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Melting The Ice of Mr CEO

Melting The Ice of Mr CEO

Cleo Swaynder


Sir, it must be very easy for you to get anything just by the snap of your fingers, isn't it?' Norah asked. 'Easy! For you guys, life is easy only if you have luxury, isn't it?' Dylan crossed her with a stern face. 'N-no, Sir, I didn't mean that---'Norah was about speak further when she was cut off by an outrageous Dylan. 'You think it's easy, to live a monochromatic life! You think it's easy to live when you can't find a shoulder to lean on whenever you are feeling like you are not worth it! You think it's easy to live by your own each and every second.........NO its Not!' it appeared as if Dylan had an outburst of emotions and spoke whatever was chocking him all these years. Norah martins, a fresh graduate, apply for a job in the most popular company of California, ACEDREAM CORP. Getting a job in the most popular company is like a dream come true for her. She dreams of a normal office life and a bit of office romance. But will it be possible? This is because, Dylan Orleans, the ceo of ACEDREAM CORP. is Mr. ICY. The CEO boss everyone dreams of, rich, handsome, an ace in his field. But Mr. CEO has veiled deep secrets. Mr. CEO has never been into relationship when he has line of girls after him. Why is this young ceo so cold? Will Norah have her office romance life? What destiny has planned for both Norah and Dylan? Will Norah be the one who would melt the hard ice of Mr. CEO?

Chapter 1 First interview: All the best Norah

Norah Martin's pov.

'And the Employee of the Year goes to Ms. Norah Martin'. I could hear applauses

everywhere while going to the stage. Those applauses were for me..... I can't

believe I did it. The award was given by none other than the great Dylan Orleans.

He presented me the award. 'Aren't you going to the interview today? You are

dreaming to be the employee of the year even before joining the company? So

pathetic!' he said while smirking. And just then I realized that the applauses slowly

turned into hooting of shaming. A feint sound was coming to my ears of something

very familiar. That's when I realize, it was......


My alarm was ringing. I realized it was all a dream.

'Please.... Let me sleep five more minutes....... Please,' I said while covering my

ears with the pillow. The alarm kept on ringing for the next fifteen minutes.

'Ughh.... Fine, I'm up now,' I said almost ready to throw the clock away but......

'Oh shit! I am going to be late and that too TODAY.' I ruffled my messy hair in

frustration and rushed towards the bathroom in a hurry, almost tripping myself

over the rug. I freshened up really quickly as if I got flash's power in me. Today is

my first ever job interview of my life after I graduated from the university. I quickly

went up to my closet and wore the outfit; I picked out last night for today. It was a

formal black suit. I did my hair into a high ponytail because it looks so smart. I put

on some light makeup so that it looks very formal and not overdone. I had already

packed my bag last night; luckily! I checked it for the last time and rushed

downstairs. As I live alone, I take breakfast when I feel like, so no nagging in the

morning. I grabbed a can of cold coffee as I have no time for either making it or

buying it, so I had to manage with this. I also took an energy bar as I don't want to

suffer from a growling stomach amidst the interview. I wore my heels and locked

the door of my house as my cab was already here. I basically asked the driver to

rush there. After a ride of 30 minutes, I finally reached the company. I paid the

cab and turned my heels towards the company, facing the entrance of the

company. 'That's something really huge!' I said admiring the grandeur of the

exterior of the firm. 'phew... that was close!' I spoke to myself as I looked at my

watch and realized that I arrived in time. I was calming down and preparing myself

for the interview, only to witness a group of girls entering the company, dressed as

if they are here to impress the CEO, Dylan Orleans, and not for a job. I mean

impressing Dylan Orleans is a great achievement and I also want to do that but not

like them, by being all seductive but by my work at the job. Well, I refer brains over


Okay, enough of judging them, we need to not to mess up this interview, Norah,

all the best.' I said to myself as I took a long deep breath and went in. entering the

lobby, I saw the reception desk and went towards it.

'Excuse me?' I asked the girl at the reception. 'Yes ma'am, how may I help you?'

replied the girl in a very polite manner.

'My name is Norah Martins and I am here for the job interview today. Can you

please tell me where is it and on which floor?' I asked the girl.

'Sure ma'am, just give me a moment please.' The girl said before checking on her

computer. 'ma'am, you have your interview in the meeting room on the tenth

floor. You can go straight from here and turn left as you reach the corridor, you

will find the elevator there,' the girl said with a pleasing smile. 'Also, mam, there's a

slight change in the recruiting process,' she continued. 'A change,' I repeated in

astonishment. 'Yes ma'am, you need to go through two step recruiting process.

Firstly, you will have to pass a test for dealing with people and if you manage to

succeed in the test, you will have to face the CEO for the second test,' she said in a

way so that it would appear in a less stressful way. 'But there isn't any information

given to us regarding the change you mentioned,' I said in shocked state almost

freaking out. 'Ma'am this is because our CEO wanted to deal with you all

personally and therefore, there was no information given,' she said in a very formal

manner. 'However, this information was supposed to be given to you once you

reach the interview area but I felt that I should tell you, as you seem a good

person,' she continued with a warm smile. I thanked her for her kindness and

headed towards the elevator.

As I entered the elevator, I saw the girls from earlier. I just ignored them and

entered the elevator, well that's something anyone would do. It was on the fourth

floor when they spoke something that caught my attention. 'You know, the ceo is

very cold and rude,' one of the girls commented. 'Of course, we know that, Stacy!

He is Dylan Orleans after all, everyone knows about him,' another girl replied. 'But

who cares if he is rude or cold, he is man and we all know that these men are the

same. We can simply seduce him during our interview and just for that we

pampered ourselves so much, isn't it?' the third girl said in a flirty manner. 'Yeah I

agree Sarah! Whether its Dylan Orleans or a normal man, all are same, ha-ha,' one

of them replied mockingly.

I heard their talks very clearly and understood what they are up to. Well I don't

care about their perspective. I believe in capability. If I am capable of this job, no

matter how much they seduce him, I'll get this job. Around these girls, I feel like I

am confident but deep inside I know I may fuck it up.

Little did I know, it was almost the tenth floor. I was so lost in my thoughts that I lost the track of time. 'Ding' the elevator made this sound notifying that it's the tenth floor already. Those flirty girls hurriedly rushed out of the elevator almost pushing me in the corner of the elevator. 'Geez, are they going for an interview or for a sale in the makeup store?' I said while being shocked by their actions. I

adjusted my outfit for the last time and took a deep breath. 'Pheww.... Okay Norah, you can do it!' I cheered myself up and went to face the interview.

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