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Damn These Boys!

Damn These Boys!



“First I’ll date them.” I put down my little finger. “Second I’ll win their trust.” I put down my ring finger. “Third I’ll make them fall for me.” Another finger goes down. “Fourth I’ll break their heart and leave them.” My last finger goes down. “And then we party!” Denise shouted from the love seat gaining herself a disgusted look from Blu while I could only chuckle at my best friend. “It will not be as easy as you think. It will take a lot of time and how many boys do you really think you can play and for how long are you going to do this?” Blu asked her eyebrows creased while her brown eyes stared right into my similar ones. But her words made me pause for a second as I thought. How long am I really planning to do this? As if sensing my hesitance Denise rose to her feet and coming beside me to face Blu she said, “Don’t worry Blu, she can do this until she finds her ‘The One’ for her and till then let those boys suffer like they have been making us girls do.” *************** Scarlet has finally lost all trust in guys after getting her heart broken many times. She has had enough now and seeks revenge against all the boys. But revenge is never easy and more so if it is done impulsively. She is inviting drama and disaster in her life while playing with love and hatred. She is playing with fire that is, the people's emotions which will slowly burn her but it doesn't scare her a bit. She has devised a plan and intends to go through with it but is she as heartless as she expects herself to be? She believes her plan to be foolproof but will everything really go her way? And where will this revenge lead her? So, let's see if she emerges a winner in this game of love and revenge.

Chapter 1 Gold digger

Scarlet’s pov

“Okay, I’ll meet you there.”

As soon as the line cuts I give out a squeal and quickly move around the room to get ready.

I am so excited to meet Alex after spending the last week moping around, waiting for him, while he took a trip back to his hometown to meet his parents.

Putting on a cute sundress I run a hand through my light brown hair to manage the already made curls I did after showering an hour ago. Deciding to keep my look natural I only put on a nude lip gloss and hurriedly matching a pair of black 2-inch sandals with my sundress, I speedily slip them on.

Giving myself a once over I decided that I indeed looked very cute and quickly heading out of my apartment I took the small five-minute walk to the park.

Alex and I first met each other two months ago at a college party. He was the kind of guy that parents would never agree of, a rebel in the making and he was my type.

I initially refused any contact with him, but he had a way with words that would make girls fall at his feet.

I didn’t love him yet, but I really liked being with him.

Reaching my destination, I felt my heart flutter at once when I saw him standing there, under a big oak tree waiting for me, exactly where I had first agreed to be his girlfriend.

The sun was going to set soon and the orange hues falling on his face made him look like an angel. It was then that I realized how accustomed I have become to that light smile he had been wearing.

Sneaking up behind him, I lunged at his leather clad back while shouting, “I missed you so much!”

He stumbled forward a little, unprepared, but didn’t let me fall as his hands wrap around my legs to steady the two of us.

Laughing slightly, he gently puts me down and turns around to show me his handsome face. The tattoos around his neck and chest are peeping out from the white wife beater he has worn, and it makes him look even more appealing than he already did.

“You had always been a very sneaky girl,” He jested, his deep voice immediately gaining my attention to see him smirking down at me.

“But isn’t that how you like me?” I asked giving him a flirty smile as I let my gloss covered lips lazily stretch, showcasing my pearly whites.

At this he gave me a big grin, a very rare occurring one. Very similar to the one which I had branded as his fake smile. It was too bright to be true.

He didn’t say anything back which was slightly odd and with that same grin intact on his face, he made his way to a nearby bench and sitting down on it as he patted the spot next to him and finally lets out, “I have got something for you.”

Alex was the son of rich parents and he had always tried to shower me with costly gifts, but I had continuously refused them. My ego would never let me take things from others in return of my affection.

I had never been a girl who equaled love to money.

Confused, I walked over to him and complained, “I swear if you brought me another expensive gift, I will break up with you.”

His expression quickly changed to a grim one on listening to my words and noticing it, I sighed and sat down next to him as I gently cupped his face with my palms. Playing with the shiny metal piercing above his right eyebrow, I softly tell him, looking directly in his eyes, “I really missed you and want nothing else but to relax and cuddle with you.”

