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The Unfinished Beer

Chapter 2 1. The Echo From Tokyo

Word Count: 424    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

of blood, the veins of Japan. I lived with my lifemates, Jamie and Keiko and we were all in love. The city intensified

iend. Keiko is not the sort of girl you should leave alone. No amount of overtime pay is worth being away from this Angel from the East. She is the type to stop crowds and cause traffic a

n't seem to agree with open sexual experimentation. Ever since it happened I have had nothing but bad luck and sorro

. It was like sleeping with a bleeding crucifix, my pillow was being squashed up against his crown of

arching for kicks. But he is long gone now and all I h

sorry I be

e wind like an Octopus's tentacles. She screamed into the night

'Ryan, dame d

? Yeah, what kind of pain? I can't recall. I was floating, no I was falling,

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