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Woman & Money

If women look at men's wealth when choosing a mate, then men will see women's faces when choosing a mate. That's what makes Lara Aurora not believe in love, because for her love doesn't exist. Just a fairy tale from childhood. So far Lara has used her beautiful face, sexy body, and sweet seduction for men out there to fall in her charms and be ready to give anything for her. After the man is poor and has no possessions, Lara will leave him in a cruel way and then look for another man who can provide a life like a queen. Until finally Lara met Gideon Abras, a handsome, handsome, rich, and famous man. Targets that fit Lara's criteria, but Gideon already has a wife and a child, even Gideon's wife is a lecturer at Lara's campus. But it did not make Lara back down, for Lara nothing is more important than money and wealth. This is the scheming game of Lara Aurora.

Chapter 1 Lara's Mischief

A beautiful woman got out of her white BMW i8. All pairs of eyes immediately turned to him when he saw his car stopped in the campus parking lot.

As usual, the men would stare admiringly at him and the women would stare enviously at him. This is normal because a beautiful woman with a sexy body is the prima donna of campus, all men want to have her and all women want to be her. But only rich and popular men can have her, and no one can take her place because Lara Aurora is the best.

Lara walked confidently towards her friends who were also popular and wealthy college students. Only selected people with high quality can be near Lara.

"It's been a long time, we've been hot from waiting for you."

"You really have to wait for a queen, let's go to class before Mrs. Adisti gets angry because she's late for class."

No apologies escaped Lara's lips because Lara felt herself the most righteous and perfect. His friends didn't mind it either because they were used to it and followed Lara's steps from behind.

Don't get me wrong if Lara is a smart student and doesn't want to be late, Lara is not smart, even stupid. The average value in the courses is C, I also got an E because I never did an assignment and was always late. But for the business class, Lara can't act like she wants because Mrs. Adisti is famous for being angry and likes to punish students who are late in a way that Lara doesn't like.

Lara, who is the most anti-dirt like dust, was once told to clean the campus toilets which were quite dirty because she was late and if she didn't want to, Lara would be expelled from campus. It is natural for Mrs. Adisti to threaten her like that because Mrs. Adisti is the son of the campus rector. Everyone knows that if you leave a well-known campus in this country in a dishonorable way, it will be difficult to get into other quality campuses, except for a campus with C accreditation which is famous as a campus but doesn't look like a college. So, Lara was forced to follow Mrs. Adisti's sentence and that made her no longer want to be late or have problems in Mrs. Adisti's class in this fifth semester.

Luckily, when she entered the class, Mrs. Adisti had not yet come. Lara and her friends decided to sit in the back seat. Instead of opening a book like other students because there would be a quiz later, Lara took out her purple nail polish and started painting her long nails. Feyra, her friend was combing her hair and Lidzi was getting dressed. Indeed, the three of them do not like to study and go to college. Lara was forced to go to college to increase her selling point in the eyes of men so that she would not only be seen as beautiful, but also educated. Feyra was forced to go to college because of coercion from her parents. Meanwhile, Lidzi wants to stay close to her boyfriend who is also studying at the same campus.

"Lara! Feyra! Lidzi!"

Suddenly the bottle of nail polish in Lara's hand fell off when she heard a loud scream known as Mrs. Adisti's voice. He raised his head and saw Mrs. Adisti was already walking towards him and his friends with angry faces and bulging eyes.

Don't ever think that Mrs. Adisti is a female lecturer who is old, wrinkled, fat, and has thick glasses. Mrs. Adisti is not like that. Bu Adisti is young, maybe thirty years old, has a beautiful face and brown eyes, looks very beautiful, but is very scary when she is angry. Even though she already has one child, Mrs. Adisti's body still looks beautiful even though it is covered with quite loose clothing. But somehow a lecturer as beautiful and young as this is very scary and likes to get angry.

"Mom, I was....

"Enough, Lara! You and your friends get out of my class and wait for my class to finish then come to my room for me to punish!"

Lara and her friends could only sigh harshly at Mrs. Adisti's words. They were forced to stand up and walk out of the classroom because it was useless to beg Adisti. The class was continued after they left and the three of them started to grumble because they were annoyed with Mrs. Adisti's behavior.

"Since when did Mrs. Adisti come to class?"

"I don't know, that feeling hasn't come yet."

"Are we too busy dressing up, huh?"

"It's also possible, so we don't realize that Adisti isn't coming."

Feyra and Lidzi started to talk about the incident earlier, while Lara was still silent because she imagined the punishment that Mrs. Adisti would give later. Then her gaze fell on her nails, which happened to have been painted before Mrs. Adisti arrived, imagining her beautiful nails being damaged made Lara immediately shake her head and this was seen by her two friends.

"Lara, why?"

"Let's just run away, I don't want to be punished again. I hate things that are dirty and smelly. Surely Mrs. Adisti's punishment is not that different from a few days ago."

"That's right, let's just run away. Skipping is fine too."

Finally, the three friends decided to leave the campus using Lara's car because Feyra was accompanied by a driver and Lidzi left with her lover. They also plan to go to the Mall to shop for clothes, shoes, jewelry, and others.

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