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My Mr. Perfect, Imperfect

My Mr. Perfect, Imperfect



"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weakness." - Ann Landers. *** Going for gardening outside the school compound; Sapphire Blac, An elementary school teacher saves a strange old man from the hands of death. Not knowing he is her fairy Godfather. Being grateful, He repaid her with something unique; his spoilt and rude grandson, Jade Alejandro. The 32-year-old CEO of Blue Bird Hotel. Tall and handsome, but with his clumsy nature, no one dares relate with him. Jade is the definition of bad luck but... Would Sapphire be able to handle the short-tempered CEO? Would he be a blessing or a curse to our Sapphire? Read to confirm what drama unfolds next between the kind-hearted, elementary teacher and the bossy CEO...

Chapter 1 Meeting The Stranger

“Make sure you pick out the weed like this, okay?” A young lady in colourful floral dress instructed her students.

“Yes, teacher!” They replied her with a cheerful smile as they focused on the gardening.

Her multi-colored, mid-length floral dress swayed a little in the wind's direction. She smiled down at her lovely students and the corners of her eyes wrinkled to show she smiles a lot. Her crystal blue eyes sparkled while the sun reflected on it, highlighting the little tiny specks of joy in her eyes. Her Auburn hair was up in a neat bun so that it wouldn't disturb her from weeding. Anyone could see that aside from teaching, being in the garden was something she loved to do.

It was a small garden outside the school compound. Sapphire had been working there for a couple of months; though her plan was to get a better job and possibly meet with an educated agriculturist to take care of her father's farm. Well, that has been her parent's plan and prayer since her birth. To get married to an agriculturist in order to inherit her father's farm.

Lost in the thought of how she would meet with her next arranged date, who is also an agriculturist. She heard the shilling noise of a fall. It sounded like it came from a distance around them, while the rustling sound of crumbling, dried leaves sounded again.

“What's that?” Sapphire jerked at the strange sound.

Her students glanced at her with curious faces. Nervous to know who and what it was, Sapphire stood up and took off the rubber hand gloves from her hands.

“Umm... I'll be right back. Everyone stays here, okay?” She said to them gently, trying to calm them down.

“Okay teacher.” They replied to her and continue picking out the unwanted crops.

Like a wolf looking out for its mate, Sapphire rushed into the woods, which was right after school compound. Running faster, as fast as her legs could carry, tracing the voice as it whimpered. Her puzzled eyes searched where the noise was coming from. It felt as if she heard someone panting, closer. She looked around, though, then she saw a man roll over a slope and fell into another part of the woods.

Tensed about if he would make it, she ran after the stranger's weak body that finally settled on a big wood.

On getting there, she saw he was an old man. He looked ancient and wretched, with gray hair and wrinkled skin. Blood and mud stains painted his white shirt and the clothes on his skinny body torn. Everything about him spoke about poverty.

'This old man must come from the farm.' A voice rang in her mind as she rushed to him.

She observed him for a while before moving closer. His fingers were still moving, but he couldn't mutter a word.

“Hello Mister! What happened to you? Are you alright?!” she questioned anxiously. Yet, there was no reply.

She tried to turn him over with the little strength left in her tiny body, but with the very touch she made; he moaned in pain.

As if he got slashed on his entire body, it bruised. Just then, she noticed blood dripping from the collar of his shirt from the back of his head. It must have been from the fall.

"A...are you okay, sir?" Sapphire's voice trembled over his body with tears clouding her sky-blue eyes. Filling up the space in her eyes, she tilted closer to hear him speak.

The elderly man tried to speak though, no words came. It looked as if he was being choked on his words. He looked so weak and out of breath that he couldn't speak. Although he tried to say something, it came as a guttural cough.

The poor man gave it a rest as his dark eyes looked upward to the sky. Although his vision was way too blurry to recognize anything, he could get a clear look at Sapphire. Staring into her blue eyes, he noticed it was the exact colour of the sky and that of the sea of dreams he'd always wanted. As if he saw an angel in her, a gentle smile spread across his chapped lips.

“Are you alive, sir? Say something, please!” She cried to him, but slowly. Just then, he closed his eyes and passed out.

A sharp, shattering sound came from the CEO's office. Other workers outside wondered what was happening, but nobody could move closer.

"Our boss is mentally unstable, right? I wonder what kind of food he eats. Hercules must relate everyone in his family in order to cope with his attitude." Mr. Tim hissed.

"Yes dear! You can say that again. It's as if he fights with spirits as well. Thank goodness I'm not related to that devil of a boss. Ugh! I fear for whoever would end up with him." Miss Barbara rolled her eyes towards his transparent door.

"I still wonder how we work with such an idiot."

"And that chair, too. I guess our hotel really buys quality stuff just because of his attitude. He breaks down anything his hand touches... I wonder how his phone even survives." Mr. George retorted in a whisper. Hoping not to be heard else he's done for.

Just then, the CEO barged out of his office. Everyone jerked back to work with exaggerating heartbeats. Their eyes wasp back to their duties.

The CEO had a black suit, white long sleeve shirt and a golden tie on. He wasn't exactly handsome, but he was attractive enough to lure anyone. Not just with his face, but with his pocket. Everything about him spelt wealth while his face painted dangerously. No one dares to stare at him right in the face, else... you'll just get more tensed and barked at. Jade huffed out a deep breath that felt like that of a dragon.

