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Prince Cinderella

Prince Cinderella



After her tragic past; Alexa Torres, a 40-year-old woman, meets Chase Hudson, a 25-year-old who wouldn't stop saving her from every trouble that falls her way. Chase is the look alike of Mateo, the guy that ruined Alexa and separated her from the people she had once called family. Which made her hated and avoided him even more. With time, destiny brings Alexa and Chase together on a love boat. While Xavier Torres; Alexa's son got into a tug-of-war with his best friend, Chase; over having an affair with his mother, in order to be the next heir and CEO to Unity Cooperations. What drama unfolds next in this story of hunting past, betrayal, greed, love and mystery? Is Chase meant to guide Alexa, as prince Cinderella for the boss lady that she is, or maybe he's just the one?

Chapter 1 The Incident

The night was chilly cold. As if the angel of death would ascend from the sky. The night sent chilly feel to human skin animals play hide and seek to escape its torturing presence. Thunder claps strikes through the air, making it feel like the other work fired at the Earth, a thunderbolt, but the sky protected it from touching the earth. I looked through my window hoping the rain would stop soon or probably, and help would come. Turning back to my sick, asthmatic mother. I watched how she struggled to live. All thanks to the inhaler I had pumped down her singing throat.

It sounded like the fading sound of a whistle. I just had to watch as sleep took over her heavy eyes. About to stand again, I felt a tightening in my guts. My head felt heavy, my eyes went shut and then blurry. As if everything reeled before me, I placed my hand to my head, trying to stand, at least.

I stood and the feel of bitterness twisted my tongue, like the taste of camphor; the sour spit that hunger released into my dry mouth drizzled around in an uncontrolled manner.

"Mum-" I called, but she had fallen asleep.

I'd spent three hours stilling by her bed, watching her sleep. And now I had to wake her because I was in so much pain.

"Mother!" I tapped her hand lightly.

Her red, swollen eye opened to mine as she turned her head to the other side. As if she wanted to say, don't disturb me. But instead of words, a spiteful hiss escaped her lips. I know she didn't hate me. My mother was the best in the world. She'd always told me that... I was a princess in my little world. And I believed her. That wasn't until I got pregnant with Mateo. My highschool boyfriend. Life could change in a split of seconds. You wouldn't know what happen until it hit you hard to your face and vanishes like a dream.

"Mother!" I called aloud this time.

"What's it Alexa? Aren't you asleep?" She asked me in her most lazy, yet motherly, voice.

"I think it's time. The baby is coming."

"What?!" She rushed to me, still in pain. Hand me the touch, let me find my purse.

"No, mother. You can't go out in this condition. Your breathing might just get worse. It's icy cold outside." I begged, but she paid deaf ears.

"Come on, lean on me, I'll help you out." She persuaded, finally finding her way up, to stand. Leaning my tired body against hers, I could still heart the noisy breath she had. My mother walked even though she wasn't very stagnant. I grabbed my purse too as we walked outside. Side by side.

"Ugh! It's hurting!" I cried.

"Take one step at a time, my dear. You'll be alright." She persuaded once more.

My stomach churned, and it felt as if they strangled my intestines, as though a snake had twirled around them and slit them with its sharp and jagged teeth, releasing a potent poison that irritated the surface of my innards. But despite it all, we made our way to the gate until mum held her head again.

"Please mum. Go inside... Don't worry about me. I'll find help outside." I begged.

The drizzling rain poured heavier. I could feel my mum shivering like a convulsing child.

"L...let's go...Allie." She held her chest and suddenly collapsed.

Lost on what to do. I helped her back inside. If felt as if I’m already having contractions and before the next, I'd want to reach the road to get a taxi, maybe.

My EDD should be next week but now, this. Walking out of the compound, my eyes blurred for what seemed eternity leading me to the subconscious of my mind. Staggering and dripping wet, I pulled myself to the pole stand. Looking down the street, everything was dark and silent. Like scenes of a horror movie. I made my way northwards, towards where the busiest area along the streets.


20 Minutes Later.

I saw a taxi and tried to stop it but it zoomed away, with water splashed on my body.

Looking down the road, I noticed all the shops were closed. I didn't need anyone walking along the street as usual, except black stay cats and mice squeaky sounds from the dustbins.

