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The Other Dimension Of Life

The Other Dimension Of Life



Melody Rodriguez a girl who only wants to feel beloved by the people around her.She's so much trusting that's why when someone betrayed her it cause her to feel traumatic.She entered to the door wherein the other dimension is from the book.She didn't expected that she will be the leading lady of the book to unfold all the things that doesn't written in the book. Will she ever go back to the dimension where she belong without attaching her feelings to the fictional characters in the book?

Chapter 1 Prologue


They say you can't trust a person so much because they can deceive you.They say be careful who you are trusting for because they can betray you without noticing it.They say some people act like they care and worried for you but...the truth is they just curious.That is the truth in this world.In this world that is cruel and you thought someone care for you.

I thought that it was just a nonsense those words not until...I experience it all in this cruel world and I said to myself that I need to survive...no matter what because survival is a must.

I'm Melody Rodriguez,a 16 years old girl who needs to survive in this cruel and false hope world because someone taught me the importance of surviving even it's hard to do.

Waking up in the morning without getting any enough or well sleep.How can I sleep if those memories will keep coming to my mind every night?I guess...every night I will always get sleepless night.

I have problem that I need to solve but my mind is completely weak because I don't really have enough sleep.Not just the trauma is the 'cause...my boardmates are so noisy when the nights come especially when it's Friday night.

"What an horrible past of mine..."I murmured before biting the toasted bread.

"Hey,Melody...do you have a USB?"Stephanie ask me while going down to the stair.

"I don't have one.Try to ask Nicole,as far I know she have a lot of USB."I answer before sipping the coffee that Sophia made.

I'm living in a boarding house because I'm already orphan.Since I was kid I'm living in an orphan house with the sisters and the other orphan kids.I leave the orphan because I want to be a independent person.

"Hey,Melody...did you see my make up kit?"Sophia ask me while preparing breakfast for us.

"No...ask Nicole I saw her yesterday using your make up."I answer before putting the cup in the sink.

"You already done drinking coffee,we're not even eating breakfast,Melody."she said while looking at me.

"You know...I have a sleepless night.That's why I need to drink coffee so that I will never get sleep in class."I defend myself because that's the truth.

"I heard that you have issue in the school that you're attending.But...I want to ask personally because I don't believe what people say.It is true that you did that kind of thing?"

I sighed while looking at her with a stoic expression on my face.Issue...that's one of my problem that I need to deal everytime I'm in the school.Everyday I'm always accepting a hurtful and harsh words from the people that know about that nonsense issue.

"Do you think I can do that?"I asked her since I really wanted to know what her thoughts about me.

People will always act like they like you but it's opposite...they hate you...they secretly hate you and they wish that you will never exist in this world.

"Well...you know,I'm not being judgemental...I'm just saying the truth,Melody.Don't hate me because you want to know what are my thoughts to you,right?"

I nodded to what she said because I know she afraid that I'm might feel angry if she will tell the truth but...the truth I will never get angry to anyone...I'm tired of forming a angry feeling inside of me.

"Well...you're a silent and quiet girl that's why I cannot tell the way you thinking.That's why I think that you can do that kind of thing.Because you might deceiving us."she honestly said while looking at my eyes.

"Well...you're deceiving us too,Sophia.Every people are acting,so be careful because you might end like what happen to me."the last words that I said to her before leaving her and going up to the stairs.

Walking is the only thing I can do so that I can reach the school that I'm attending.I don't have enough money because I forgot to get my money from my boss.

The cold wind is relaxing me and letting me to temporary forget all my problems especially my past that I don't want to think.The past that I always regret.The decision in my past were nonsense because I'm so innocent that time.

It's been 4 years when I left from the orphan house where I grew.They let me to leave because they know that I can live alone and become a independent person.Some of the orphan kids like me leave too that time.

No one is want to commit to adopt us because they think that we can be selfish when they adopt us.There's news that a adopted child of a CEO of a publishing company is killed the biological daughter of the CEO and that kid is came from the orphan house where I grew.

The society have a crab mentality when they saw and heard that news...that's why the funds of the orphan house is going down.There's still younger kids than us that's why we older ones sacrifice for them because they still need to live in orphan house.

"Why she's still attending in our school?She don't feel embrassed because of her issue."

"You're right...her face is thick as a wall.She think that she's clean but the truth is not."

Whisper here...whisper there.Everyday morning I always hear their whisper.They have a thick wall face too to whisper even I can hear it.Are they dumb?

"Yoh,Melody.Let's date."Ashton said and I look at him with stoic expression.

He really don't know how to give up and he really thinks that I will date him.Then...he just imagine until he will give up.

"Don't ignore me...you're so lucky because a Ashton noticed and want to date you."

I glare him because he think that I'm really feel lucky.His face is a thick wall like me and those people who is brave to whisper even I hear it.

"I.DON'T.CARE."I replied while emphasizing the words.

I walk away and leave him alone.Does he think that he can fool me?I will never commit the same mistake again.I will never commit it...no matter what.

I'm tired because I'm working as a dishwasher in the restaurant that Nicole recommended to me since I really need a money to keep alive.

My boss said a lot of words before giving the money to me.But...I boredly listen to his words.He has a such bigmouth and I'm really annoyed with his attitude to us...to his employees.

"Hello?"I questionly greeted the person who's calling right now.

["Melody...where are you?"]Stephanie ask.

"I'm walking right now to go home."I answer before yawning loudly.

["Don't go home here,Melody.Some police is waiting for you here in boarding house.They might capture you from what you did."]

Aisshh...really in this time again.I need to find a place where I can sleep from a meantime.I'm really not involved in that accident.Someone just involved me and the police is trying to capture me but I'm always escaping from them.

"I understand,Stephanie.Be careful and don't tell anything about me."I said before hanging up the call.

I put the cellphone in my bag and quickly change the direction.But...I'm immediately run when I heard the police cars.Oh shit...they might thought that I will never go home in the boarding house this night.

I quickly hide while catching my breath.Seriously...why I'm so unlucky in my life?I need to think a plan to escape from them.I'm shocked when one of the police find me.

"SHE'S HERE..."he shouted while running to catch up to me.

I immediately turn in right side.I need to escape from them or else I will never have a freedom.I want to curse the person who's the reason why police chasing me right now.

I clicked my tounge because of the annoyance.The direction that I run is now dead end.I really need to think a plan on how to escape from them without turning back.I heard their footsteps making me gulp and trembling in fear right now.

I saw a door in the dead end.Even I got confuse why there's a door here,I open it and closed so that police never find me.I'm shocked when I saw what's inside of the door.

I'm in the middle of the road right now.There's a tree of cherry blossoms and there's a quiet surrounding here.I need to get out of here because someone might know about me.

I was about to open the door but the door is disappear make me confuse because I'm feeling that I'm sleeping right now.Can someone wake up me and tell that this is just a dream?

"Where I'am?"I ask to myself with a confused tone.

Is this a dream?

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