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Unfulfilled Desire

Unfulfilled Desire

ritika mishra


What is it about life that makes it so challenging? We may not always have what we want, and the things we do have are either unappreciated or we fail to recognize their true value until it's too late. Riya, like any other young woman her age, fantasized about meeting the right guy and living a happy, romantic life with her Prince Charming straight out of a fairy tale world, but she was soon forced to accept reality, seeking happiness with her lover, Harsh, rather than pining over someone who may or may not exist. Riya was helplessly drawn to a new guy who started working at the same company she did... His demeanor reminded her of the man of her dreams; he was just as stubborn, aggressive, and challenging as she was. Riya believed she had finally found him... her Prince Charming... the one worthy of her eternal love after meeting Rachit. What will happen, however, when Riya discovers that her beloved was not who she had expected, that her dreams were nothing more than fantasies, and that reality was even further away than the west from the east?

Chapter 1 First meeting

"Riya's Point of View"

"No, it isn't correct. For me, this is impossible. "

I know I should keep my thoughts to myself, but why can't I think about how glad I am? What is the source of the deficiency?

After all, why am I drawn to Rachit in the first place?

Does Harsh not have any feelings for me?

Oh no, I can't!

How can I question his love?

In his life, I am the only girl.

If I didn't love Harsh, why was I in this relationship with him?

In all these years, I haven't given anyone else a thought.

What drew me to Rachit in the previous several days?

What is it about Rachit that makes me think of him?

For me, this is unthinkable. I'm going to have to explain myself.

I need to go back and retrace my steps. But how could everything happen so quickly?

This is something I shouldn't have done.

I can't change what happened, but I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

Yes, it is correct.

I'm just a little taken aback by how much Harsh loves me.

Our relationship is in perfect condition. We were called "love birds" by others. They referred to us as the ideal couple.

Harsh isn't someone I'm going to betray.

In my mind, I made the final decision on this ongoing discussion. "Yes, this will be fine," I stated loudly after taking a deep breath.

I reached for the phone at the foot of the bed and immediately blocked Rachit's number.

When I realised what I was doing, I opened his old message and was going to delete it. As a result, I couldn't stop myself from reading that conversation once more. I'm going to miss our chat a lot.

Rachit had only been at my office for three months.

As a result, he swiftly rose to the top of the office's popularity.

Rachit had a 5'9" frame and was exceptionally attractive at his height, strong build, fair skin, and seductive eyes.

On his first day at work, Rachit wore grey slacks and a black shirt, and every female in the workplace concentrated her gaze on him, with the entire staff sighing on one side.

My assignment, on the other hand, made me exceedingly worried.

It was my first day as a manager, and I was given the chance to lead the meeting for the first time; it was also the first time I had presented my idea to the direct client since the promotion.Otherwise, all of my efforts would be in vain. The only one who received credit was my senior.

I was adamant about not making a mistake today. After all, I'd risked my life for this opportunity.

Despite my nerves, I confidently communicated my thoughts with the customer at the start of the meeting.

Some individuals in the company were startled to see me because I went into the meeting so confidently because they had their doubts about my abilities and didn't think I was qualified for this position.

As I spotted the blown colours on those faces, I smiled confidently.

My attention was then drawn to a charming man.

Who is he, exactly?

He was unlike anyone I'd ever seen before. He was most likely accompanied by the client. "My subconscious thinks of him as a client."

I took a big breath and headed straight to the restroom after the meeting.

In the mirror over the wash basin, I inspect myself. After untying the high ponytail and untangling the long brown hair until my waist, making it back into a high ponytail and spraying water on my face, I folded the sleeves of my navy-blue shirt. I smirked at myself in the mirror and remarked, "I don't have the same appeal as the other girls." I don't even know how to put on makeup. " A little smile formed on my pink lips. Then I came out of the bathroom, wiping my face.

Ashish took the lunch box off the table and remarked, "Riya, it's 2:00 p.m. Let's have a bite to eat. "

Looking down at my wristwatch, I said, "Yes."

Ashish had to leave lunch halfway through due to an emergency. I ate my lunch alone at my table while checking my emails.

You've done a good job, Miss.

The sound of a voice drew my attention.

This is the individual who attended the meeting. He isn't a client, so who does he owe gratitude to? " I muttered this to myself.

"Thank you," I said, "but I'm sorry, but I don't recognise you."

Hello, my name is Rachit Khurana, and I'm the new marketing director at this company.

Please accept my sincere apologies, Sir. I got out of my chair.

Relax by taking a seat. I'm just a coworker of yours." It is not necessary for you to apologise. You may address me by my first name alone."

New Project Director, Riya Mittal:

With a handshake, I replied.

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