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Mending My Broken Heart

Mending My Broken Heart



Falling in love is like falling off a cliff, where your brain says, DON'T DO IT! YOU WILL DIE! But stupid heart says, JUST DO IT! I CAN FLY! ••••• Beautiful, yet introvert, self conscious, nerd, JIVIKA SINGHANIA is head over heels in love with Ranbir. RANBIR KHURANA, one of the most eligible bachelor and business tycoon, who is the craze among women is totally into RADHIKA SINGHANIA, Jivika's cousin. RADHIKA is well aware of Ranbir's love and Ranbir is her life but She can't love her life more than her dreams and Freedom... Things go nasty When circumstances take a turn for the worst and bring together Jivika and Ranbir. Amidst twists, lies, ambitions, passions, betrayals Jivika finds herself stuck at the receiving end of Ranbir and Radhika's hatred. Believing that she's responsible for destroying their lives, the two lovers leave no stone unturned in making Jivika's life a living hell. Will Jivika ever be able to get out of her pain and problems? What game would destiny play with the trio? Is life that simple? Ranbir, who hates Jivika, to what extent would he go for hurting her? When testing time comes, who's love would prevail and who's love would fail?

Chapter 1 •1•The Big News

—Singhania Mansion, Lawn—

"What are you saying Vishwa?" Vijay Pratap asked in a daze. The middle-aged multimillionaire and the mighty owner of the Multinational SINGHANIA FURNITURE AND DECOR said.

"Isme galat kya hai huh!(What's wrong in this huh?) Your daughter Radhika and my son Ranbir are mature adults and love each other. Please agree Vijay. For the sake of our friendship." The elderly Vishwanath Khurana, the sole owner of ‘K BEAUTY AND FASHION’ reasoned.

"OK. But... You should ask your son Ranbir. If… he is willing-" Vijay Pratap asked hesitantly.

"He's my son. He would never say 'no' to me. And also imagine when this news will come out in the press, it will enhance the sales of our products so much and our business will be on cloud nine!" Vishvanath was ecstatic over the idea.

"Ha vo to hai. (Yes it is.) The idea of us becoming relatives would keep the press occupied for a week at least,

The owners of ‘Singhania Furniture and decor’ and ‘K beauty and fashion’ tie a knot."

"So should I take it as a yes?" Vishwa said forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"Vishwa Samdhi haath nhi milate, samdhi to gale milte h!(Vishwa in law's parent don't handshake, they embrace each other! )" He said and took Vishwa into a hug.

"So my daughter will soon be Radhika Ranbir Singhania." He said smiling. "I know Ranbir loves her a lot. He would never hurt her. This is the best alliance for my princess."

Radhika's POV

Ugh! This Ranbir can't even hold himself for a few hours. I have told him so many times not to call me during the photoshoot but only if he ever listened. I don't want anybody here saying that Radhika Singhania is unprofessional and he just can't stop behaving like a love sick puppy.

"Radhs, You can take a break now." The cameraman said.

Now I should take his class. I picked the phone and dialed his no. He picked up at the first ring, "Hey Radhs. Finally You decided to bless me with your time." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I heaved a deep breath and asked, "Ranbir You know me right. How much my career matters to me, You know that too. Then why do you take it for granted huh? Why can't you behave maturely?"

"Oh man. Did You call me back to remind me that? I thought you were missing me too." He said slowly and I could sense the sadness in his voice.

"Ranbir I-"

"Its OK Radhs. Just remember that I care for you. I love you and that's why I get possessive sometimes. Sorry for disturbing you. I won't call again."

Oh no! He's sad. I have to do something.

"Ranbir!" I shouted into the phone. "I'm sorry love. I was just tired after the photoshoot and... Umm... How about going out tonight. Just you and me?" I said the last sentence too much seductively for him to resist.

"Uh... OK."

"Great. So You pick me from the Mansion in the evening."

"Ya I will. Radhs..."

"Hm" I said.

"I love you so much." He said sincerely. Even though I know it but still, hearing those words from him every time gives me so much happiness.

"I love you too Baby." I said and hung up.

Ranbir and my relationship was never a strained one. We were always a happy couple. It's because he was the one who always loved me, pampered me and cared for me. Even though I made many mistakes, a sorry and a candle light dinner always worked. Whenever we had ego fights, He was the one to apologize first. Even though it would be my mistake most of the times. I won't admit this in front of him because of my big fat ego, but its true... I'm so lucky to have him. He understands my priorities, my love for my career and everything even though I don't say it.

"Radhs?" A rough voice brought me back.

"Yes Maddy?" Maddy is my assistant who handles all the details like travel and legal formalities of the assignments I choose to shoot.

"I have a big news for you Radhs." He said all exited.

"Guess what. You won't believe..." He could hardly breathe because of controlling his happiness.

