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Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love



Maaz Naqvi, is the COO of the Naqvi Industries and also a billionaire. Unlike the other arrogant billionaires, Maaz is a sweet, loving and humble person. He puts up a smile in every situation, be it his brother or father insulting him for no reason or his love Haya, hating and hurting him. Haya Qadir, an orphan who tries to act brave and bold but is faint-hearted. Haya hates the billionaires as she thinks all of them are the same arrogant and rude and also rub money on other's faces. Haya expected Maaz to be the same but he was different from the others, which she did not expect. Their first meeting was very unpleasant even though they met each other multiple times. One misunderstanding creates immense hatred for Maaz in Haya's heart and for some reason the down to earth billionaire turns into an ignorant and workaholic person.

Chapter 1 1

The Alarm rings for the nth time but the hulk was still asleep. It's said that most of the billionaires are punctual but he's different.

Most of the billionaires are arrogant and they hardly smile but he's not like them. He is not the CEO but the COO of their company and he is happy with his position.

Maaz Naqvi, a happy and cheerful living soul.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up?" He groaned and sat on his chair. "You're not a 5 years old kid that I'll wake you up every day. Grow up Maaz!" His mom semi yelled.

"Who disturbed your sleep again?" Maaz asked while applying jam on his toast. "Other than your dad who can disturb my peaceful beauty sleep" she rolled her eyes while his dad was smiling sheepishly.

"Note it, If I change then you'll yearn to see the old Maaz again," he said while sipping on his coffee. "Btw where is Mahir?," He asked about his elder brother, Mahir Naqvi.

"He left for office and now you too leave," his mom said in annoyance. Well, she didn't have a good sleep and that's why she is angry and annoyed. "Ok annoyed women I am leaving" he got up from his seat and his while his mother glared at him angrily.

Well, Mrs Naqvi is a sweet and caring person but sometimes she gets angry and rude when Mr Naqvi annoys her and disturbs her while she is sleeping.

Maaz enters the office and greets everybody with a smile. His smile vanishes when he reaches the 40th floor and stand in front of the CEO'S cabin. "Come in" comes a hoarse voice from the inside as he knocks on the door.

He enters the cabin with a sheepish smile "Good morning brooo" he stops smiling when he sees his brothers serious face.

"Good Afternoon, and it's sir for you "

Mahir replied with a stern look and Maaz stood there with a sheepish fake smile.

"Listen I don't have time for your shit, so just go to your cabin and check if everything is ready for the meeting," Mahir said being rude.

"Ok bro- I mean sir," he said and turned his back to Mahir "Maaz! I don't want to lose this deal so be careful" he yelled but Maaz ignored him and left his cabin.

"It's Sir for you", "I don't want to lose this deal" Maaz mimicked his brother's action. "CEO my foot! Before becoming the CEO you were my brother and you still are.

You always need to keep in mind that I am your brother and not your employee " Maaz started blabbering in front of Mahir's huge portrait which was hung on every wall of the office.

"Mr Riaz try to understand we worked hard for this deal" Mahir tried to convince his client who backed out just because of a single mistake.

"I am sorry to say Mr Naqvi but we don't want to sign any deal with you as we already saw how careless the employees and COO of your company are " Mahir gave Maaz a deadly glare and barged out of the room.

"What went wrong?? I checked everything and all the information needed were right but what went wrong??" Maaz was lost in his thought.

Mahir's assistant enters his cabin and says "Mahir sir is calling you now and he is fuming in anger"

Maaz was scared to enter Mahir's cabin because he knows how important this deal was for Mahir and now that he lost the deal he will fire every employee and insult Maaz a lot.

As he entered the cabin a vase was thrown in his direction but thankfully he moved and the vase landed on the floor. "Are you planning to kill me just because you lost a stupid deal?" he said trying to be serious.

"You are stupid Maaz and I lost the deal just because of you and your stupidity " he bashed out and Maaz stood there in silence.

Every time Mahir's loses a deal he insults Maaz even if he is not at fault. And Maaz bears everything silently because he doesn't want to create a fuss about it.

"You do nothing apart from sleeping and living your life lavishly. I work hard for this company while you do nothing. Just because of you all my hard work has been wasted" Mahir doesn't stop and Maaz doesn't reply to a single word.

"You know what? You are not worthy of being the COO of this company, let alone company you are not worth living in our house and being a part of our family " And that's when Maaz loses it but he doesn't say a word instead he leaves the office.

Maaz sat in his car and drove off at the highest speed. Mahir's words ringed in his ears. "Let alone the company you are not worth living in our house and being a part of our family "

This isn't the first time Mahir said those things. Maaz always wondered why his brother said all this, why his brother behaves like this with him.

"I always try to make them smile but they never made me smile instead they hurt me all the time" he mumbled fuming in anger.

All of a sudden an old lady comes in front of his car and he immediately pulls the brakes. "Oh, shit" he murmurs, opening his car's door he jumped out and help the lady but the girl in front of him grabs his attention

Her brown wavy hairs reached her waist. Her eyes were grey and her red plump lips and the mole on her neck made her look so hot.

He was lost in her beauty, but that didn't last long. Why?? Because a slap landed on his right cheek and there was a burning sensation all over his face.

'That was all that was left' he thought and turned his face towards the girl who slapped him.

Before he could realise she grabbed his collar and yelled at him " Are you blind ?? Can't you drive slowly? Or you don't know how to drive. Billionaire's like you buy such expensive cars but didn't learn how to drive" his eyes were stilled on her hands that grabbed his collar.

"Listen Mr This is not an empty ground that you'll drive your car carelessly. It could be harmful to others and for you too, but rich people like you neither care about their lives nor others"

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