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Mated To The Angel King

Mated To The Angel King

Rebecca Nova


My heart throbs harder as I watch the minute hand of my wrist watch gets closer to midnight. Panic makes my stomach churn. It's my eighteenth birthday, I should phase tonight or I will be the first wolfless she-wolf, not just in our pack but in the whole of Silver Creek Kingdom. Nothing would be more disgraceful than being wolfless when your father is the Beta of your pack and your step-sister is the chosen mate of our dashing and powerful angel King, Nate Rowan. Angels didn't exist before, not before the appalling war that almost put an end to every Kingdom and throne. They were born to force peace between the the strongest kinds of werewolves that couldn't stand the existence of the other. Their white wings are a source of incredible strength that no werewolf can match. Yet none of them is half as formidable as the famous Prince, Nate Rowan. He phased into the first and only golden winged angel. He possess not just amazing strength but striking powers and beauty as well. The only unfortunate thing about him is that he never found his mate and finally got tired of the wait. Every girl was yearning to be mated to him until my step-sister became his chosen mate. She is a vixen just like her mother, the heartless woman that my father chose to replace my loving mother with after her death. They are all that he cares about while I became the loser after failing to phase on my seventeenth birthday. Strong werewolves phase on their seventeenth birthday, the weakest phase on their eighteenth. Only golden winged angels phase on their nineteenth birthday. But who thinks that someone as pathetic as me would phase into anything better than a weak wolf? Or as it seems, the first wolfless she-wolf of the Kingdom. Obviously my father will have me banished to do away with the shame.

Chapter 1 The Party


My heart throbs harder as I watch my wristwatch count down the minutes towards midnight while I feel no sign that my body will shift into anything. Anxiety makes my intestines churn. It's my eighteenth birthday, I should be able to phase tonight. Otherwise I will be the first wolfless she-wolf in our pack and in the whole of Silver Creek Kingdom.

Nothing would be more disgraceful than being wolfless when your father is the Beta of your pack and your step-sister is the chosen mate of our dashing and powerful angel Prince, Nate Rowan.

If you haven't heard about the golden winged angel of Silver Creek, well, he didn't exist twenty five years ago. Silver Creek was the largest Kingdom ruled by an alpha King. It was also the only Kingdom with both Grey werewolves and Lycans within it's borders.

While all are werewolves, each kind is a little too different from the other that they couldn't manage to peacefully coexist together. Each wanted to dominate the other at the time, feeling that they were too strong or powerful to submit to the other. War broke out and lasted so long that the weaker werewolves began to free the Kingdom.

That's our golden winged angel was born, to force harmony between the two races. He is a formidable being with great powers and dazzling beauty. Not that I have seen him, but I have heard those that have seen him talk about being stunned by his beauty. I am assuming he is more gorgeous than any of the men I have seen.

He was just one, but ended the war and took over the throne. He let his werewolf father become King while our Alphas were allowed to keep leading their small packs while staying loyal to him. The whole Kingdom thrived under his care to the massive and wealthy Kingdom we are in now. What's even more amazing is how the formerly incompatible races have been so at peace with each other in presence of a more formidable race.

He sure has phenomenal powers, irresistible beauty and charm. But him and us are alike in a few ways too. He has a fated mate just like us even through he is yet to find her.

He is still the most adored being of our Kingdom. You can always hear people whispering about his perfections now and then. That's why every unmated girl now wishes she is my step-sister, his chosen mate.

She isn't his true mate of course. They don't have a mate bond despite her being the only other person that phased into an angel. Her wings are white and she is powerless. She is just someone he chose to become his future wife since he is about to take over the throne and he has waited for his true mate far too long.

Being the most powerful of all the living beings, his true mate was probably going to be another golden winged angel. But there hasn't been a new golden winged angel for as long as he has waited. It's understandable why he decided to quit waiting.

My step-sister phased into a white winged angel at seventeen and our father set up a big party to celebrate his step-daughter's special phasing.

That was also the day my life turned upside down. As a daughter of a Lycan Beta, I was supposed to get my wolf on my seventeenth birthday, but it never came.

My father was quite disappointed in me and began giving me less attention. He however didn't become a complete jerk until my step-sister phased into the first white winged angel of our pack and she became the apple of his eye.

