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We often say that there's no love that is selfless. But there's one love that is unconditional and selfless that exists in this world, that can never be fake. One person, the only love that we need most is Our Mother and her unconditional love. But just think about it once. The person who can love so selflessly, does she get the same love from others too? - - -♡- - - - - - - - - -♡♡♡- - - - - - - - - -♡- - - (BTS FANFICTION )

Chapter 1 1

Introduction :

Kim Juli :

A single mother of two children. Working as a Software developer in 'Kim Corporation'.

Kim Seok-Jin :

Juli's husband and father of her children. He died when Juli was carrying the second baby on her womb. Still his death is a mystery as his body wasn't found.

Lisa :

First child of her parents. A meritorious student, also very beautiful, Loves her father more than anyone or anything.

Jungkook :

Second child of his parents. He doesn't know anything about his father, loves his mom and sister very much. Like his sister, He's a meritorious student, very artistic and good at singing and dancing.

Min Yoongi :

Lisa's boyfriend. An orphan child who never had a family. He treats Juli as his mom and Jungkook as his brother and he can do anything for them. He's an underground rapper, a pianist and a guitarist. Music is his passion. His stage name is 'Agust-d'.

Park Jimin :

Juli's assistant. A pure hearted soul who loves and cares equally for everyone. Animal lover too. And very shy. He loves dancing and he can dance anywhere but the music must be according to his taste.

Kim Taehyung :

Jungkook's possessive and protective best friend. A playboy who doesn't even hesitate to flirt with Juli in front of Jungkook. He's also an animal lover.

Kim Namjoon :

Juli's boss.

Owner of 'Kim Corporation' . A perfectionist and A very confident person, who takes risks on things knowing that he'll succeed no matter how hard it is. To him; Nothing is impossible.

Jung Hoseok :

Just an acquaintance with Juli.

(Author's Note :

I don't know the members of BTS in person. It's just my imagination. So, keep an open mind. Hope you guys gonna love this one😊😊😊)

(Alarm Ringing)


Inside the blanket, a large lump moved a bit. Then whispered in an annoying voice,

-Uh.... Ju...just t...turn it off...

Suddenly someone turned off the alarm. It was Juli.

It's 6 O'clock in the morning. The room is dark now due to heavy curtains blocking sunrays and light to get through into the room. A small room, but pretty well decorated. Ice purple colored wall, with beautiful wall paintings of Frozen's castle, and snowflakes. Juli feels proud to see the wall whenever she enters the room as it was none other than her daughter who painted all this on the wall. And heavy curtains are violet in color. There's a bed where Lisa is sleeping and opposite to that, there's a study table, but the table was a bit messy. And beside the study table, there is a large bookshelf where many books are stored, and most of them are novels. There are some small vases of leafy plants in the room too. If anyone enters the room, they will definitely say, 'Wow, it's beautiful!!'

Juli walked towards the window without making any sound. She pulled the curtains aside and opened the windows. Now, the room looks more refreshing. She turned around to see the table again. At first, when she saw the table, she was a bit shocked as her daughter is so much fond of cleanliness and she hates anything to be messed up, specially in her room. Her room needs to be cleaned up all the time. If not, then, she becomes so mad that it's hard for anyone to make her smile at that time. But she realized that her daughter was studying all night long for her upcoming exams. And then she was feeling so tired that she didn't even have the energy to fix the table back then.

Juli sighed. She walked towards the table to fix it. Her daughter, Lisa is a student of 11th grade, very meritorious, also very beautiful and she hates anything to be messed up. But it seemed she was so tired last night. She smiled and whispered while fixing the table,

-It's okay, sweetie, I'll fix it for you.

After fixing the table, she walked towards the bed. She looked at the large lump inside the blanket and sat down beside it. A soft smile formed on her face. She put her hand on it and start to shake it very gently.

-Wake up, sweetie. It's 6:10 now.

Then shook it again.

-Come on, wake up now.

-Just go away and let me sleep.

She whispered from inside the blanket.

-Don't say like that. Come on, sweetie, wake up.

-I said, 'Let me sleep'

This time, Lisa said annoyingly.

-You'll be late, sweetie.

