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The Unfinished Beer

The Unfinished Beer

Lee J Mavin


You have that burning in your throat and sting in your eyes. Yeah, you know that feeling well don't you, I've got that feeling almost every morning, guess I'm kind of like Kerouac. I'm always on the road and hungover. Maybe I am related to him or something? Maybe we are connected through some parallel universe? I don't how this all came about, but the point is, I have a story to tell, just like Kerouac. Though my story isn't set in San Franscico and New York, mine is a little further east. I have some how wound up in Tokyo of all places. We left Tokyo too soon. It was the most alive place I have every lived in, like traveling to work everyday in a river of blood, the veins of Japan. I lived with my lifemates, Jamie and Keiko and we were all in love.

Chapter 1 Forward

I am so tired, tired of waking up not knowing. I am so tired of forgetting. You know how it is when you wake up on some sofa or in some public toilet and have no idea how you got there. You have that burning in your throat and sting in your eyes. Yeah, you know that feeling well don't you, I've got that feeling almost every morning, guess I'm kind of like Kerouac. I'm always on the road and hungover. Maybe I am related to him or something? Maybe we are connected through some parallel universe? I don't how this all came about, but the point is, I have a story to tell, just like Kerouac.

Though my story isn't set in San Franscico and New York, mine is a little further east. I have some how wound up in Tokyo of all places. A place where I stand out more than the flashing neon lights and cross dressing Geisha guys. Yes Tokyo, who has ever written about that? No-one that I know of and my beginning is so real and full of life, the words almost drift off the paper. So where is the character development? Look no further than myself, a complex young man with grand visions and my best friend Jamie, an almost perfect good guy (see the similarities with On The Road yet?) and his angelical sexy minx of a girlfriend, Keiko. Now are you interested? Yeah, I thought so. I take my readers right into the action, Just like Kerouac did. I just thought I'd highlight this because the world is being suffocated now with modern versions of Once Upon A Time beginnings, Snow White Vampire cross over fiction. So I am doing the world a favour, bringing my book to it. I am in fact, saving it from destroying itself in predictable plots and happy endings.

This is what keeps me going between the black outs and one night stands. You know how it is, the shaky hands and the dizzy spells. The random bras hanging over my bed post and the fading smell of sex. It is getting harder and harder to stand up, so I guess when I start writing I will just be permanently attached to my chair. It was never this bad with Jamie around, he had the knack of balancing me out, he even carried me home a few times. Ah, Jamie. He is the tall, square chin and quiet type, you the the kind of guy that you want to hang out with every Friday night. He is always distant too, thinking about something else. You'd be talking about something with him over a beer and he'd just drift off into some trance. You want to know what he is thinking, you want to jump inside his mind and have a swim. But ever since graduating Uni, Jamie has changed a bit. I have followed him half way across the world and he still hasn't let me inside his head. So I guess he and I are finally growing apart. We even go out order different drinks, it is getting depressing. Oh yeah and it really complicates things when he has the hottest girlfriend in the world. Keiko walked into my life well before she met Jamie and we instantly had a connection. She has the face that belongs on magazine covers, huge brown eyes, a cute little nose and a perfect row of white straight teeth. All this and her impossible proportions under her coffee skin. It is almost like she was designed by horny Japanese teenagers. Her bouncy curly hair always excites me and I find myself staring at her with my mouth hanging open all the time. She's an anything goes kind of girl too, which makes her even more attractive. She'll be up for a drink anytime and is always smiling that perfect smile of hers. So you might have realised by now that I am in a bit of an awkward position. Jamie is the best friend and Keiko is his hot girlfriend, that I can't stop thinking about. I love Jamie to death but it is incredibly hard to watch them making out. They are too perfectly molded to have each other, it just isn't fair. But with all this visually stimulation I am beginning to get inspired. If you walk around with your heart on fire for too long you might explode but something strangely inviting is rising from the flames inside of me. I have had this idea growing, like being pregnant with hope, waddling around with a belly full of inspiration. My story is coming alive all around me and all I need to do is start writing it.

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