He has always been a man obsessed with fame and power. Her phasing gave him exactly that. I on the other hand have brought him shame. Because though some werewolves do phase later than others, it is not what is expected of a Beta's daughter.

I have been bullied and derided because of it. But hopefully that will stop after I phase later tonight. Midnight is only an hour away and the anticipation is killing me.

There is an exquisite party that has been set in the hall downstairs and all the kingdom's royal and rich guests are in attendance. It's not to celebrate my birthday through. Who would even remember that I exist on a day like this?

It's the first time Prince Rowan is visiting our pack to get engaged to my step-sister. He was supposed to have arrived earlier, but I heard people saying he had urgent issues to attend to.

I would have liked to see him for the first time. See if he is really what people say he is. But I don't want to be in here when I start to phase. I don't want to mess up anything especially when no one needs me here.

I feel like just phasing today will not win my father's love back. He will always prioritise my step-sister, the angel and soon to be the Princess of this Kingdom.

I think the only way to find peace and my own happiness is if I leave, find myself a job and hopefully enroll for a degree in the Kingdom's best college.

I am not counting on meeting my mate and having him save me from all this. I have had enough of being kind and trying to impress people only to get scorned and laughed at in return. Who said one cannot be happy alone?

"Layla!" I am startled by my step-mother's stern voice and I shift my gaze from the clothes I was packing into a bag to wear after phasing and shifting back into human form. I cannot return here naked unless I want to get immediately kicked out.

"What are you doing in there while everyone else is working? Get out, the kitchen needs cleaning!" The woman barks while banging on my bedroom door.

I finish packing the clothes and leave the bag to go face her. She is already fuming by the time I open the door. I just made her wait for a few seconds and that alone makes her angry. Can't wait to get out of her presence.

"Why am I the one to do that too? I haven't had a break since morning. Why can't the maids do it?" I ask, ignoring her fury.

"They are already dressed in their new white uniform and I don't want any of them to get dirty. They will be escorting princess Ava to the stage to meet the Prince when he arrives." She answers with a proud smile.

I am tempted to remind her that her daughter is not yet a Princess. The Prince may have chose her over a few other white winged angels but they are not yet married. Correcting her will however infuriate her more and she will most likely claim that I have disrespected her.

"I don't want to get dirty either. I am already dressed for the party." I reply.

She openly checks out my sky-blue dress with pursed lips and scoffs. "You're not attending my daughter's party. Your father ordered that you stay away from the hall and anywhere near the guests. Don't you ever understand what a disgrace you are?"

Her words makes my jaws clench in anger. My father ordered that I stay away from the hall?! When did I become so detestable? Does he even remember there is still a chance that I will phase today? Or has he now disowned me completely?

I wonder if he would be doing the same if mother was still here. He was a devoted and prudent father when she was alive and many months after she was gone. Until he replaced her with the vixen that he now calls wife.

"Hey! Did you not hear a thing I said?" That vixen flaps a finger in front of my face. "Don't step anywhere close to the hall! Only the kitchen floor needs mopping. Early up because I don't want any guest that may decide to mill about to find you there." She orders and waits for my response.

"Okay." I say, knowing that I have no option but to obey her for now.

"Good. Be done in thirty minutes." She turns and walks away.

I check my watch again as I descend the stairs to the ground floor. It's only a quarter past eleven. I can manage to clean that floor within thirty minutes if I hurry. Then I will have fifteen minutes to run back to my room, grab my bag of clothes and leave the pack house before it's midnight.

What really sucks is I will have to pass through the living room that my step-sister and her maids are waiting for the Prince to arrive in order to get to the kitchen.

The maids make faces when I step into the room. They are all in matching white dresses and pink flat shoes. The only one in red heels and wearing the loveliest, flowing, white designer dress is my step-sister. The dress has no back to allow her space to spread her wings.

"You look really beautiful." I complement politely as I pass by where she is seated facing the mirror on the wall.

"I know." She answers in a cold tone without sparing me a glance.

I keep walking towards the kitchen door ignoring the snide comments from the maids that doesn't seem to care that I can hear them.

"Layla! Here is a cake for your birthday!" Little Talia squeaks, running towards me with a cupcake in her tinny hands. I had not seen her behind the group of maids until she screamed my name.

