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 The Mafia lord and the avengers princess

The Mafia lord and the avengers princess

ritika mishra


Maria Blanco, a stunning 26-year-old woman, has always held the firm belief that her kind actions may change people's hearts. Though she was born the daughter of a mafia family, she had always avoided the violence that surrounded her. She never imagined that her life would take a turn that would force her to become the commander of a mafia gang. And when her one true love, Alexander Sergin, turns out to be her biggest enemy, her already terrible situation becomes even more so. With her desire for vengeance raging high, the Russian beauty must decide whether to put out the flames of love or the blaze of hatred. Dive into the story to know what she will decide.

Chapter 1 Ruthless King

"Alexander's point of view,"

"Boss, are you sure?

Do you want to drive there by yourself?" Peter inquired with a startled expression, as he turned to face me.

"Yes, I will travel there by myself. I have already assured you that nothing bad will happen to me. After all, I am the head of such a large mafia organization; if I lack the courage to go alone like this, then who in my organization will?"

I extended out my hand and motioned for Peter to give me the keys to the car.

"However, it is not a good idea to visit that region because they killed your father there." In a hushed voice, he made another attempt to stop me.

I can understand his concern because he is my bodyguard. But I can't bring him with me.

To track down the person who killed my father and exact revenge, I must go to that location.

"Don't worry about me, Peter. Absolutely nothing bad will occur to me." By turning on the car's engine, I responded.

I was driving at a high speed on Russia's snow-covered roads. My dad's face was repeatedly spinning in front of my eyes, and his last words were ringing in my ears.

"My son, your time has come to command the Bonano gang. Don't give those monsters a chance to conquer our land."

"Please, Dad, tell me who shoot you so brutly that you're in this state." Even though I tried to control my tears, I found it impossible to control them when I held my father's bloody body in my arms.

"The Bonano gang needs you, son." After saying these words, Dad passed away. There was nothing I could do to save my father as he passed away in my arms.

The unexpectedness of my father's passing has rocked me to my very core. But I can't shatter like this; I have to maintain the commitment I made to my father at all costs.

Now It's my responsibility to maintain the Bonano Gang's strength. My father was a gangster, but he was always a peaceful person, so I will not give up looking for the person who killed him.

He bothered no one innocent, and he never meddled in other people's business. So I don't understand why somebody would kill my dad.

To satisfy the vengeful emotion that has developed in my heart, I have to find the person who killed my dad as soon as possible.

The sound of a gunshot suddenly distracted me from my thoughts. My car's side mirror revealed that four cars carrying goons were pursuing me from behind. I engaged the car's automated driving mode and retrieved the guns from the sides of my boots.

After opening the rooftop I targeted the car's front tire.

I shot the driver in the forehead with one gun and blew up the car's tire with the other. The other cars in the line of traffic crashed with each other because of this car's abrupt stop, creating a significant blast.

A balloon filled with black smoke shot upward at high speed.

It preoccupied me with dealing with the goons following me, but I'm not sure where the bastards on both sides of my car who appeared on the bike and surrounded me came from.

A guy shot at my car's back tire.

"What the fuck?"

I immediately slammed the rooftop shut and continued shooting through the passenger window.

Maybe these goons are attacking because they mistake me for some kind of regular mafia boss; these poor souls do not know that they are up against an Olympic gold medalist.

The snow surrounding it quickly turned scarlet from the blood of those attackers. Currently, all I could see around me were dead bodies. After a thorough check of each assassin's body, I could not find any clues about who had hired them to kill me.

From my phobe, I took pictures of every attacker and forwarded them to my P.A.

I was regretting gazing at my car's tire when the horn from behind me drew my attention.

I was going to fire at the driver of the car when I realized it was Peter in the seat.

"Are you okay, boss?" He approached me and gave my body a close inspection.

"Were you following me, Peter?" I inquired, my gaze fixed on my men in the car.

"Sorry, boss." He replied by scratching the back side of his neck.

I could tell by the tone of his apology that he was not at all remorseful for disobeying my instructions.

"Why did you continue to pursue me despite my protests?" In a grating tone, I inquired.

"I'm only doing my duty, boss. I have to keep you safe." Peter responded while glancing at the dead bodies lying on the road.

"Did you kill these men on your own?" His voice sounded genuinely surprised.

"No, I have a secret force that came here and killed them."

"Really? then Why didn't you inform me about this sooner?" Peter listened to me and whined.

"Come on, Peter, I was joking. Of course, I have killed all these people." Upon observing his perplexed expression, I couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm shocked by how vicious you are.

Boss,Nobody would imagine that you could be so harsh, based on your pleasant appearance." His words reminded me of the special one I've been seeking for so long.

As I recall, she frequently remarked that I was too cruel. I am completely merciless. I am a very self-centered person who only ever considers myself, but before I could clear up all of her misunderstandings, she left without saying goodbye. I don't even know if she's still alive.

No, I am certain she is still alive, and I hope to meet her someday.

"Do my words offend you, boss?" Peter inquired in a frightened tone after observing the serious look on my face.

"No, I had another thought in mind. Well, now we should leave here." I responded by inhaling deeply.

Peter warned me not to go there because of the growing darkness, and we headed in the opposite direction.

Upon arriving home after a refreshing shower, I was about to get dressed when I heard my phone ring.

"Unknown number?"

I looked at my phone's screen in amazement; after all, who could call my number from an unknown number? Other than my family and Peter, nobody else has this number as mine.

"Alexander Sergin, I have spared you today, but you will meet the same fate as your father soon. Please take advantage of my only chance to leave this country." An unknown man threatened me as soon as I answered the call.

He cut off the call before I could respond to him. The second time I tried to call that number, it was no longer in service.

I don't know who is attempting to intimidate me in this way. Whoever he is, he has never heard of the Bonano Gang's Ruthless King.

"I believe the time has come to completely inform the public about this ruthless king."

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