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In Love With A Luna

In Love With A Luna



They say love is a dangerous thing but it is especially deadly when it finds its way into war. Are feelings for the enemy a blessing in disguise or is it a curse that will eventually bring about the fall of mankind? Farah falls in love with Farold, an imperial and potential threat to her. Will their love prevail against the odds or will history repeat itself again

Chapter 1 Festive holiday

••Present Day•••

It was the festive holiday again and everywhere was so colorful. Houses had decorated the rake edges of their roofs with red, gold and white lights with green flowers and white and red ribbons. Huge Christmas trees were beautifully hung outside alongside small Christmas trees which were also decorated with more of red and white light which twitched from side to side around the Christmas trees. The drizzling snow had rested on top of the Christmas trees which made it more beautiful and extremely attractive and colorful as the Christmas trees which were now partially embedded with the drizzling snow.

Hazel's house wasn't exempted from the beauties of the festive season as they had also placed a sleigh filled with red and green packages. It was believed that Santa had his toy shop at the North Pole and he uses the sleigh and Rudolf the reindeer to help get to the human world when the Christmas season gets foggy. There was a sleigh resting at the front of their house which was already partially embedded with snow as well.

Hazel had been away for days, she had been trying to get along with her boyfriend Brian and for that reason she had been in his house throughout the week before Christmas.


My name is Hazel, the first daughter of the reputable priest. My dad, Fredrick is the current rector of the St. Marylebone Parish Church which was located close to the Marylebone school. I concluded my highschool education in the Mayfair King Solomon Academy which was also located in Marylebone.

I had met Brian during my final grade in the Mayfair Academy. Brian was one of the coolest guy every girl back then in highschool would be interested in and would also be willing to go to any extent just to win his heart. Girls always stuck around Brian and would always want to take a selfie with him.

Brian was average height and was in his early eighteenth. I came to love Brian the most because of his Australian accent. He always had a red cap to cover his brown kinky oily hair which he always arranged in a quiff pattern. His skin is almost white and whenever he gets tensed up his cheeks would never fail to get red. Seeing Brian blush was a good turn on for me and also coupled with his awesome beautiful smile which is just so appealing and alluring.

Brian is really the coolest guy I had come across and he was the only one who had caught my attention. While growing up, during my days in the Mayfair King Solomon Academy, I never had a lot of friends, did I say a lot? Smiles, I only had just a friend and her name is Kaye. We were always called a psychopath and so it was more of birds of the same feather flocks together. People found it strange why the coolest guy in highschool, Brian, would be interested in such a psychopath like me.

I came to love Brian the most because of his good cycling skills. He would stay up to a few minutes to three on the clock to practice with his black and red bicycle so that he could beat against their closing time by 4, he sometimes missed classes just to practice and yet he did excellently well. And probably that was why during our remaining years in the Mayfair King Solomon Academy no one could ever beat his cycling skills.

I had accepted to date him even though we had not known each other for a year, but the three months of knowing him was already like a year plus of friendship. LOL, did I say that? Actually that was his words the exact day he had asked me to be his girlfriend, and guess what? I had shouted at the top of my voice, and yes, everybody in the canteen had looked at me, what different would it make, I was now a relevant psycho, and not even the vegetarian sausage hot dog, beef bolognaise or penne pasta with tomatoes and basil sauce was my concern, yes, I loved the vegetarian sausage hot dog and Brian loved the beef bolognaise. I was filled with so much joy and I had blushed, yes, my girlfriend had said that to me that day. " Oh my Hazel baby, your excitement makes you blush hard."

Dating him made me popular and relevant in the Academy, but then, but then that wasn't what made me scream at the top of my voice, rather it was because finally I would be with the love of my life and forever.

I and Brian, had celebrated Halloween together, I loved his Halloween costume, he was dressed up like a skeleton. After the Halloween, my dad had informed me that I won't be leaving England to go further my education in the Yale University, the news was a heartbreaking one because Brian was planning on leaving London for good to go study in Yale University, and his parents had approved his decision on leaving London once he graduates from the Mayfair King Solomon Academy.

I had gone to meet him later that evening to inform him about my father's rejection of my proposal to go study at Yale University after my graduation from the Mayfair Academy. My eyes were already teary and my voice was pale, he had looked into my eyes, he saw I was broken deep down and he had brought me closer and had hugged me, gently rubbing my hair as I now rested my head partly on his right shoulder. We both went to his house that night, I wasn't just ready to have any conversation with my dad, mom or even my little sisso Farah. I just wanted to be left alone or better still, be somewhere I would feel warmth and that could only be done by my love and prince charming Brian.