His eyes flashed with something, but he quickly hid it and pulled away from me at once.

Why was he acting like this?

Taking out a small box from his jean’s pocket he placed them in my hand, “Open it.”

I tried to argue with him, but he gave me a sharp look and I complied hesitatingly.

I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped me at the sight.

The small box contained a very expensive looking sea shell pendant with a silver chain. The sea shell was of a beautiful turquoise color with shades of white and cream blended together. It had a magnificent texture which would make the owner very proud of its rare beauty, but it screamed money and that I could never agree to take.

“Alex, I can’t take this,” I said trying to force it back into his hands, “This must have cost you a fortune!”

He cleared his throat, something again flashes in his eyes and this time I recognize it.


He was feeling guilty for something, but why?

“Scarlet, please accept this as an apology,” He said not meeting my eyes as he looked in the distant with his green eyes shining like jewels.

“Why? What did you do?” I asked frantically, already thinking of the worst.

Did he cheat on me while he was away?

“I didn’t do anything yet, but please forgive me for what I am going to do.”

He said, his expression changing to an impassive one.

Like the night we first met.

And I instantly knew what was coming, having been in this situation several times before.

“I am breaking up with you Scarlet.”

He said it in such an emotionless way that it made me pull myself away from him and instantly to my feet.

The night was now steadily approaching. Dark shadows loomed over each other making it seem as if the nature itself had become sad.

I could feel the tears trying to come out and show my real emotions, but I wouldn’t let them make an appearance, at least not for someone who didn’t deserve them.

Grasping at my haywire feelings I coldly dared to ask him, “Why?”

He seemed to be shocked at hearing my voice so void of emotions as guilt again blazes through his still beautiful features.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you Scarlet, but you were a challenge for me. You were so different from the other girls I had dated, and I had to make you mine.”

His words still made my heart flutter a bit, but it instantly became painful thinking about what was happening.

Removing his eyes from my face he stood up and walked a little away from me staring at the horizon where the sun had just set.

“But I realized later that I would never be able to keep you happy.”

He then made eye contact and said, “You need a guy who is ready to settle down with you and who will only be committed to you. I can never be that guy and I know in the future I would hurt you. So, it’s better if I let you go before you get more hurt than what you already are.”

His words were like a pleasant pain.

Pleasant to hear but painful to feel.

“Don’t let any rumor get to you and remember you don’t have to tell anything which happened between us to anyone if you don’t want to. So please Scarlet, accept my gift and keep me as a happy memory that you will never come to look back for.”

He takes out the locket from its small box and dangled it in front of my face.

His words finally struck me and instead of feeling sad I felt hot anger coursing through me.

I finally looked past all his sweet talk and realized what he meant and what he actually thought of me.

“You think I am a gold digger, who you can easily get rid of by giving her an expensive gift?” I shouted at him.

It would have been better if he would have just broken up with me but to be labeled as a gold digger was against my self-respect and I valued myself too much to stay quiet like a heartbroken girl.

“No! You have got it all wrong Scarlet.”

“Admit it, Alex. You used me and now you want nothing to do with me because you got bored. Don’t you think I know about your player ways, but I was too naïve to think that maybe I could be the one to change you.”

His face instantly hardened at my words and he opened his mouth to say something when I stopped him by raising my hand.

“Don’t worry, I will not go around spreading rumors and that’s because I don’t want to associate myself to someone like you any further. So, take that fake apology and shove it up your ass because I want to do nothing with the likes of you.”

Without giving him another glance, I pick up my pace and walk away not wanting to hear anymore trash that he might spew out.

This has always happened with me.

Boys either dated me for my body or just to pass time. I had been played by them again and again, yet I never seemed to learn from my mistakes.

It seems to me that every guy I have met has only hurt me and now I have taken enough.

I have cried over enough guys to last me a lifetime and now it was my time to make them cry, to take my revenge and to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Wiping the single lone tear which slips out of my eyes I promised myself, looking at the drop of tear on my finger that I will not cry over boys anymore but I’ll be the one to make them cry.

“Be careful boys a new player is in town.”

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