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A man with a shady past works hard to leave behind only for it to catch up with him when he least expected it

Chapter 1 How it started



It was shortly after 11pm when the turn around happened, he was standing on the corner of Katondo Street and Cairo Road. He was smoking a butt of a consulate with his head held low under the black hoodie, black sweat pants and black snickers. Opposite to where he was standing stood Protea Hotel, he was watching the entrance to the hotel like a Lion watching its prey, stalking it. Though in his case, his prey was not yet in view. Patience was something he had in abundance; waiting was like second nature to him. He had a clear view of everything yet everyone else had no view of his face. He saw a man walk out of the entrance of the Hotel, he felt his heart skip a beat but his posture didn’t alter and he calmed his heart down and when he thought he did, another person came out and this time it skipped two beats but he calmed down quickly. As if testing him, a couple came out and from the look of it, the girl was young and that calmed him down, then he caught sight of the older man with her. He was caught transfixed by the face of the older man as he recognised it, he launched his body of the wall. The heel of the snickers muffles the sound as he moved across Katondo Street watching his pace so to gain on the couple. He was ten paces behind them when it hit him like a sledge hummer on his chest, the perfume that the young lady wore was like bait to a hungry lion, it confused his thoughts and focus. Jasmine and Pine. His mind and heart were dazzled but his body just switched to automatic and charged forward, he saw them move toward the ally of the hotel. The girl stopped and turned to face the old man in a playful way giving him the full view of her face, he could tell that she was clearly young enough to be his granddaughter. But she was breathtakingly beautiful. He launched forward and saw the girl notice him and saw fear cloud her eyes, at that same time the older man spun to look at him with shock and fear displaying on his face. If it were possible, he saw the old man age ten years. His left hand flew at the man’s throat using his body force to make the older stagger backward and had him following the old mans back pace. The girl gave way by moving to his left but as he moved past her, he swan his right elbow back around to land on the side of her head, making her swing her feet into the air and cracking her skull on the pavement and made a snap sound that made the old mans skin pale even whiter that he looked lifeless. The old man saw the look in the eyes of the hooded man and knew for sure that he had seconds, minutes at most……………..


Standing in the luggage area, she stood facing in one direction with such focus that one couldn’t guess just how aware she was of her surrounding. She was very much aware of the many eyes that passed by her and watched her stand. She stood at four feet eight caramel skinned, voluptuous breasts, wide hips and a behind to much. It didn’t help that she wore a black skirt that hugged her figure to the letter and the helm was five inches shy of her knees. She had dusty brown eyes and long thick black hair that she had a pony tail, honey coloured lips and an almost pointy with a round tipped nose. When her luggage came through, she got the single suitcase, pulled the handle then dragged it across the floor of airport. Her stride spelled elegance and confidence and intimidation. Coming out of the airport to the car park, she glanced in all direction then she saw what she was looking for, a black M3 BMW with a driver standing by it in black. She looked him over and decided she didn’t want him driving her, as she walked over he hurried to her and got the single case she had then secured it into the trunk of the car, she watched him then demanded,” keys”. She watched closely then she almost smiled when he tried,” I am ordered to be of service to you and drive you to wherever you need to be”, she didn’t say a thing just held out her hand to him and knew they ‘type’ that knew that he had a lot to gain by doing what asked than not. She watched him give in then handed to her the keys and watched her drive off and with a smile on her face; she sped off watching the man standing there hopelessly.

While speeding down Airport Road to join Great East Road, a thought crossed her mind and was troubled by the fact that it had logic to it. She hooked her hands free set then dialled a number from memory; she felt her hands get moist and felt perspiration’s evidence. The dial tone rang and with a swift motion she cut the line. It came as a relief that the line still worked so that meant that she could dial it whenever necessary……. If ever. Flooring the accelerator she sped the car off as she entered Lusaka town centre, the feeling of anticipation over took her as she wondered where she would staying for the unstated amount of time. There only two options, Protea Hotel or The Golden Bridge Hotel. Protea was a discreet Hotel, yet she felt that the Golden Bridge Hotel was a better choice. She made a 360’ turn at Kabwe Round about and back down Great East Road to The Golden Bridge Hotel. She made her final turn to enter the hotel, parked her BMW in the front and got out of the car. While she walked toward the entrance she toss her car keys at the valet who almost missed them because he was too busy watching her, which wasn’t new for her. Reaching the front desk, without a smile she said “suit for one please”. The receptionist had heard the car park outside but did not think it take such a short a time to reach her desk. Caught off guard she stammered “H……..hello” but the lady stayed mute as she waited to be served. “How long will you be staying with us, madam” asked the receptionist with a forced smile on her face. The lady looked the receptionists name tag then said coldly, ”money is something I can afford to waste but time is something i cant”. While she pulled both her Zambian registration card and her Barclays credit card,” charge my suit to that, Likando and hand me the keys if there are no problems” the very use of her name had changed the mode and Likando panicked. ‘Bitch’, thought Likando as she swiped the card then handed it back to the lady with the keys then said, “enjoy your stay here at The Golden Bridge Hotel, Miss Lindiwe” with a forced smile. Lindiwe blinked at the mention of her yet the dark shades she wore concealed the act, she smiled a mocking one sided smile then said, “a valet will bring your luggage up” offered Likando. Lindiwe just walked away and towards the elevator doors, Likando made a mocking smile at the back of Lindiwe who turned just in time to see it. Likando was petrified.

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