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Rich Daddy After Pretty Mommy

Rich Daddy After Pretty Mommy

Whale falling


The noblest man in City A created a business empire but lost his lover. Weston Fleming used every way to keep Dalia Casey around. “We have a kid. You're not allowed to go anywhere.” Weston got back at anyone who had bullied Dalia. “She's my wife. No one could harm her!” “Really?” Dalia looked at Weston. “What did you do to me last night?” Weston smiled meaningfully. “We had a good time.” Their cute little daughter, Victoria Fleming, hugged Dalia. “Go away, Daddy!” Dalia snuggled Victoria. “Babe, I’m sleeping with Victoria tonight.”

Chapter 1 The Man in the Dark

On the Longbranch Street, Dalia Casey waddled forward with beer and a flushed face. "Karen, slow down!"

She burped. The street lights fell on her, and her shadows got longer. Karen was Dalia's cousin. She ran over and tugged at Dalia's clothes. "Dalia, you will be married to Anton in two days. What gift do you want?"

"I want you to be my bridesmaid! Let's walk the aisle together!" Dalia giggled and pointed at Karen.

Dalia was so drunk that she almost fell on Karen. Karen's eyes flashed as she got Dalia.

"Sure, we'll walk the aisle together. Dalia, you are drunk. I will take you to the hotel to have a rest!"

Dalia agreed.

She let Karen support her and staggered forward. Dalia's boyfriend, Anton Hall, who had been in love with her for three years, finally proposed to her. Dalia was so happy that she asked Karen out to celebrate and drunk too much.

Karen helped Dalia to check in with a cold face.

"Here is your room key to Room 1609."

"Thank you." Karen tried hard to get Dalia to the bed. Looking at Dalia who was sleeping soundly, Karen smiled.

Dalia flushed and curled up on the white sheet. Her lake green dress only reached her thighs. Karen covered her with a thin blanket.

Why could Dalia get married to Anton? Karen was jealous.

Her hands clenched. Karen shifted her gaze away from Dalia. She walked to the bed and called someone. "Hello? I know you like Dalia. Here is a chance for you. Royal Hotel, Room1609."

"Okay. I'll come over now!"

After hanging up the phone, Karen smiled with a smug look. On the bed, Dalia let out a soft moan as she hugged the blanket tighter.

At midnight, Dalia felt that someone was touching her. She groaned in pain because the person felt so hot.

"Karen, stop!" Dalia snorted and tried to open her eyes. It was a man. The apple of the man's throat bobbed. "Shirley..."

"Anton, come with me. I have something important to tell you!" The next morning, Karen dragged Anton to the lobby of the hotel.

"What are we doing at the hotel?"

"It's ... It's Dalia..." Karen was choosing her words carefully. Anton smiled. "Did she prepare a surprise for me?"

"Yes, yes." Karen nodded and dragged Anton into the elevator. Karen was thinking about working things up. The elevator opened soon. Karen opened the door with a spare room key. Her phone suddenly rang.

When she picked it up, Anton rushed in because he was so curious about the surprise. Karen lowered her voice. "Why did you call me?"

"Karen, didn't you say Dalia was waiting for me at the hotel? But I..."

"I don't have time to talk to you now. Let's talk about it later!" Karen was worried about Anton. She hung up the phone and followed Anton. When she got in the room, she saw Dalia curling up on the bed and wrapping herself in a blanket. Dalia's face was wet with tears, and she looked panicked.

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