"Ugh!" I gritted my teeth to the pain engulfing my body.

Knowing I might probably not survive this, I moved to the corridor of a white-painted kiosk that stood along the road like a ghost or rather, a saviour.

With a painful grin, I sat on the cold, bare floor with nothing to hold myself on. A sudden shit of electricity strike at me. My eyes widened and as if something dropped from me. I looked down at my gown to see it was wet. It wasn't the wetness of the rain; it was something different. Probably my water just got broke. In fear that I might lose my life. I unzipped the small purse I had on me and brought out my phone to fail 911. Eager for a reply, but I got nothing. Only the electronic, robotic sound replied me.


I dialed it repeatedly. Just then, the rain increased. And I was the only one there, fighting for survival.

Well, It wasn't my fault I got drugged and raped by someone I trusted. I'm just in 10th grade and I'm a 15-year-old. My dad left my mum ever since I was a baby. I have little or no memory about him... Except the stories mum told me whenever she misses him.

Me being in this condition today is disappointing. I'd put her through a lot when we face Drake, but he rejected being responsible for any of it. His dad is the sheriff, and wouldn't listen until we have an evidence at least.

Lost in the thought about these, my phone vibrate as I jerked to the sound. It was a call from 911. I picked immediately. Thought my immediately right this moment wasn't anything close to fast. I felt so weak and tired, but I managed.

"I need help... Please." I begged, but my voice sounded so low and cracky.

"You said what?! I can't hear you!" A baritone voice yelled over the phone.

"My water just broke.. there's no one here." I tried to explain but another sharp pain pulled through me. "Uhhh!"

"Don't worry, we'll be right there!" He answered and ended the call. Looking down between my legs streamed more water. It felt warmer. I tried to endure the pain, but it was difficult. Everything was. Looking again, my eyes caught a pool of blood. My mind flipped every moment as a different assumption displaced every new thought.

Crying turned to weeping and the yelling. For help, that never came. I lost my voice. "My breath. My... Baby."

A soft moan whooshed out of me.

I don't want to lose my baby. Any other girl in my position would want to abort a bastard child, but I want to keep this. I deserve to suffer and probably die for my mistake, but not this child. It's innocent. Clean and sinless, unlike me.

Controlling my breath all by myself. I fought through the pain and weakness. I breathe... Yes; I need to breathe. That was the world I kept telling myself until I felt something flop out of me. As if half of me was taken always. The burden, the pain.

'Waaaah Waaaaaah Waaaaaaah'

Too weak to move, I heard the baby cry. A smile formed on my face as I knew, somehow, I'm not a mother. My hand stretched afar, to reach for my purse, which mistakenly dropped from my hand. I zipped it, my fingers shivering at the weakness, but I pulled through. I deepened my fingers and brought out a nail scissors. Hoping it was sharp enough. I used it to cut the edge of my silky gown and tied it, making a knot on the umbilical cord. Leaving enough space between the tight and the cord, I made a cut on the umbilical cord.

It's a boy. I held him close to my chest, feeling the warmness of his body. Tears lingered in my eyes as I kissed his forehead. Taking out my sweater to give him comfy, unwrapped it over his tiny body. Waiting for the police, or probably, an ambulance that never came. I don't know what happened but... I passed out.

Still not sure how long it was, I heard a faint beep of siren wails. 'That must be help. That must be it.'

I suddenly opened my eyes, realising that they were closed; simultaneously, I opened by eyes to the blurry sky. It was still far. It was still night. My eyes turned to where the sound was coming. I noticed the neon lights of blue and red from two vehicles.

With this, a cold and slimy substance oozed its way up to my view as my eyes fell on my baby. He looked silent. I knew he cried just a while ago.

'What had happened?'

My hand crawled to him as I held him up. Still breathing, but bleeding. It drenched both of us in water from raindrops, tears, sweat, and also blood.

Two police officers packed beside the road and walked towards where I was. I raised my head with a loud groan, but the police officers looked at themselves in total shock. And instead of them to offer me help, they told me something. Something I would never forget for the rest of my life.

"You're under arrest for murdering your baby, miss! You killed him!"

I couldn't even stand or speak. The next thing I noticed was that I got handcuffs chained to my wrists as they dragged me like a bag of trash, away from my baby. Leaving him there, in the rain. Bleeding to death.

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