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Althea Cervantes is half Filipino and Korean. She was born and raised in South Seoul, Korea, and she has a bubbly personality. She's also an easy-going person that's why she quickly get people's heart. Meanwhile, Prince De la Questa is the Gang leader of Sta. Ana. Prince is from a wealthy family. He is a fearless person. He has a cold personality that adds to his attractiveness. Girl's inside their campus admired him so much because of his cold aura. That's why Althea, a transferred student at the school where Prince is also studying, quickly falls for him because Althea saw something special about Prince. She wanted to get Prince's attention and befriend him, but the latter seems not interested in her. Is it possible for an ice-cold person to fall in love with a bubbly and easy-go-lucky girl? Will Prince soften his heart, or will Althea accept that they will not be destined for each other? Let's all find out.

Chapter 1 First Day at St.M


Hi, I'm Althea Jane S. Cervantes. I'm 17 years old, and I'm from South Seoul, Korea. I'm currently staying here in the Philippines because this is my father's hometown. I'm half Korean and half Filipino, and yes, I know how to speak Tagalog, English, and Korean. Why am I here in the Philippines? It's because my Dad found out that I have a boyfriend, and I also didn't maintain my grades in Seoul; that's why my Dad decided to sent me here. I'm not the only one here. I'm with my cousin Mitch, she's a pure Filipino, and we're very close. We treated each other like sisters.

"Althea!! Wake up already!!!.." Mitch yelled at me the moment she entered my room.

"Ugh, I'm still sleepy Mitch, give me more than 10 minutes." I told her as my eyes still close.

"Althea, wake up already. We will both be going to be late if you will continue sleeping. It's our first day in school right now."

The moment I heard that today is our first day, I immediately opened my eyes.

"OMG! You're right. It's our first day of school today.

"Yes, Althea, finally. Hurry up and do your morning routines already."

When Mitch left me, I immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face and to do my morning routines. I was irritated with myself. Why on earth I forgot that it's the first day of class today. I shouldn't sleep late last night.

When we arrived at St. Michael University, there are already many students inside the campus, Mitch and I directly went to our designated classroom, which is on the 4th floor. When we entered the room, we became the center of attention, and I swear to God it's very embarrassing. All eyes were looking at us, especially me, since I'm the only newbie here.

"Ms.Cervantes and Ms.Ladesma, stand up." Our professor seriously said, OMG, she looks so scary. I feel like her eyes will go anytime and eat my soul. I can say that professors here and in Seoul are very different.

"Both of you are late! Aren't you aware that today is the first day of school? You guys are both seniors already, yet you still don't know how to manage your own time! You are not elementary kids anymore!.

"We are very sorry, Ms. Sales. Althea and I will promise that this will never happen again. My cousin is still adjusting to our time." Mitch explained.

After we explained, Ms. Sales told us to sit down as the class will begin already. WOW, 30 minutes have passed, and I'm starting to get bored already. If the professors in Seoul are boring, I can tell that it is just the same here.

After our thirds class, we had a break, so Mitch and I went to the canteen to buy food. When we bought our snacks, we looked for a vacant place, and then we eventually found a table.

"Mrs. Salez is a little rugged." I said to Mitch.

"It's our fault, after all. By the way, where did you go last night? It was almost 10:50 when you came back home, and besides, you don't know much yet about places here in the Philippines."

"Uhm, I went to the bar that's just near our subdivision." I answered her.

"Huh? At the bar ?! At which bar? And who's with you? How did you find out about that place?" Why in the world does Mitch have many questions just like daddy.

"I was with Diego last night. He's one of our classmates. He became my friend on Friday."

"So, what did you do at the bar ?!"

"We just drink, and he also tours me around as well as in the parks."

"Hayes, for sure when uncle finds out about this, we will both be in huge trouble."

Mitch is too scared of daddy.

Prince's POV

There is a new student on campus, Diego said, and she is half Korean. I don't know, but he is so excited to introduce me to the woman he is talking about.

Hays, what kind of plane is this slow? I'm bored and starting to be annoyed. When I arrived at the Manila airport, Jake was there waiting for me in the arrival area.

"Bro! How was your vacation with aunt and uncle?" said Jake with a delighted face.

"It was good. They just left for the US before I went home."

"Oh, really?"