On that day, he was all alone in his house, his mother was a nurse and she was on a night shift in the hospital she worked in and due to the nature of his father's job he was only available on weekends. That was the only time Brian could see his father, yet he received a lot of love from his parents.

Brian's room was really beautiful. Just immediately after the entrance to his room, there was a long well arranged bookshelf. And on top of his chest of drawers rested a trophy and a picture frame of his parents. At the left side of his room hung a bicycle on the wall which was purely black and the wheels of the bicycle were black and red.

He had made a hot coffee for me to drink because of the cold weather, the temperature wasn't favorable for anyone. He had called me many sweet and beautiful names within a short duration of time.

I had rested on his shoulder, I was trying to push things between us on that fateful night. What if he leaves for New Haven, United States of America to further his education at Yale University. He may eventually bump into another girl the same way he had bumped into me when I was at the school canteen, and then he would forget me for good and all our memories would fade away. Many unfair thoughts bombarded me as I sat down on his black sofa bed which was neatly dressed with a Louis Vuitton bed sheet and had a bedspread that fitted to the bedsheet.

Resting on his shoulder was so great, I had felt this gentle warmth in my heart. I felt so secure being around my Brian baby. He had offered to go make something for me to eat that night. His cold hands caressed my thighs so softly, his touch tickled my every nerves, I wanted him to grab me better, I wanted his lips to beat against mine so softly, I wanted to lick his tongue and jaw, I wanted him to press my boobs so tights, tickle and lick my nipples in a circular form, I wanted him to spread my legs to the North and to the south and eat my vagina. I couldn't just control my thoughts and I never knew when I had drifted to a deep sleep.

The next day we walked down to school together, I had worn the same clothes I had on yesterday evening when I went to his house. We walked down, rolling our bicycles so that we could buy some more time to ourselves and as we walked he did what he was good at, teasing and making a woman feel special. He kept on complimenting my white kinky bob hair, which blew from side to side as the breeze blew.


Brian never moved to the United States of America to study at Yale University. We both gained admission the next year to study in the Oxford University here in London. I had invited Brian over to my place to celebrate Christmas. Every street was buzzing with life and beautiful Christmas songs.


My name is Brian, the first date to my beautiful little angel Hazel baby, and only son of my parents. My Hazel baby and I had dated for two good years, and we were almost approaching our third year in our relationship. And to say, this was the first time I would be going over to her house for any event, and to crown it all this was a major holiday which was Christmas.

I was nervous, really nervous. I had muttered, "Your family knows that we have been dating, right? And in the next four months we should be celebrating our third year, right?

"Oh, my God. It's not a big deal. What difference would it make? And actually I don't think they know I would be bringing my date for a major holiday like this." Hazel muttered.

"Huh? Mm hmm, and do you think this was the perfect idea? Like I would be more of an uninvited guest." I said with my eyes wide open.

That's just me, always getting nervous at every little thing and yes my precious little angel Hazel loved to see me that way.

We had walked in after Hazel had knocked the door briefly. Oh my, did I fail to mention, her mother had ushered us in and her beauty is worth craving for, her blonde hair and pink lips were so alluring with her thick black eyes. I would say that Hazel really took her mother's beautiful facial quality. Her family gave me a warm welcoming ceremony, most especially her little sisso Farah. Farah had even sat down close to me and oh my, she was really smart and I must admit that my baby Hazel was correct when she said that her little sisso Farah was really smart, decisive and troublesome as well.

The night was worth remembering, the most beautiful Christmas celebration I had ever had. The cheering, a dining table filled with mocktails, desserts, a well garnished fried turkey, and many more well garnished dishes.

I had spent the night at my Hazel baby's place, the warmth that night was beautiful and worth superseding than any I had felt for a while now. Little Farah wouldn't stop bulging on me all night, it left me wondering how she came to know much about relationships, she wasn't small cause she was already a teenager, but then it was just so amazing. She had drifted to sleep while she was resting on my arms. I loved her black hair and its fragrance. I had prepared a space on Hazel's bed and had laid her down gently so I wouldn't end up ruining her sleep on a blissful night.

My Hazel baby was jealous that I was paying more attention to her little sisso Farah, oh, I so much love to see my baby jealous.

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