already many applicants sitting waiting. More or less ten people. Three men and seven women including me. All the same, formally dressed as job applicants, black and white.

I feel insecure when I saw six other women dressed beautifully and perfectly. Meanwhile, I only wear minimal make-up, the important thing is that my face is not pale.

The six women also seem to have a lot of work experience. And again, that thought made me feel down. I have absolutely no work experience because after graduating from high school three years ago, I wasn't going anywhere. I was just at home taking care of Papa who is a retired soldier. . If Papa is there to take care of the project, I just stay at home. I'm not going anywhere.

But I won't give up. I remember Papa's message to me that we can't lose before the war.

One by one the applicants were called into the HRD office. Maybe I was the last one.

One thing I want to say is that the recruitment process in this company starts from the first interview and then the psychological test. It's weird. although I've never experienced it, but what I hear from my friends who are already working, isn't the psychological test first and then the interview with HRD?

Yes but never mind. What can I do? I don't own this company.

"Nadia Annisa Wardani?"

My name was called. My heart was pounding tremendously. I swear, I've never had an interview before. If Agung said, when asked by HRD, don't answer very honestly. You have to lie a little to get accepted into work.

Yes, but do I have to lie? Papa always reminded me to always be honest so that life is not destroyed (a little imitate what Babe Benjamin said in the film Si Doel, a schoolboy, because my Papa really likes the legendary soap opera.)

Ah, what a fool. Anyway, I will answer the questions from HRD later as best I can.

"Good morning."

Hey, it's still early right?

"Morning. Please come in."

This mini room atmosphere is very tense. The room temperature is suddenly cold even though I was too hot before I entered. Even though the HRD is handsome, but why do I feel like I'm in prison?

"Please, sit."

I wrung my hands, trying to make my smile normal so it wouldn't look too much in the eyes of this handsome HRD.

The HRD that I read from his name tag, named Rendra, has asked me various questions. Most of the questions are trapping. You know how difficult the interviewer's questions are, right?

Just one more question.

"Why do you want to join this company?"

Because I want money.

But Agung said, I have to answer this trick question with a little spice of lies. But seriously, I can't lie, even a little.

"For making money, sir."

"If you're just looking for money, you don't have to be in this company right? You can do it in other places too."

Dead, checkmate, true what he said.

Papa, help me!

"Yes, because I want a career too, sir. I've always wanted to work in an office. And in my opinion, this company I want to use as a place to develop my career." I replied with a grin as wide as a horse's.

Whether I'm too innocent or stupid, the answer just slipped out of my mouth.

I don't care whether I'll be accepted or not. Even if I don't pass the interview selection, I can still become an online motorcycle taxi driver later.

"Who do you live with? "

"Alone sir."

"Your parents? "

Why is this a very personal question?

"My mother died five years ago, sir, and my Papa just one month ago left me."

I saw the expression on Mr. Rendra's face changed, "Sorry, sorry."

I smiled "It's okay, sir. I'm sure my Papa Mama is in a better place."

Lie... even though a month ago you were like a living corpse, Nadia.

"That's it. You can wait for the psychological test outside."

So this is the process? Have I passed the interview stage selection?

But that question just stuck in my mind of course.

"Fine, sir, thank you."

And for the first time, we shook hands.


That girl, so innocent.

Making Rendra incessantly daydream about the girl named Nadia.

Every time she was asked, the girl would answer honestly as she was without being made up. Her makeup was also very innocent. Unlike other female applicants who wore Kim Kardashian-style make-up, what was judged by this company if the recruitment of employees was brain, not physical. Yes, appearance is necessary, but not too much like that.

"Thick make-up, expensive appearance if the brain is empty, what's the point?"

That is what Jerry Andrean, the owner of this company, always reminds his subordinates. At the same time, the motto of this company.

That girl, had managed to grab Rendra's attention… a little… but it worked.

And now Rendra has stepped into a special room for psychological tests for prospective employees. In his hands there is a pile of psychological test files that are quite thick for each prospective applicant.

The whole room, which had been buzzing with the giggling sounds of the older women, suddenly fell silent when Rendra came in. Again, the Kardashian Family twins admired Rendra's handsomeness from a far. Except for Nadia, of course. As an ordinary woman, she was also amazed by Rendra's good looks, but Nadia was a girl who are good at behaving... not overdoing it like the six women.

"I'll give you 30 minutes. Do you bring your own pens?" Rendra said after handing the psychological test sheet to the ten prospective employees.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, just do it. Starting from now."

Everyone was immediately busy with their respective test sheets. Rendra decided to wait while standing. He watched the ten people one by one.

And his gaze stopped for a long time at a girl named Nadia.

This time Nadia managed to grab his attention again. Rendra could clearly see how confused Nadia was in doing the problem but she still tried to stay calm and didn't ask left or right.

Rendra was so engrossed in watching Nadia that he didn't realize that thirty minutes had passed.

"Okay, time's up."

All prospective applicants came forward to hand over the test sheet to Rendra and sat back down.

"I will check this first. If for example someone passes, we will call again via telephone. Make sure your number remains active. If within the next three days someone has not been called, it means you did not pass the selection. Do you understand?"

Again, everyone nodded… including Nadia.

"Okay, thank you for following this selection process and all of you may go home. Once again I remind you that the cellphone number remains active for the next three days."

One by one they left the room, Nadia was last in line.

"Thank you sir."

Of the ten people, only Nadia thanked Rendra before she left the room. This made Rendra stunned. God slipped one woman who knew manners among the nine other people who just left the room.

"Ooh, yes you're welcome. Be careful on the road."

The girl smiled and again, little by little Rendra's attention seemed to be sucked in by everything for Nadia.

That girl is different.

"Besides brains, this company also needs employees who know attitude. Because no matter how smart a person is, if the attitude is zero, there's no point at all."

"Fix, this is Mr. Jerry's ideal employee. But I don't know what her psychological test results are like. I hope they can match and she can pass."

Because what Rendra didn't know, his little heart was already fascinated by Nadia.

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