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Forbidden Affairs (love)

Forbidden Affairs (love)

Double A


Isabelle Anderson comes from an average family,lives a freestyle life does whatever life throws at her end up drunk in a club which her Best friend introduced her to. As if being drunk was enough she slept with an unknown man at the club which later becomes her nee boss. Everything that happened that night was forgotten because she didn't recollect it unlike Mike(the new boss) remembered every single thing but kept quiet thinking Isabelle was playing dumb about it. Mike also knee that Isabelle is his fiancee elder sister but he decided to keep mute and played the game with her. The relationship between this two blossom until Isabelle younger sister found out about it which brings a lot trouble. Join the journey of two sisters fighting for love

Chapter 1 One night stand

Sexual scene ahead!!!!!

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I went crazy after taking two shots of vodka down my throat, I waited for everything in my mind to clear, all my worries to drain off because that was the main reason I was attending this nightclub. I knew I wouldn't remember anything after this night, I never did. A fight between my mind telling me to stop drinking because of the serious headache it will lead to the next morning and my heart that is aching with wage.

I took another shot and in those minutes, I could see heaven as I dragged my foot to the dance floor and started dancing, ready to forget all my pains. I moved my body slowly along to the beat of the music playing in the background, I was about to fall when a pair of soft but masculine hands caught me before my body could hit the cold floor.

"Careful there, miss," he said, pulling me close to his chest.

"Tha............ n....k... You...” I said, trying to position myself by holding him on his shoulder. I could smell his cologne because of the way our bodies were close, it smelled expensive and not some ordinary cheap cologne. I looked into his eyes, it was brownish and I also noticed the way he styled his hair, the front hair was jelled while the remaining was facing downward. His face looked familiar, but I couldn't point out where, how or even when I could’ve seen him. I tried to remember, but my headache increased.

"What is a beautiful lady like you doing alone in this place"? He asked, whispering into my ears.

"What is a handsome guy like you also doing here at this party alone with a low spirit?” I said, answering his question with another question.

"Sassy, I like it". Giving me a sympathetic smile and a smirk which said, "you look hot".

"My name is Mark, by the way, what is yours?” Asking again.

I put my index finger on his lips to keep him mute, must he always ask questions. I closed the little gap separating our body and kissed him on his lips in exchange for my finger. Not only that, I could taste a little bit of red wine on his lips. At that moment I tasted of wine too. Likewise, I think he isn't drunk at all, while I on the other hand am nothing to write home about. Furthermore, I knew everything I was doing that night was because of the alcohol I had taken. I sighed against his lips when he wasn't responding to my kiss, I waited a little for him to give me some entrance. He looked at my face with an expression I couldn't point out, God knows what was going through his mind.

***Mark POV***

Ok guys, don't blame me. I’ve been looking at her since she entered the club, the way she moved her body with those curves that says take me now.

Her face looked familiar, but I just don't know from where, I tried to remember by putting my two hands over my face. All the memory came to me at once.

Yes!!!! She is Ella’s elder sister, she told me it was her sister when I was going through her gallery. Immediately my eyes were set on her, I couldn't remove my mind from her and here I am engaged to her little sister.

Why didn't I meet her before getting myself into this kind of situation I said, hissing at myself.

I only came to this club to stop thinking of her because Ella noticed my behaviour changed immediately she showed me her picture and here I am my problem showing up again.

Have been looking at her the way she was drinking, she had this attitude that said "I want to be wasted". My gaze followed her every move.

I knew she was drunk, so I stood up and followed her to the dance floor. And she was kissing me without my permission, even though I also needed it too. I couldn’t resist it even if I wanted to. "I want to fuck her hard" that was the only sign my dick had been showing me since my fiancée showed me her pic.

Just one kiss, one kiss, I said to my self repeatedly.


He deepened the kiss, holding me by my waist to my surprise. Our tongues seeking for entrance. I jumped and wraps my two legs around his waist and continued kissing like a beast ready to feed on its prey. I straddled him as he makes his way towards an empty room upstairs. I didn't even notice when he started climbing the stairs.

He uses his left leg to open the door, and walks to the only bed sitting in the room. We both collapsed on the soft bed. I felt his hardness against my core.

Mark drops me on the bed and adjusted himself. I couldn't wait any longer, I knew he was hesitating, but I pulled him closer and traced his chest with my fingers, I only wanted to enjoy this blissful night even though he was a stranger. All my desires kept rushing to my mind, if possible I could eat him raw.

I left him alone and started removing my shirt and my short skirt, now remaining my lacy black bra and pant.

Mark looked at my two full breasts and a persistent smile appeared on his face, he sighed and closes his eyes as I made my way towards his shirt and pants.

After removing his shirt, I went to his pants and unzip it, I moved it down slowly, and a devilish smile appeared on my face. He pushed me on the bed and I admired the sexy body that beholds him.

He couldn't take it any longer, he had tried to stop himself but no progress, this was a point of no return, no man could resist my body. I mean a man with a tail at the front, I said to myself.

He mumbles some words that only he could hear and understand. He moves towards my body and lowered his face close to my pant. Not only that, but he pulled my pant slowly down to my mid-thigh.

"Fuck," he said, using his two middle fingers to trace my half-shaved Pussy.

"Come on," I muttered, “Is that all you got?”

Mark waited no more time before inserting his two fingers inside my g-spot. I blinked immediately I felt that, I had always enjoyed this kind of feeling. Even more than sex, unfortunately for me, the last guy I dated was a wimp. The only thing he knew how to do was admire himself in front of a mirror for hours, which is very stupid for a guy to do, no offense.

Forget about that, he's not important for now and will never be, I repeated in my mind. I just needed to enjoy myself this night.

"Um................ Faster, yeah, that exact place," I said. Mark moved his finger to my clit and gives it a little pinch. The pleasure felt so good.

"Stop teasing me"!!

He lifts his face up with a smirk, his second hand went straight to my bra. He unclipped it and squeezes my left breast and takes it into his mouth and his other fingers still rubbing my clit.

I left out a sexy moan, when last did I do that? The way he's sucking my nipple makes my core more wet and hot.

My hands move to his hair, I removed his mouth from my nipple to my mouth and kissed him hard.

Mark gets up from the bed and removes his briefs, the only thing blocking our way, he strokes his dick slowly which made my pussy more wet. He looks so long and hard, enough of the look, I seductively crawled towards him as he was at the end of the bed.

I knelt before his waist, I removed his hand and exchanged it with my mouth.

"Oh, my fucking God,” I said.

"Can you tell me your name now? " he asked me in a hush tone.

"Isabelle Anderson "I said stammering, my pussy dripping already begging for his dick.

"I know you can't resist this”, he said pointing to his manly figure.

"Enough of the question and answers”, I said. I suck on his tip and down to his shaft, I sucked as if it was my only lollipop, trust me am not sharing this with anyone. His fist packs a handful of my hair and pushed my head back and forth to control my movement. I fucked his dick with my mouth hard.

"Oh, that is enough, time for me to enjoy.” Mark said with a smirk.

He pushed me down on the bed and positioned himself at my entrance but before he could I reminded him of condom which luckily, he had with him. He wore it for the both of us and rammed into me hard.

He fucked me hard for about 10minutes, I let out another moan and tried to say something but it was nonsense coming out of my mouth. As he was about to pull out, I moaned his name this time. We both released inside the condom and sleep took me off.

He removed the condom, cleaned me up and tuck me in. He went to the bathroom, he took shower and dress up back. He left the room but not without leaving an aspirin, a glass of cup and a note containing his number. He made sure nobody disturbed me before leaving the building.

To be continued...........................................

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