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The Tale of a Security Guard

The Tale of a Security Guard

Half City Fox


Who said a security guard could not make it? A mysterious man made a big splash in the world. He fought his way to the top as well as won ladies' hearts.

Chapter 1 At Chaotic Club

At the Chaotic Club. It was not the club's real name. It earned the nickname because it was a mess.

College students came here and indulged themselves on the weekend. Workers splashed their savings around. Even married men were regulars here. There were also some rich men who liked the club. They spent a lot of money and became VIP guests that attracted the barmaids.

It was as noisy as ever on the weekend.

A young man in a white shirt grabbed a woman's waist with a smile. The woman slapped his hand away. "Behave yourself. I'm not a barmaid anymore."

"Laura, you really look like an innocent girl." The young man laughed.

"Get lost. Do you want to get punched?"

The young man in a white shirt was John Patel, a new security guard at the Chaotic Club. No one could tell what he used to do. John did not talk about it, and they did not ask. Someone had asked him what he used to do. John smiled and told him that he took care of the pigs in the army. Everyone laughed.

In short, nobody here paid attention to John. Waitresses and barmaids would never care about him. They only loved young and rich men or men who were stupid enough to take out a lot of money for their sweet words.

Only a mature woman like Laura could tell that John was a macho man that would make women drool over him.

Laura always said that virgins couldn't get it. It was indecent, but it hit the nail.

Therefore, Laura, who was no longer a barmaid, did not mind John's teasing.

However, John suddenly stopped and looked at the door. He seemed to have a complicated feeling, and he did not shift his gaze away.

Laura turned around and saw a very beautiful, fashionable girl walking in. Beside her was a handsome young man. John's gaze was fixed on the girl.

Laura pinched John's arm. "Hey, who are you looking at? It's impolite to stare at a guest. We have to follow the rule. Do you fall for that girl? I can introduce other girls to you."

John was pulled back to reality. He refused. "No, they are too young! Laura, I would rather go for you."

"Cut it out!" Laura pretended to kick John's leg. John did not feel pain at all.

Meanwhile, the girl at the door also saw John and was stunned.

This girl was Erin Pace, John's first love.

John came to this city about a month ago. He had just been discharged from the army and had no job. John came to City J because his girlfriend Erin had been working here after graduating from university.

At that time, Erin thought that John failed to be an officer, and he did not even have a decent job. Erin was very unhappy about it, but she didn't tell John about it. Half a month later, she broke up with John. She told John that they were not the right person for each other. But the actual reason was obvious. After they broke up, Erin left with her new boyfriend, Webb Dunn, in the BMW. It gave John a big slap and made him look poorer.

It rained heavily when they broke up in front of the Chaotic Club. John, who never gave in to any pressure, was mocked by fate. He didn't try to explain anything to Erin, because such a woman was not worth the effort.

However, their relationship lasted for five years. John felt a little lost. Standing in the heavy rain, he saw the car driving far away and could not help but smile bitterly.

The heavy rain wet his clothes and broke his heart.

However, someone held an umbrella for John. The hand holding the umbrella was fair and delicate. Now, the owner of that hand had just kicked his leg. It was Laura. She made John a security guard here.


Erin was a little awkward when she saw John. Webb was holding her waist tightly as if he was declaring to the crowd that he had power over this woman. He followed Erin's gaze and saw John.

Webb remembered how John was on a rainy night. John was miserable. Every time Webb thought of John, he would have a sense of superiority.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Webb hugged Erin and shouted with disdain. He wanted everyone to hear it.

Everyone in the hall turned their eyes to Webb and John. But it seemed that John did not care about it.

John smiled and turned around.

However, Webb wouldn't let him go. He laughed behind John's back. "You're John, right? Come here and take me to a private room. I will give you some tips!"

John turned around. "I'm sorry. Please look for the receptionist. I'm a security guard."

"What a loser!" Webb humiliated John and felt satisfied. But John couldn't stand it when Webb cursed him as a loser.

But Laura patted John's arm. "Why do you lower yourself to his level? Go and do your work."

Laura held up an umbrella for him on that rainy night, so John was grateful. He calmed down and smiled. "Okay."

Webb saw them talking and suddenly laughed. He sneered at them. "Not bad. You got a new girlfriend now. Anyway, for someone like you, you can only get a girlfriend in the club. This chick is pretty. I wonder how much you pay her for a night."

Webb felt good when he laughed at John in front of Erin.

John had decided to ignore Webb. But Webb went too far and insulted Laura!

John grinned at Laura and said through clenched teeth, "Laura, I want to beat him up."

"Okay. He deserves it." Laura smiled. She held the wine glass so tightly that her hand started trembling.

John turned around indifferently and walked to Webb and Erin.

Webb pursed his lips and straightened his back, but it was not helping. He was still shorter than John.

John revealed a sinister and cold smile, looking intimidating.

A soldier who claimed to raise pigs in the army could never be so powerful.

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