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The Blood Trinity

The Blood Trinity

Boss Kelly


The story is a battle between the forces of good and evil, with various obstacles blocking the path to success. The story starts off with three teenage girls who are each bullied and outcast in the orphanage/ boarding school ; Sigmund Ross Institution . They discover that they are all children of a god like demon named Zai and inherit demonic abilities that make them targets for a series of mystical creatures who seek their destruction.

Chapter 1 Roll Call

“Nobody likes a victim.” Madison Chan, a Chinese sixteen-year-old girl repeats as she writes the same sentence on a dry chalkboard in front of her English class.

Her resentfulness is only accompanied by the snickering of her classmates as they threw paper airplanes at her long, orange hair.

“Stop it,” Madison yelled at her classmates.

“That board isn’t going to fall itself, Ms. Chan.” Brother Phillip Baxter, a 35-year-old Italian man taunted her as he sat against the back of a wall.

“Brother Baxter. Please make them stop.”

“They weren’t the ones who were late for class for the fifth time this month. When one of us is, late all of us are late.”

Brother Phillips stood up as he dusted off a black dress part and threw his matching jacket over his pink dress shirt.

“What are our rules when it comes to tardiness, class?”

“Tardiness is a blameless decision.” The class said simultaneously.

“Everyone else understands, Ms. Chan.” Why don’t you?”

“I tried to get out of practice but Coach Lockwood.”

“Oh yes. Coach Lockwood said you were causing trouble with your teammates. I get basketball can be competitive. But that not an excuse for sabotaging your team.”

“I didn’t sabotage anything.”

“The coach says otherwise. He says that you do not work well with your teammates. That you can’t follow instructions…”

“That’s not true.” Madison yelled while holding back tears in her eyes.

“Listen. It is your word versus a man I have known for ten years. Guess who I am going to believe.

Brother Baxter’s words cut through Madison’s emotions as the young girl felt her shoulders growing in weight and her fingers twitched in frustration.

“Now finish my wall unless you want detention.”

Madison turned back to the board as her classmates threw more paper and eventually pieces of garbage at her.

One of her classmates threw a juice box at her head, splattering its liquid against her as she broke down in tears while finishing the chalkboard.

“That’s good enough,” said Brother Baxter.” “Ms. Jones. Your next.”

As Madison walked to her desk, April G. Jones; a pink hair with light brown skin, walked up from her desk and reached for the bucket of water in the said.

“Serves you right for making lies about Roxy and her friends being mean to you. Considering that she is one of our brightest students at this institution. In fact, they said you tried to take her pearl necklace.”

“But she…”

Before she could finish her sentence, April G noticed a dark skin girl played with the same pearl necklace that Brother Baxter spoke about while smirking at April G in a sinister way.

Biting the tip of her lip, April G begrudged turned around and cleaned the chalkboard that Madison wrote on.

“I’ll say this. You might know how to start a fight, Ms. Jones. But by the looks of those bruises on your wrist, you don’t know how to finish them.”

“Maybe she should keep her hands off of other people’s things.” Roxy sassed her.

“Come on. You know that isn’t cool.” Said Jerome Carlton, a seventeen-year-old dark skin student uttered as he turned to her.

“Neither is this.”

Roxy polled out an apple and threw it at April G’s head.

“Ow.” The pink hair teenager screamed before clutching her head.

“You’re a bitch for doing that,” Jerome said.

“I’m the bitch?” Roxy asked. “You dumped me for that biracial tramp.”

“That’s not…”

“Hey” Brother Baxter yelled as April G ran out of the classroom out of frustration.

“Poor little mixed girl can’t handle a little joke.” Roxy criticized.

“That’s screamed up, Roxy,” Jerome said.

“Ms. Jones didn’t finish board. So, we are going to need our third-class delinquent to fix up her miss. Where’s Ms. Violet? “

“Here.” June Violet; a sixteen-year-old Italian girl with purple hair stead up and walked to the front of the room. Pulling out a dry towel from the teacher’s desk and began to clean the chalkboard.

“Clean it up, Freak.” Vic Thomas, 16-year-old polish quarterback. Yelled as he threw a pudding pack in June, splattering it against her school uniform.


“That chalkboard still needs to be cleaned, young lady.” Brother Baxter said.

“Didn’t you see what he did to me?”

“Seeing how you kept his girlfriend, who just so happens to be the leading cheerleader, from making practice several times, I think that more than fair. “

“That’s a load of crap. What does that have to do with….”

“Sigmond Ross Institution isn’t just an orphanage, Ms. Violet. This is an institution that will benefit greatly from our expert curriculum. That curriculum cannot perform to its highest potential if our star quarterback must worry about his girlfriend being harassed by some hooligan. “

As brother Baxter uttered those words, June looked at a blond girl sitting next to Vic.

“Veronica. Is she still bothering you?” Vic said.

Veronica bit her tongue as she recoiled at her boyfriend’s question.

“Please, Veronica. Tell them.” June tearfully asked.

“Ms. Hash.” Brother Baxter said. “Would you like to tell us something?”

Veronica nervously looked back on forth as the question wayed heavily on her consciousness.

“Babe, say something,” Vic yelled.

“She’s crazy. Probably because she doesn’t have any friends.”

“That’s not….”

But before June could finish her sentence, Vic threw another pudding pack. This time tanking in her eyes as she feels to the ground.

“Quit looking at my girlfriend, Freak.”

Veronica looked away with a sigh of regret as June burst into tears much to the rest of the class’s expense. With only Madison feeling sympathy for her.

As the students continued taunt June, a white cat with three circles on its forehead watched from the window outside while standing on a tree branch.

“My poor little girls,” said the cat, before it teleported in a puff of smoke.

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