"Aren't you guys supposed to prepare for the 4:00 p.m meeting with Mr Donald?!" He ranted, in his guttural voice which sent a feeling of hysteria into the minds of others.

"Ummm... Y..yes sir!" Mr. Tim, his personal manager, stammered. "We're ready, sir!"

He grabbed his jacket and the files on the table. Others did the same as they hurriedly followed Jade in the same fearful manner.

In the elevator, Jade watched the number read as he took a glance at his golden Patek Philippe wristwatch. Noticing others were looking at him with weird faces, he turned back at them.

Miss Barbara and Mr. George looked away immediately. As if they should suddenly grow wings and fly out of his sight. The heat dripping down their hair was almost unbearable.

As if he was confused, Jade rolled his eyes at them disgustingly and looked forward, letting out a deep sigh. A sigh should be of relief, but he wasn't.

"They checked out our best, first class business room and still had their agreement ceremony at another hotel? Should I consider this a challenge, or should I blame this on the incompetency of the staff?" Jade questioned in disgust.

The three others stared at each other like confused jellies. Miss Barbara hugged the file she was holding closer to her chest and swallowed hard on her tiny throat. Making it look like a girl sent back home for school fees on examination day.

"Ummm... sir, it's not like that. Ummm.. what I mean is, that hotel is also part of our chain so there's nothing to lose sir." Tim stammered. He's the only one that has the courage to.

Jade turned to him slightly.

"The next agreement ceremony from England must hold at this hotel. Got it?!"

"Ummm. Yes, sure, d.. definitely sir!" the three of them chorused incoherently after him.

Walking out of the hotel, Jade saw a young lady checking out the hotel's pamphlet. Confusion was all over her face, as if she had lost or something.

As he was talking to the lady, it did not surprise his employees at the change in his personality. He was always polite and acted like the perfect gentleman in front of his customers and clients. As expected from him, he knew they were the source of more money added to the already pilling dollars in his bank accounts.

"Hello Esteemed guest. Can I help you?" He walked to her and greeted, as calmly as possible.

"Yes." The lady replied to him.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, nicely.

"I'm not sure exactly." She said.

"The staffs over there at the desk would assist you with the check in." He assured, pointing to the rest behind the side of the room.

His employees couldn't help but wished he treated them like this or better. Knowing that they were the ones who also helped in accumulating all his wealth. Without them, he wouldn't be able to achieve all the wealth he had today. The employees looked at each other and voiced out their opinions in whispers.....

"Omg! I hate guys like this... He's so two-faced." Miss Barbara rolled her eyes at him as he spoke nicely to the guest.

"And fake." Mr. Tim added, also in a whisper.

"Exactly..." Mr. George joined, but Jade turned to the three of them. They faked a smile immediately. He caught them, as they followed him out.

One thing with Jade, he treats his guests better, with so much love and attention because he believes they boost his hotel management and business, unlike the workers that just take from him.

* * *

At the Meeting With Mr. Donald.

"Mr. Donald. How would about having a meal in our hotel before leaving?" Jade proposed to Mr. Donald. One if his finest customer from Belgium.

"Well, my schedule is too tight and... I'll he leaving first thing tomorrow morning."

"Oh, no... That's a shame. But we just hired our main chef from England, who's specialized in Mexican food." Jade persuaded Mr. Donald.

"Ugh! He's so desperate. It makes me sick!" Barbara muttered underneath her breath, with a beaming smile.

"Okay .. I'll rearrange my schedule then. I might be there tonight."

"That's good. I'll be expecting you, Mr. Donald." Jade smiled as the business men shake hands before leaving.

* * *

Sapphire was in the reception room, waiting patiently for any news regarding the man she brought in. She was worried for him, even though she didn't know him. Worrying at this point was useless. Sapphire probably wouldn't recognize him when he walks by her outside one-day, but she still wanted to help him. It was in her nature to help people. Her parents taught her to be kind and merciful to every creature she comes across and to always help those who need it because she doesn't know who might help her when she needs it the most.

As is it — Sapphire waited, pacing. Normally, Sapphire is very patient, but with that old man and the state she found him, she couldn't help but worry about him. She wanted to know what was going on. She wished she knew him or his family. Then she'll be able to get them there. He needs someone he knows by his side.

She sat on the chair and sighed. "Poor man, his family must be worried sick, not knowing where he was..." She sniffled, trying not to cry.

As she was waiting, she heard a nurse talk to the doctor about his condition.....

"Oh my! This old man is out of blood. He must be homeless. Is it okay if we take him in?" The nurse was asking a doctor just to confirm things.

"Let's just wait and see what happens. If no one comes for him, we can just transfer him elsewhere." The doctor replied the nurse.

"Okay, fine then." She muttered and walked away.

Sapphire perked up after hearing what the doctor said and walked up to them. She wanted to know what was going on, and she knows they wouldn't share any information unless she was family. So she quickly thought of a lie at the spot as she approached the nurse.

"Excuse me!"

"Yes?" the nurse replied, turning to Sapphire.

"I'm that man's granddaughter." Sapphire mumbled.

"Okay, fine. You'll have to fill in this form." The nurse instructed. "Just follow me."

Sapphire did as instructed. All she wanted was to save the poor old man.

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