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The Billionaire's Contracted Wife

The Billionaire's Contracted Wife



A fake marriage, whirls into a true love. Will you marry a rich, handsome and certified playboy?? No, Stella did not want that either but when the billionaire mogul, Parker Morgan, proposes a marriage and a million dollars to Stella, a simple and independent girl, who wants to own a fashion house in Paris. She had to agree, after his persistence as she was poverty-stricken. Their relationship is picture perfect on papers, and in real life it is no less than a fairy tale. Because, Parker is every women's dream guy. He's a prince charming who would swept up the princess from all the darkness. And, Stella is the girl who is haunted by her dark past. Stella never believed in the fact that a person can sacrifice one’s happiness and for their loved one. Whereas, Parker enjoyed his freedom more than his existence. They are complete opposites of each other, and yet they fall madly in love with each other. In the event of putting on a false front they develop feelings for each other. There fairy take love story is turned upside down after the shadows of past and present barge into their lives. The problems in Parker and Stella's life doesn't seem to end anytime soon. As they have to face a challenge after the other to ensure their marriage, even after loving each other despite all the differences. Is love all that is required to live a happy life?? Will they be able to stay together after all the secrets and betrayal that unfolds? Keep Reading to find out more about Parker and Stella. *** Author's Note Hello, dear readers! Thank you for reading this tale of true love and heartbreak. I personally am in love with Stella and Parker as they both are remarkably strong but, they also have their weaknesses. Feel free to share your opinion on the book. Much love, stay safe!!

Chapter 1 1. The Beginning Of The End.


Dad called me in his office. I knew it was something important. As he did not mention anything about this meeting earlier this morning at the breakfast table.

I rushed into his office. To check if he is alright.

“Is everything alright, Dad? What is so urgent?”, I prompted my dad as soon as I entered in the office.

He stared at me with an extremely serious expression, not a single smile on his face, a smile that is usually plastered on his face when he’s near his family.

Well, this is odd. I think to myself.

“What’s wrong dad?” I inquired him again.

“Nothing that you can’t stabilize, Parker. He said with a very flat voice.

This is getting more and more unusual by time. I have no impression, what is wrong with him.

So I just wait patiently for him to elaborate on whatever important that he has to assert.

“As you already know, Parker. I am soon going to relinquish from our business. And I’ll probably hand it over to someone. A person who can handle everything hereof, a person who is responsible and caring towards this company at the same time. And, if you want to be the CEO of Morgan Corporation, you have to marry a girl, I have chosen for you.”

“I want you to meet this girl. She is a waitress at the Harley’s. I understand she would be a perfect wife for you. As she is not only beautiful but also very smart, intelligent, kind and compassionate. I believe you will both be perfect for each other.”

“Dad, you can’t do this, you know I’ve worked my ass off to secure my position as the COO in our company. And, I am the only one who deserves to be the CEO of Morgan Corporation. You can’t just barge in and make a new requirement out of the blue. Why do I have to marry? What does it has to do with being a CEO. And besides that, I am already seeing Laura.” I retort back in fury.

“Don’t give me excuses son, I know Laura is nothing but an convenience for you. Where as Stella would be so much more. She will be your best friend, your life partner, your wife.”

“Listen, son, I’m giving you an injunction. I want you to be engaged by the end of the month. That means you have two days to propose a marriage to Stella. Make sure you do not mess this up as I won’t offer you the CEO position in the company if you do mess up in any form.”

“This company does not deserve a boss that is constantly busy screwing his mistresses and random women. He needs to be a respectable man who has wife children and responsibilities to show that he can handle a family as well as a company, not some rich spoilt playboy who is been fed with a silver spoon since the day he was born.”

“And, I love you a lot son, so don’t think that this is some kind of a disastrous bargain on my part, I only want the best for you. I know you have worked hard, but I want to be more responsible. And, I hope that one day you will understand why I did what I did.”

“I’m leaving the town for a couple of days. I shall be back. By the weekend, I want to see a ring on Stella’s finger by then.”

“If you. If you think that she’s so damn perfect, why don’t you marry her?” I asked him with a lot of animosity. My father appeared unfazed by my out burst. As if he expected this reaction out of me.

“Don’t act out of impulse. Parker, I know what I will decide is best for you. And, you should meet Stella once before making any assumptions. It’s about time that you have someone to share what you’ve earned. Because, what you have earned wouldn’t matter if you have no one to share it with. You need to have a family and a wife along with your responsibilities.”

“I have a family.” I cut my father off mid sentence. “It’s you guys, Lucy, Katie and Cole all of them. They are my family, including you and Daniel.”

“I am not talking about us, Parker. All of you are my family. It is the family I created. I married your mother. And, started a family. And then you already know how she departed from this world. And, I never wanted to marry again. But then, Elena came into my life and I’m married again. And, had three beautiful children. I want you to have that love of family, of children, of wife for yourself. I don’t want you to rot alone forever. And, I know exactly why you stay alone, but let me remind you son, once you find the right women for yourself, you will regret the seconds of your life you spent without her.”

“I am done now, you may leave son. And make sure I see an adequate piece of diamond on my soon to be, Daughter in law’s finger. Thank you. Make sure you close the door on your way out before leaving. And ask Mr. Colson to submit the annual report of the finance department.”

I know there was no fighting my dad when there was so much conviction in his voice so I didn’t even bothered.

When I left his office, I was shaking with rage and needed to get it out somewhere.

So I called Laura. We’ve been in a no strings attached type of relationship for over three months now. She’s easy, convenient and a very good lay in the bed.


“What is wrong with you?” Laura asks me.

“What do you mean?”

“You are not jumping on me, the second I walked in through the door. Should I be worried? Is this thing between us ending? You have that – ‘It’s not you, it’s me' look going on right now. As if you have fallen in love with someone else, maybe. So what are we breaking up or something?”

That’s one of the great qualities. She’s a really contemplative. But since she’s a very perceptive person. She notices myriad of details about a person.

“My father wants me to marry a girl and start a family.”

“Oh,” she says, and I watch as her whole face falls.

“Well. You can say no, right? Like does she have to be a specific girl or are you just going to marry whoever your father asks you to?”

“He asked me to marry a specific girl he says is a waitress at a diner, He lunches at.”

“OK, so where do we stand now?” she asked her eyes turning extremely red and I noticed that she is boring down her cheeks to stop from crying.

I don’t know why she’s even asking this, like we were together. Why?

“What do you mean? Where do we stand now? We have to break up. As you said yourself.” I said with an ignorant tone. I really don’t want to deal with a crying women right now.

“We don’t have to break up. Maybe we can –“ she started to say but I cut her off mid sentence before she could finish.

“Don’t you dare complete that sentence. I can never be unfaithful to my wife.”

“To your wife? She isn’t even your wife yet. Have you even met her in person or seen her photo for that matter.”

“No, I haven’t. But I don’t have to see her photo to make sure that. I don’t cheat on her. I’ll never do that to her or anybody for that matter.” I reply with anger. How dare she even suggest something like that.

“How can you even suggest something so bizarre like that, Laura? I expected you to have more self respect than that. Can you really see your self as some man’s home wrecker.” I said to her with my nose flaring in anger.

After my out burst I left her house, clearly more pissed off than I was before.

I will never cheat on a person as I know how much that hurts but will my future wife will do the same for me?

It was a question that bothered me all night.

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