"By the way, where is Diego? Why didn't you come with him?" I asked him.

"He called me and said he's with Althea now, so he can't go with you." Jake explained.

"Ah, that's right. Wait, who is Althea? I just heard her name." I asked him.

"Haven't I mentioned Althea's name to you yet?" This Jake is very vague. Will I ask if he has already mentioned it?

"Not yet," I replied.

"Althea is Mitch's cousin from Korea, the new student I'm telling you about."

"Althea?" I said.

"Yes, and you know when you see her, I'm sure you'll fall in love with her. She is so beautiful."

"There will be no substitute for Jae. She's still the most beautiful for me." I sparingly answer.

"By the way, have you met her in the US?" He asked.

"No. I've never seen her." Sad to say.

"Maybe she forgot you, or maybe he already gave up, Prince.

"I know our relationship with her parents and her whole family is secret, but even in that situation, I still loved her, and I know that she still loves me. I didn't complain even though we were the only person who knew about our relationship." I insisted on Jake.

"Eh, if she loves you, where is she now? Why did she suddenly disappear? You don't even know where she is or if she's still in the US or not, don't you know? Besides Prince, you don't even know if you and Jae are still together since you came home to the Philippines 2 months ago." Is Jake annoying me? I'm being annoyed by what he's saying.

"I love Jae, and she loves me too."

"Okay, you said. But I know that you also think there's a point to what I'm saying."

"Hayy, come on." I invited him to go home because I was annoyed with what he's saying.

Althea's POV

"It's stunning here in the Philippines, isn't it?" I said to Diego as we walk in the park.

"Of course, you can visit a lot of beautiful places here. By the way, my friend will be coming to school tomorrow. I want to introduce him to you."

"Of course, no problem. Is your friend a woman?" I ask.

"Nope, he's a guy, and do you know that their family is the richest in the whole Sta. Ana Village."

"Ah, really? He's super-rich then."

"Yes, um, by the way, where are your parents?" He asked me.

"They are both in Seoul. My Dad is a pure Filipino, while my mom is pure Korean. They both have a business in Korea, so they don't visit the Philippines much."

"Ah, really? So you're stuck here in the Philippines?" Hays, why does Diego has so many questions just like Daddy and Mitch?

"Because daddy found out that I have a boyfriend in Seoul, actually a secret Boyfriend, so he got angry and sent me here in the Philippines. He said I'd stay here for a while." I explained to him.

"Ah, so you're not a good girl, are you?" he said to me while laughing.

"So, what do you mean? That I'm a bad girl ?" Pretty pissed, I said.

"Maybe, because you lied to them, it's just natural for your daddy to be angry with you."

What in the world, you just lied a little, and you're a bad girl right away?

"Okay fine." I answered.

"You're funny. I'm sure if you meet my friend tomorrow, you will both get along, and I bet you can always make him laugh."

"Wait, you're telling that friend of yours for a while, you haven't said what his name, yet."

"Tomorrow, you'll meet him too." He answered with a laugh.

"Okay fine." Seriously, I enjoyed my trip with Diego earlier. I felt like we've known each other for a long time because we're already super close to each other. It's nice because he's easy to get along with and very kind.

I've been curious about his friend for a while. What's his name? What does he look like? Hayy, why is that? It seems like I'm excited to see him.

"What are you thinking? It seems deep." Mitch said.

"Oh, Mitch, you're here."

"What are you thinking?"

"Uhm, about that friend of Diego, because he wants to introduce me to him tomorrow."

"Friend?" Mitch asked in astonishment.

"Yes, he will go to school tomorrow."

"Is it Prince?"

"Prince? I don't know? Maybe he is. Diego didn't mention his name yet."

"Wait, Althea, do you know the personalities of your friend and his friends?"

Mitch asked me why is it that my cousin is too overprotective of me. Does Diego have opposing sides that I don't know yet? As well as Prince? Eh, I haven't seen and recognized him yet.

"Diego is kind. Does he have negative sides that I don't know yet?"

"Just stay away from them, Althea."

Mitch's very vague. I went to bed at 9:30, and fortunately, I woke up early, but Mitch woke up first, and I found her having breakfast.

"Oh! It's a miracle that you woke up early in the morning?" she opened up to me.

"I don't want to be late. I'm already deaf to Mrs. Salez's sermons."

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