Talia is a seven year old orphan that the Alpha and his Luna adopted after her parents died in plane crash while traveling outside the Kingdom. She is the only friend I have got in and outside of this house. The only one not old enough to know how valueless I am to the pack and start hating me.

"The little idiot stole the cakes we baked for guests!" One of the maids points.

"It's just one for Layla." Talia defends in her innocent voice.

"They were made for noble guests, Talia. Not just everyone!" Another maid reprimands.

I pick the cake from Talia's hands. "I will return your to kitchen. No need to get so rude to a kid."

"And who will eat something that has been so tampered with?" Another questions.

It's amazing how everyone now finds it fit to confidently disrespect me. It's like I am no longer the daughter of the pack's Beta.

I squat and give Talia a hug. "Thank you very much honey. Carry the cake to my room, I will be coming back there soon so we eat it." I whisper and she smiles.

"I will find a candle for you to blow." She says as she runs past me and out of the room. I look around and notice all the glares directed at me like I am a massive piece of rubbish standing in the room with them. My step-sister is still admiring her beauty on the mirror. I turn and walk into the kitchen.

Two maids are still inside, chatting while sipping coffee. Ignoring their presence I grab the bucket and mop stick from their place at the corner of the big, classic kitchen and start the job.

"So you've seen the Prince before?" I hear one of the maids ask but don't look up to see which one.

"Yes. He is like perfection in flesh and bones." The other answers, sounding a little too excited to be talking about the man. "He is flawless and almost all kinds of good you can think of." She adds.

"But I heard he phased on his nineteenth birthday. Quite late don't you think?" Her friends questions.

"Yeah. But who knows when golden winged angels are supposed to phase? I am sure they need to be mature enough to handle the powers responsibly without using them for selfish gains." She answers.

"He would have been kicked out of the palace if his parents were not such nice and patient people.

I look up at them only to see one point at me.

"Maybe. But she wouldn't be here if all parents were like that." She argues without caring about the fact that I just saw her point at me.

The other snorts. "Her father already ordered that she be escorted out of the pack house if she doesn't phase today." She says and my heart nearly quits beating.

So I am to be kicked out after today? Where would I go? Live in the streets? Being kicked out of your home would be too shameful that no one would be willing to offer you a job.

But I said I will be escorted out only if I fail to phase tonight. I don't see a reason that would happen. I will phase, have fun running freely for a while before coming back here to let my father know that I am no longer a waste of space as that's what he is already convinced I am.

I don't listen to the rest of the maids' conversation as I hurry to finish up cleaning. I am on my way out when loud cheering erupts from the hall. The excitement in the voices is so vivid.

"The Prince has arrived! Let's hurry!" The maids rush past me and out through the door. I step out to see that Ava and her maids are already on their feet, heading towards the hall. She leads the way and the maids line up behind her, their eyes are literally glowing with excitement.

I feel like sneaking into that hall for a moment just to see the Prince. This may be the only opportunity I may ever get to see him.

I however don't have enough time to do that as my watch shows I have only eleven minutes to grab my bag and get away from the house before I start phasing and howling in here.

I take off the black heels I was wearing and run up the stairs to my room. Talia is already asleep on my bed while the candle burns away on top of my small dresser.

I put off the candle before grabbing my bag, a torch and a pair of flat boots before rushing back out. I use the backdoor to leave the pack house since my step-mother made it clear that I shouldn't let the guests see me.

I glance at the watch again and see that I have only five minutes to get to the pack forest. It's only half a kilometre away, so I take off running.

The things those maids said while I cleaned keep replaying in head as I hurry towards the first line of trees not too far away.

I am to be kicked out of the pack house if I don't phase today. I will no longer have a roof over my head or somewhere to get food. Can't believe my father is already so tired of being patient with me.

I heard one of the maids say that the powerful and supergorgeus Prince phased at nineteen and his parents were always treated him like their golden son. My father and pack members are however not going to wait that long. Because well, who would believe I am meant to phase into a golden winged angel? I wouldn't dream that far either.

I finally get past the first line of trees and check my wrist watch again. Only five seconds to midnight. I drop my bag and torch and wait for the transformation to begin. My heart is beating harder than it was when I was running.

I glance at the watch again. One more minute to go. Shouldn't I be feeling even a slight symptom of the transformation I am waiting for?


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