-Stop it. I said, "Get out now"

Lisa screamed making her mom flinch. Then she got up from the bed. Juli was so shocked to see her daughter's sudden action. She grabbed her mom's hand and dragged her out of the room. And then, she slammed the door on her face.

Juli was so shocked that she couldn't even process what just happened right now. It was like this quick that at first, she couldn't understand the fact that her daughter just kicked her out of her room. She placed her hand on the door.

-But dear, You'll be late.

But no response came from the other side of the door. It seemed her daughter doesn't want to respond. Her eyes were filling up with tears. But she controlled it somehow. After trying very hard to control her emotions, she turned around to enter another room.

There are two small rooms, one is opposite the other. She stood in front of the door of the other room. Her eyes were getting teary again. So, she took a deep breath and tried to bring a smile on her face. And when she successfully made herself look like she was fine, she opened the door. This room is smaller than the previous one and very interesting. The walls are green in colour and there are paintings of trees and birds on the wall. She entered into the room and found her son sitting on a chair and sleeping putting his head on the study table. She smiled and walked towards the table without making any sound. Then, she put a hand over his head full of dark brown hair and said warmly,

-Wake up, bunny. Or you'll be late for school.

Jungkook moved a bit then put his head off from the table and stared at his mom.

-Good morning, mom.

Saying that, he hugged his mom.


-By the way, why are you holding back your tears?

He asked his mom, pulling himself away from the embrace.

-What happened, mom?

Juli knew it. No matter how hard she tries, she can never be successful in making her son fool by doing whatsoever to hide her emotions. Her eyes were getting teary again. She tried to hide it by looking at something else but him.

-I knew it.


She asked confusingly, pretending nothing happened.

-Something happened. She did something again, right?

Jungkook was staring at his mom, squinting his eyes.

-No baby. Nothing like that. It's just... I was having a very bad headache.



- Ok, smile for me now. I want to see you smiling.

Juli smiled and this time, it was a genuine one. She can never be sad while Jungkook is with her.

-Ok, now freshen up, you little bunny. Then you needa take breakfast and go to school. Today is a big day for you. Your final exam results will be published today. Now get ready, my dear bunny.

-Yeah... I'm sure I'm gonna be the top scorer.

-That's like my bunny.

Saying that she pulled him into a warm hug. But then, from the other room, Lisa exclaimed in anger which made her flinch again for the second time today.

-Mom, come quickly!!!

Juli rushed towards the room only to see Lisa's hair was all messed up, wearing her school uniform and looking like she was looking for something. But why is she screaming like that?

-What happened, sweetie?

-How dare you to touch my things? Where did you hide my notebook?? Tell me quickly.

-I didn't hide it.

-Oh... please stop your drama and tell me where is it??!

-Okay, let me help you.

-No, don't you even dare to do that again. Just get out of my room.

-But let me help you.

- No. Get out.

Juli was still trying her best to help her but she didn't give her mother a chance.

She grabbed her mother's hand and dragged her out of the room forcefully.

-Get out and don't show me your face again.

And then she slammed the door.

Juli's eyes were filling up with tears. She was trying her best to stop it from coming. What did she do that was wrong?! Why does her daughter treat her like that?? She was just trying to help her daughter. She was biting her lower lip to prevent tears from coming. But failed.

A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. She put her hand over her mouth so that no one could hear her sobbing. She was trembling in a fear mixed with emotions and tears were rolling down her cheeks continuously. She slowly sat down in front of the door and started to cry louder this time covering her mouth with her hands so that Lisa and Jungkook couldn't hear her. Because Lisa wouldn't like the fact at all, she would think all of it was her mom's drama and would get mad and Juli didn't want to make her daughter mad again.

She was crying so bad that even when she heard someone coming towards her she didn't look back at him. She heard sound of footsteps coming towards her very carefully as if that didn't want to scare her or anything like that. She was sobbing. Sound of footsteps came towards her and stopped just in front of her. It remained in that position for a few moments. She knew who it was. So, she didn't bother to look at him. And Then all of a sudden, the owner of the footsteps pulled her into his embrace which made her even more emotional. She continued to cry in his embrace. Jungkook sighed and then said,

-Don't cry, Mom, please...

To be Continued...

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