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Caught In-between

Caught In-between



What do you do when your sister's ex-boyfriend whom she dumped turns out to be a Spanish prince and chooses to marry to get revenge on her?

Chapter 1 1

The rays of the rising sun peeked through my curtains, letting me know that it was morning. I had been awake since four, trying to complete another chapter of my book which was a daily routine for me because I get my best ideas and inspiration by that time of the day.

I added a period to the last sentence of the chapter before saving it and shutting down my laptop. Falling back on the bed, I straightened my legs which had been in a crossed position ever since I woke up, and I massage my aching fingers that had been typing furiously on my laptop.

Closing my eyes to sleep for a little while, I heard faint footsteps that grew louder as they approached my room. The footsteps stopped followed by a knock on my door.

"Rhea, come downstairs. Breakfast is ready," my mom's sweet voice said from outside before her footsteps drew farther away from my room.

Standing up from my queen-sized bed, I pulled my curtains apart and sighed, enjoying the warmth from the rays of sun entering the window on my skin. I waltz into the bathroom as I hummed my new favourite song; Slowly by Alec Benjamin. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before combing my copper-blond hair and tying it in a bun.

I went back into my room to wear my blue eye contacts which were recommended to me by our family doctor because of the eye problem I developed due to the excess time I spent staring at my phone, laptop, and TV screen. It was a blessing in disguise because I never loved my honey-brown eyes which I inherited from my mom so I took it as an opportunity to cover them.

After throwing on an oversized shirt and booty shorts, I made my way downstairs to meet my parents, who were already dressed for work and having their breakfast at the dining table.

My mom, Andrea Knight, works as the Vice Chancellor of the University of West London while my dad, Charles Knight owns one of the biggest software and technology companies in London known as Knight Tech which made my dad rank in the top 30 billionaires in London.

"Good morning." I took my seat and served myself breakfast.

"Good morning, dear." My mom smiled at me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Good morning," my elder sister, Leah chirped as she walked into the dining room, looking gorgeous in a blue pearled gown. Her copper blonde hair flowed down her back, reaching her waist and her hazel eyes which she got from my dad, twinkled as she smiled widely.

"Why do you look extra happy today?" I gave her a confused look.

"Because your big sister finally got the opportunity to model for one of the bigger fashion companies in London." She squealed.

I forgot to mention that my twenty-five-year-old sister is a popular model in London. When she was a young girl, she had always loved the spotlight and camera. So after her college education, my dad supported her in pursuing her dream of becoming a model which she did. But she was able to rank up to the top faster because of her amazing beauty and outstanding talents.

"Wow, that's amazing." I beamed. "When is the shoot?"

"Today. Do you want to come along?" She asked and I gave her a bored look.

"You know she can't leave the house." Mom interfered.

"I know. Just wanted to give it a shot."

I had a wild guess you might be wondering why I couldn't leave the house. It was because I have agoraphobia also known as the fear of crowds which I developed when I was ten years old and it caused me to spend every single day of my life within the four walls of my dad's house. The fear was so overwhelming that I started to have a panic attack when I was in the midst of people that are more than ten in number.

My parents had tried everything to assist me to get over it but It didn't work because I didn't let them help me. So I finished middle school and high school education by taking online classes. I was currently taking a course in creative writing at an online university which I would complete this year.

"Dad, how is the deal with the Spanish investors going?" My sister turned to my dad who had been quiet since I came in.

"It's going as planned," He replied, dropping his fork as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. "I recently found out that the person who is interested in investing in the project is the King of Spain."

"For real?" My sister's eyes widened while I looked up from my food to glance at him with surprise written all over my face.

"Yes. He will be arriving in London today, so we will be finalizing the deal soon."

"That's awesome." Leah squealed.

"Congratulations Dad." I grinned at him and he returned the gesture.

Leah stood up from her seat and grabbed her bag after drinking just a cup of coffee.

"Aren't you having breakfast?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I have a shoot this morning and I don't want my stomach bulging out of my dress."

"Oh." I nodded. "Anyways, more for me who doesn't have to worry about my stomach bulging out of a dress." I served myself more food.

"Oh, shut up." She shoved my shoulders gently. "Do you know what I would do have a body like yours? It's just a shame that you are hiding it under an oversized shirt every day inside the house." She shook her head.

Leah and I had almost the same body shape but she achieved hers by dieting and lots of work-outs while I was naturally blessed with mine. She would always scold me for hiding such a body inside the house and tried to convince me to go for modelling but I flatly refused.

"I like it that way." I stuck my tongue at her before shoving more food into my mouth.

Everyone finished their breakfast and went to their various workplaces, leaving me in the house as usual. I went back upstairs to take a bath before coming back down to throw myself on the couch. I turned on the TV to catch up on my favourite series which was what I would do throughout the day if I didn't end up falling asleep.

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