"Maddy Kill the suspense! And tell me what is it?" I asked annoyed. I'm not a very patient and calm person when it comes to such news.

"The big international cosmetic company, L'Oreal Paris has chosen YOU as their brand ambassador. I... I know your fascination with that company so... Without asking you I... invited them to the studio to sign the contract tomorrow. Are You OK with it?"

"Am I OK with it? I am super OK with it. Wow! I feel like... dancing in happiness right now."

"Whoa! Whoa! Cool down girl. Don't smile so wide. It'll hurt your cheeks."

Tonight at dinner, I'll tell Ranbir about it. I know he'll support me.

Jeevika's POV

I'm sitting here in my room and staring at Ranbir's photo since... Maybe an hour. But I can't help it. He's so cute. Everyday I drain my laptop's battery doing this and nothing else. I know he loves Radhika and Radhika loves him. I never wished to get him for myself. But this crazy heart... can't help it. I'm happy to see you with whosoever makes you happy Ranbir. He has never seen me. I just don't like being the centre of attraction. I chose to stay away from press and media and I really enjoy it. They are just so annoying. They want to make a headline out of every breath I take.

Most of the people don't even know I stay with Chachu (Paternal Uncle) after Mom Dad's death. They know about only one daughter of Vijay Pratap Singhania - Radhika. And it's better that way. I'm not a fan of attention.

I don't know when and how it happened, but I just fell for HIM, and fell so hard that I don't think I would ever be able to get up. I sighed at my own thoughts. What have You done to me Ranbir? Why am I so much into you? I asked myself.

"Jivi!" I heard Radhika's loud footsteps approaching towards my room. Shoot! I said as I closed the laptop and hid it behind the pillow. She poked her tiny head inside the door and said, "Jivi... After dinner, I'll be coming to sleep in your room. I have to tell you a great great news." She beamed.

"OK." I smiled. Now I'll have to change the laptop's screensaver, hide all the magazines and newspaper cuttings, remove the wardrobe posters and so much before she arrives. She is not the suspicious type or the evil step sister we read in fairytales but when it comes to Ranbir, she gets damn possessive and I don't want to hurt her anyway.

She has weird habits. She comes to sleep in my room whenever she's too happy or in simple language when she gets some dream project in her career. She doesn't share it with Chachu and Chachi cause they don't care. Chachi thinks she's tainting their reputation by going into such a profession and as for Chachu Being a daughter of a billionaire, a princess in every sense, she doesn't need to work.

Same goes with me, but I'm studying business administration which is pretty decent and would be joining him in business so he doesn't stop me because it won't harm his reputation. Radhs doesn't like Chachi comparing me with her all the time which happens very often but we sisters least care.

I'm in the last year and I have always been a bright student. I don't want anything else. I'm really happy with what God has given me. Chachu and Chachi, a loving sister and a childhood crush whom I can admire like an idiot.

There was a knock on the door which broke my train of thoughts. "Ma'am, Dinner is ready. Please Come down." Maya, the head maid said and left.

—At the Dining table—

I saw only Chachu and Chachi there. Where's Radhs? She told me she'd come to me after dinner.

"If your searching for that spoilt brat, she's gone out to dine with her boyfriend. Come." Chachi said answering my inane chatter.

"Oh!" Was all I could say.

We all started to have our dinner in silence when Chachu broke the silence.

"Jivi beta! You're Radhika's elder sister. We've to share something with you." Chachi was ecstatic over whatever it was.

"Yes Chachi what's it?" I asked all excited.

She smiled at Chachu and me and continued, "we were thinking about... Ranbir and Radhika's wedding next month."

She finished and the next bite stuck in my throat and my hands went cold. I clutched the fork tightly to avoid a reaction but how could I? Did she just say Ranbir's marriage?...With Radhika...

I choked on the food and began coughing badly. Chachi gave me water and patted my back. "Beta, we know its all of a sudden but we had to do this one day. We can't Let her act and model all her life..." She said bitterly and continued blabbering but my mind wasn't registering anything else. I felt wetness on my cheek and sure enough to betray me, traitor tears were there. I touched my cheek and removed my Spects to wipe them before anyone sees it but it was too late.

Chachi got worried seeing me like that. "What happened beta? Are You OK?" She asked concerned. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing Chachi. I was just *sobs* sad thinking that Radhs *sniffs* would go away from me and I would be left all alone." I somehow managed to say.

She heaved a sigh of relief. "You scared us Beta. She'll keep visiting us. She's not going so faraway and see you are crying for her but I know she wouldn't even care. She would be happy that she's going to be with Ranbir forever." She was thinking that she was consoling me but her words just increased the pain of my heart.

She's going to be with Ranbir forever.

Ranbir's marriage.... With Radhika....

"Chachi, I think I'm done. Good night. I... I'm feeling sleepy." I said and with large strides left from there with the pieces of my badly broken heart.

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