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Superstar's Love And Nightmare

Superstar's Love And Nightmare

Payal Mandal


Rashika, an obsessive girl who fell in love with a movie star Aayaan Singhania. He felt attracted to her as well, but things go wrong when they unknowingly sparked a controversy. He left her, but she wasn't the one who will weep for years and then eventually move on. She believed in revenge and that's why, she came back for her revenge, to destroy Aayaan Singhania. But the price she had to pay for his destruction is her destruction as well. Will she be able to pay the price?

Chapter 1 Prologue

In an Award Show...

As they announced the nominations, everybody sitting there had expressions of excitement on their faces. They were looking at the stage of excitement, whereas nominees were nervous as hell.

“And the award for the best actor of the year goes to..." The anchor just raised the excitement of the audience by pausing just before announcing the winner's name.

“Aayaan Singhania," the anchor cheered, and the entire audience started clapping with happiness as a handsome hunk got up from his seat and moved towards the stage with an enchanting smile.

He reaches the stage and receives the award.

“Well, third consecutive win in the same year... I just can't be more grateful," Aayaan Spoke.

Somewhere Else,

“So Miss Rashika Singh," a middle-aged man settled down in his seat and crossed his legs, “How badly do you want this movie?”

“You just can't even imagine how badly I want it. In fact, I do not want it, I need it,” a girl with almost no expression on her face replied

The man smirked and got up from his seat and went near the girl. “So you can do anything for this movie?" He spoke in a deep voice.

“Yes," Rashika nervously replied.

The man smirked and then caressed her hairs seductively.

“Alright then," He whispered in her ears. “So are you ready for your auditions?" he asked, showing her what he was going to do. Rashika closed her eyes tightly as her breathing became heavy. For the moment, she was scared and nervous. She could hear her heart pounding fast. She could feel his fingers rolling down her neck, nearing her chest. She finally took a deep breath and looked at the producer with a sudden rush of confidence. “Yes, I am ready," she replied.

Aayaan Singhania's POV-

After everything happened, I can claim that the Worst Mistake Of My Life Was Leaving her. I mean yeah, she was good, and yeah I should not have left her, but what could I do? I couldn't risk my everything for her, because I liked her but I didn't Love Her. And just because, I couldn't love her when she loved me, I am here, in this situation.

Rashika Singh's POV-

The Worst Mistake Of My Life Was Loving Him. But I am not that kind of girl who will weep in a corner and then move on with her life. And so, The worst mistake of his life would be leaving me. And in the end, The Price he will be paying for my love would be plain destruction. I will enjoy it a lot when I will rip him apart, bit by bit

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