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Humiliating the Alpha

Humiliating the Alpha



"An attack on my father is an attack on me! And no one gets scotch free for that. No one!" Daniella swore fiercely to herself as she stared at the Moon Rock's Alpha. ************* After watching how the werewolves continuously humiliated her father, Daniella swore to herself that she was going to avenge that, to make everyone know that even if she was the omega's daughter no one was going to humiliate her or her family, more especially her father. An eye for an eye! Daniella promised herself to do everything in her power even if it meant to stoop as low as being the alpha's son's jealous girlfriend. The list is long but she has two main werewolves in her mind, to begin with; Moon Rock's Pack Alpha and her Birth Mother. Call her a sociopath and she wouldn't care, but she will correct you to call her, “AN AVENGER.” ************* One Fiery Woman. Two Mates. One Pack. Two Potentials Alphas. How can one angry sociopath Omega's Daughter take down an alpha and will she continue with her vengeance mission even after finding her mate who is supposedly the alpha's long-lost son?

Chapter 1 The Alpha's Son


He was looking at her as if he had just won a lottery as if he had been doing something that deserved him the biggest gift of his life. Daniella wasn't going to lie, the look the man was giving her at that time always made her knees weak. It always made her want to run to his side and tell him how glad she was because they were together.

But not at that moment.

She felt like there was that need to make what they had to end, but she couldn't end it. It wasn't that easy, it's not like she would switch something in her head and be like, "hey no more love for him."

It wasn't that simple, the heart. Oh, her heart. It won't allow it to happen, the heart gets what it wants, and what it wants was the guy. She always gave her heart anything it wanted, and she wasn't going to deny it that simple thing.


Rodgers Peterson.

The Alpha's son.

"Earth to Daniella." She heard him saying but decided on ignoring him, she wasn't going to give him the benefit of walking all over her that day. She loved him so much and that has always been the biggest mistake of the little years of experience she had with men.


She couldn't call him a man; they were teens who were in love. Scratch that, they were teens trying to love one another and so far, there hasn't been anything good coming from the relationship other than heartbreaks and pain.

"Hey, Daniela I am talking to you," Rodgers said to her, waving in front of her.

It was a little bit funny, the guy always wanted to be answered as fast as he had spoken. It was like he was the king, but it wasn't that far after all he was the alpha's son. Daniella smiled; she could only imagine how Rodgers was becoming all worked up, but seriously he wasn't supposed to be.

Daniella could only think of his wolf going back and forth in his head, thinking of the ways it was going to make hers suffer. Her wolf wasn't pacing, it was busy doing lap dances. For Daniella and Rodgers' wolves, one's happiness was another's sadness.

The two werewolves were like water and oil and they didn't get along, if they were to be left alone with no one to control them, Daniella knew for sure they would tear each other apart.

How the two of them were still dating surprised both of them because clearly, even the universe didn't agree with them.

"Daniella, seriously I am talking to you." That was the longest time she could think she had ever ignored him, and she felt good about herself.

There were two things she knew which can never be hidden for long, it was her sister's favorite line. The sun, the moon, and the truth.

The sun and the moon didn't matter, it was the latter that was important to her. As she sat there looking at Rodgers, she knew there were some things she wasn't going to hide for such a long time, her anger, and the disappointments at him and herself.

The truth.


That wasn't going to happen anytime soon. She couldn't see herself telling him, "Hey this isn't going to work." She was going to stay, and continue to fight for their love.

Was it even possible to stay in the relationship or she was just lying to herself?

"Rodgers Peterson, so you think I don't have ears or what? Of course, I heard you." She told him which was met with a shocking face.

She had raised her voice at him which shook her, it has never happened, Daniella was always calm. Under control. She could control her anger so well, and she never raised her voice at anyone. The pack always told her she had gotten that from her father.

She didn't know why the guy was surprised, was it from her raising her voice or from her calling him by her full name? She couldn't care less, not on that time and that day.

"Not today!" She swore to herself as she continued staring forward as if the guy wasn't even there.

"Daniella Johnson, are we calling each other their full names now, what's wrong with you," he said back, the sentence was supposed to be a question but for him, no, he didn't want an answer, he didn't care that much what was wrong with her.

He just thought something was wrong with her.

"Nothing is wrong with me Rodgers," Daniella told him wondering why she even bothered to tell him that.

It didn't matter anyway, the look on his face looked as when he did when they were young. It was that look that said, "Wait, I am going to tell my father." And Daniella knew the guy was going to tell her father.

The bond between him and his father was very strong and everyone in the pack could see it. Some of the werewolves were jealous, but they never talked or gossiped about it. Okay, maybe they did talk whenever they were alone. But from one look at them when they were staring at the alpha and his son you could see their jealousy.

Daniella always wanted to go to one of them and explain how the father-son, father-daughter, or mother-son and mother-daughter works. They were supposed to act on their own families if they wanted for them to have what the alpha had with their families.

But she couldn't, she had a lot on her plate.

Rodgers knew that, and he knew Daniella knew. And that made him think he was the ruler of her and he was because he was the alpha's son and one day, he was going to be the alpha of their pack.

Shaking her head she pushed the thoughts farther behind her mind, she couldn't think of Rodgers as their alpha.

No way!

For her, it was impossible to think about that. To refer to Rodgers as the Moon Rock Pack Alpha in the future.

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