aving this way after so long. He drove through Kafue road like a mad man, making the round at Kafue round about and then he sped down Cairo Road. He heard the sirens then looked at his
Kabwe round about at 210kmph and gunned up the fly over bridge and down Great East Road. He pumped the hand break that made the car move side ways then floored the accelerator when the
. He stood there not knowing what to do as the car came down the drive way, he saw and heard the tires stretch the tiled floor as the driver obviously hit the bre
ceptionist looking down at her while she smiled up at him as if she was looking at the most wonderful thing in the world. Surprisingly she felt jealous and walked faster so to he
e paces behind him. He smiled at her though the smile did not reach his eyes, he noticed that the woman wasn't smiling and from the look o
se and made her knees weak, 'oh this man!!' she thought, 'if just........' she didn't finish her thought because he was standing just behind her with his breath caressing her hair and neck. The fact he was breath slo